View Full Version : Quicktime vs Windows Media Exports

Christopher Glaeser
July 25th, 2007, 11:30 PM
When exporting video from a Canon XL H1 and CFHD, the Windows Media files look great, with rich colors and good contrast. The colors of my Quicktime exports always look washed out with poor contrast. Any suggestions on how to improve my Quicktime exports?


David Taylor
July 26th, 2007, 12:21 AM
QuickTime has well-known (and frustrating) gamma differences - the infamous 1.8 versus 2.2 gamma issue.

First question - I assume you're exporting to MOV because you want to move the files to FCP? If so, you can correct the gamma problem in FCP by applying a levels adjustment of 0.82 on the MOV files. This will correct the gamma difference - lightening the dark clips.

But...we may have a fix for this anyway coming shortly. The fix may first appear in Prospect HD and Prospect 2K, but will then roll quickly into all or products when we confirm the fix. We have made some adjustments to the QuickTime mux to eliminate the natural tendency for gamma differences between the platforms. It seems to work - we'll be doing more testing tomorrow and will include it in the next releases of all our products.