Thy Trinh
July 24th, 2007, 09:30 PM
I thought somebody said that the Panasonic Plasma TV can play the AVCHD files if you put the files in the SD card and insert it into the SD card slot?
I have been searching the net to confirm it but couldn't find where I found that information originally.
Michal Polak
August 27th, 2007, 11:43 PM
Yes, I have Panasonic FullHD Plasma TV with SD card slot.
There is support for AVCHD.
I can in slot play MPEG2 movies, JPEG Photos.
But AVCHD files I can not do to play!
I think that they must be recorded from PANASONIC HD cam to SD card.
Then it will do.
I am searchnig more infos how to do it.
I have *.M2T HD cam files, but TV shows "not movies on card".
My local PANASONIC tech support dont knows.
Barry Green
August 28th, 2007, 10:08 AM
Panasonic's NAB presentation said as such. Might need to have the newest models, but they specifically said that you could pull the SD card out of an AVC-HD camcorder and plug it into the SD slot on their plasmas and play it directly.
Michal Polak
August 30th, 2007, 03:28 AM
I have newest 42pz700.
Panasonic writtes that it plays AVCHD files - no only AVCHD files from Panasonic cameras !
I hope I will can play any files.
I do not have HD camera and sample HD videos it do not play.
Maybe is it because TV is searching specific names of directories and supporting files.
Could anybody little (5 sec) sample HD video from Panasonic videocam SD-1 pack whole content of SD-card, please ?
Mike Brand
May 31st, 2008, 12:57 PM
Are there currently any LCD's/plasmas on the market today that will play back AVCHD from an SD card?
Mike Brand
Jim Babcock
June 3rd, 2008, 09:57 PM
I have a Panasonic 50" Plasma 1080p with a SDHC memory slot. Though there's a little weirdness, (sometimes I have to, in effect, reboot) it plays fine. The image actually looks BETTER than what I get after transferring to ProRes on a 30" Cinema Display. Pity I can't just archive the cards!
Jim B
Dave Rosky
June 3rd, 2008, 10:56 PM
I have a Panasonic 50" Plasma 1080p with a SDHC memory slot. Though there's a little weirdness, (sometimes I have to, in effect, reboot) it plays fine. The image actually looks BETTER than what I get after transferring to ProRes on a 30" Cinema Display. Pity I can't just archive the cards!
Jim B
There's probably no reason you couldn't archive the cards to hard disk, although you might have to to it in such a way that the directory structure of the card remains intact when you re-transfer it back to a card for viewing since the firmware in the TV most likely expects to find the MTS files in a specific location in the file hierarchy.
David Kennett
June 4th, 2008, 02:48 PM
My Panasonic SD5 instructions state that AVCHD cards can be played on Pany TH-50PZ750U and TH-58PZ750U TVs. Keep in mint that AVCHD is not just a file type, but a complete folder structure. And that structure is different for HDD and removeable media. The software that came with my camera takes care of that, and cautions you NOT to just copy files and folders using windows explorer.
There is much to learn about AVCHD, but it has much to offer. For instance, I can copy edited stuff back to SD card (or the bundled DVD burner), then play it through the camera's HDMI or component out in HD. This works well with the cuts-only editing from Pany, but should work with other AVCHD editors IF the total folder and file structure is maintained.
I'm still learning!
Good luck!