View Full Version : Kevin Railsback! Calling for your feedback thread!

Gabriel Yeager
July 24th, 2007, 08:44 PM
Come on man! This entry was awesome!!!

Okay, if I made one for mine, I think you could make one for yours! My camera never moved. Yours was awesome!

Do you have any idea how much I would have given to get one of those shots??? It was so beautiful! You told the story so nicely!

So come one, make a feedback thread! I think other people would like to comment on your video as well! Am I right?!?


Kevin Railsback
July 24th, 2007, 08:55 PM
Nah, it was just a bunch of eye candy thrown together in an hour. There's no story.

The first five shots I never even left my yard. :)

Come on out to Iowa sometime, I'll take ya shooting around the area.

Gabriel Yeager
July 24th, 2007, 09:03 PM
hahaha, we like eye candy! Sure there is.. the clouds form, it rains, runs into streams, then rivers, then the big final - the ocean. Then it forms into clouds again. :) I would say that is a story...

Hah, thats nice!

Sounds cool! Maybe I'll do that when I become a confident driver.. Ha, wait, I still have to get my license and car... That might take a little bit... haha. Would love to do it though!


Marco Wagner
July 24th, 2007, 09:10 PM

That was amazing, high up on the list! One question, where did you shoot the sea shots, not Iowa right?

Kevin Railsback
July 24th, 2007, 09:21 PM
Don't drive man, FLY! At my age it takes me two days to drive to Yellowstone anymore.
I can leave Iowa in the morning and be shooting in Yellowstone before the sun sets. :)

Maybe I'll be in your neck of the woods some day. Have to go to California Sunday then off to Yellowstone again in September.

Are you far from Seattle? I know Barry Green has talked about doing a Bootcamp up there. Maybe we can twist his arm to bring me along for a field day of shooting! :)

Kevin Railsback
July 24th, 2007, 09:22 PM
You must have a pretty short list for it to be high up on it. :)

Anyway, the theme was announced while I was in Laguna Beach. You don't think we have scenes like that in Iowa? :)

Gabriel Yeager
July 24th, 2007, 09:36 PM
Ha, I guess at that distance, it probably is cheaper to fly.. I just like being on the rode... :)

That would be cool.. Let me know if you do, maybe we could hook up.

I am not to far. I lived there a few years back.. All I have to do is head straight up the I5. Or take the train. A friend of mine did that last week.. Worked out nice...
I'll have to find out more about this.. Sounds interesting. :D


Bruce Foreman
July 24th, 2007, 11:19 PM
Nah, it was just a bunch of eye candy thrown together in an hour. There's no story.

The first five shots I never even left my yard. :)

Kevin, that is definitely eye candy.

But it worked for me. Talked to me. From the intro with clouds and thunder, the rain falling and the ladybug on the blade of green. The rivers flowing, ever changing look but all done with POWERFUL colors. The flow finally touching sand and climaxed with West coast and surf. Vibrant and ever stronger.

I know sometimes it doesn't do what we want it to, we feel as we master a craft that we ought to be able to manipulate it at will, but sometimes that just doesn't work for us in our mind.

What we want so much to follow our design leaves us feeling like we lacked something. I've done portraits that left me feeling like that and offered no charge resittings only to have my customers turn that down because they really liked what I turned up with.

Eye candy it may be. But what eye candy!

Kevin, the editing is super, the whole thing flows like the water, the music is a perfect complement.

You wanna talk about something "thrown together? Mine was thrown together and looks it to me. I'm gonna watch yours several more times over quite a period.

I liked it a lot!

Kevin Railsback
July 25th, 2007, 05:06 AM

I learned long ago that I don't master this craft. :)

Maybe it's because I really don;t feel like I earned this one.

I mean I was at Laguna, Huntington and Newport beaches when the theme was announced. The first 5 shots were in my back yard and the rest was at good old Indian Creek where I shoot most of my water stuff.

Sure it's nice that it seemed to fall into place but I really didn;t do anything on this one and maybe that's what's buggin me.

Glad you liked it anyway.

Catherine Russell
July 25th, 2007, 08:37 AM
Hi guys:

It looks to me that this is turning into Kevin's feedback thread. Nice job Gabe. So Kevin, you can't escape it... we are all enjoying your film! And as for the first 5 shots done in your backyard.... I think Rob Evans did that last time and one the contest!


Rob Evans
July 25th, 2007, 09:45 AM
Definatley eye candy for my visual "sweet tooth" ;-)

It's pretty much a nicely woven succession of perfect shots, picked up beautifully to the music. I love rocky shores like that and you got the timing just right for the light, it really brought out the perspective. And the ending shot of the water sinking into the sand, was amazing.

Nice work. One of my faves ;-)

Dale Guthormsen
July 25th, 2007, 02:49 PM

If you can throw this together in two hours I think I better toss in the towel and try something else!!

Terrific job inspite of the time thing!!!

Kevin Railsback
July 25th, 2007, 03:35 PM
Way to go Gabriel. Look what you started now. :)

Watch, I'll be pleased as punch about my UWOL#5 entry and everyone will say they liked this one better. :)

Gabriel Yeager
July 25th, 2007, 03:44 PM
Way to go Gabriel. Look what you started now. :)

Watch, I'll be pleased as punch about my UWOL#5 entry and everyone will say they liked this one better. :)

Hahaha! :)

Ha, wouldn't that be something? I doubt it will happen though... I think we all like your entry's!


Lisa Shofner
July 25th, 2007, 04:07 PM
Way to go Gabriel. Look what you started now. :)

It's funny, if he hadn't done it - I was about to make a thread for you too.

I just wanted to say that I really liked your video. The brightness and crispness just blew me away. I see what you are saying about the lack of story, it did seem to just kinda end, but what was there looked great and I thought the story was moving along pretty well.

I guess it was more one of those "editing" jobs versus a film that was planned and shot. Creating a film to match a theme with just editing some footage can be a challenge for sure.

Kevin Railsback
July 25th, 2007, 06:24 PM
Lisa, There really wasn't much in the way of editing. When I returned from California, my wife wanted to see if I had any good footage.

So I laid down a few clips from the trip and that with the exception of two shots that was what I laid down from 1:00 on.

It literally took about ten minutes to lay those tracks down.

That's where the film sat until this past Sunday.

I went out a couple times, about dunked my camera in Indian Creek and grabbed a few shots here and there.

Still didn't have the beginning of the film.

So, while I was working with my business partner on her last day in Iowa, I went out in the back yard and got the rest of the shots.

I filmed that final sunset shot around 8-8:30. Went into the office, Julie sat down next to me, I grabbed about 10 clips, laid them down and that was it.

Who knows, maybe I think to much and need to think less when I'm putting this stuff together. :)

Geir Inge
July 26th, 2007, 06:27 AM
Hi Kevin.
A blessing for my soul this one.
Great colors, and scenery, and the piano, following the water all the way to the sea.
You’re a great editor Kevin.

Geir Inge

Per Johan Naesje
July 26th, 2007, 07:32 AM
you have truly a very good look for good pictures. The slowmotion of the sea waves was stunning, so was the lights in the skies. This was a very amazing journey of water which I wanted to go on and on...
Very nice editing and music.

Gordon Hoffman
July 26th, 2007, 08:45 AM
Easy or not I think you have an excellent piece here. Your HVX does a nice job on timelapse. Do you shoot alot of you stuff at 24p or edit it that way?

Gordon Hoffman

Jeff Hendricks
July 26th, 2007, 09:53 AM

I have said this before; I am a big fan of your stuff. You capture nature in its finest hour with such grace and delicacy. The pictures are beautiful to see and you make the viewer feel so close and captivated by your images that one can almost smell the salty air and feel the sea breeze.

The pacing is perfect and the images are perfect. You have a rare eye in filmmaking that many could learn from…especially me.


Mark Williams
July 26th, 2007, 10:13 AM

Really nice flow. Kind of like visual poetry. You have a good eye for composition.


Bob Safay
July 26th, 2007, 02:40 PM
Kevin, beautiful footage. Slow mothion was very pleasing to the eye and the clouds and the sea were mesmerizing. We kind of had the same theme but yours came out so much better. A great job. Bob

David Gemmell
July 26th, 2007, 04:52 PM

You are so talented and clearly have such high standards. I just loved your entry.

Your choice of music, combined with the thunder at the start was so powerful - although I did think you missed a wonderful opportunity with the wave hitting the rocks as the music built up to the high point (it would have worked better with a big explosive wave hitting the rocks with water filling the screen).

The clarity and colour of your scenes - along with the slow motion is perfect (as it always is with your work). My wife and I watched your movie a few times, simply because it flowed so nicely, sounded great and had such powerful and emotive scenes.
I personally think this is the winning entry.

Chris Barcellos
July 27th, 2007, 12:38 AM
Another super job Kevin. Would like to learn to make that kind of eyecandy. Gives us all something to shoot for.

Vidar Vedaa
July 27th, 2007, 05:21 AM
From my eay this film was realy fabules I like the style on the movie.
And the cuting on the film.I am short my english is not so good.

Kevin Railsback
July 28th, 2007, 11:09 AM

As Mat will tell you, I shoot almost everything in slow-motion. :)

It's all 60fps put on a 24p timeline so it plays back at 2.5X slower than real time.

I have my camera set up so that when I turn it on, it automatically defaults to 60fps. I just love being able to really see something unfold that normally happens so quickly. It gives me the time to really appreciate it.


Thanks. Maybe I should come out with a DVD of how I film nature. :)

I sure wish I would have been able to use this shot in the film though!

Trond Saetre
July 29th, 2007, 02:40 AM
Kevin, you made a really good film!
And the sunset was fantastic! Loved it.

Ruth Happel
July 31st, 2007, 02:45 PM

As always, you have such a great sense of composition and flow. It was a joy to watch.
