View Full Version : UWOL #4 - "Water Mystic" by Gabriel Yeager

Gabriel Yeager
July 24th, 2007, 02:02 PM
Hello everyone!

Here is the links to my short little entry:
UWOL site download:

They are both the same file.. And the YouTube version looks pretty good and does not require a download, thats why I put it up. Nice a simple that way.
Its only 18.4 MB - 58 seconds long.

Its nothing special. It was mostly just to keep myself out of the 'Tank.
Well I was at it, I thought I would take Meryem up on the her:

there is no such thing as boring video, there are only boring editors. :-)

So yeah, I hope you enjoy! Sorry for the Lame-o music. The intro was my doing, but then it was all loops...

So please feel free to leave comments/suggestions, and rate/comment if you have a YouTube account. Thank you!

PS: I will be getting around to watching everyones entry's really soon! Sorry for the delay...

Dale Guthormsen
July 24th, 2007, 02:10 PM

I actually had some original thoughts along the same line as yours. the plan was to slightly dye the water blue so it is more visible, poor it into a container, then get to the editor and slow the motion down to show the droplets and such. As it turned out I went another direction.

I think that it would have been cool to zoom the vase with the die moving so that you did not even have the container. It would have looked liked a wma visual display. another thought, you might have copied the clip and then attacked it with your editor changing the rgb values, looping it, overlapping it with cross disolves of opacity levels changing as the color changes.

of course all that takes time.

thanks for putting it on!

Gabriel Yeager
July 24th, 2007, 02:16 PM
Hey Dale! Thanks for the fast Feed back.

I believe I actually got the idea from Kevin Railsback. Thank you very much for that!

Yes, that would have been a good idea. I tried doing that at one point, but it showed the reflections so much, and I did not have access to a white/black room of any sorts. So thats why I did not have it close.

Also, this was all done on a old version of iMovie. So I could pretty much not do anything more then what you saw in that video as far as iMovie goes.. I pretty much pushed it to its limits.


Catherine Russell
July 24th, 2007, 02:38 PM
Hi Gabriel:

Nice job putting this up after so much trouble getting started. You did it! You got something in even when it didn't feel right. And it brought a smile to my face! You're still in the running for that t-shirt. Not bad!

Cat Russell

Kevin Railsback
July 24th, 2007, 03:23 PM

Yours was the first film I watch cause I wanted to see what you came up with.

As always, congrats on finishing the film. That's always an accomplishment as I'm sure you found out. :)

You took a simple idea and made it fun.

Couple things maybe I'd try if it were possible:

Move in closer to the water.

What would happen if you turned off the lights and lit the water with a flashlight?

Try placing a drop of blue in one end of the water and a drop of yellow in the opposite side. Film them combining into green as they swirl around.

What if you stirred up the water into a little whirlpool and then put a drop inside the vortex?

Black light, glowing paint. Need I say more. :)

I'm glad you hung in there and came up with something.
It's not your best work cause we know from the last challenge what you are capable of but you did make a fun film.

Gabriel Yeager
July 24th, 2007, 03:45 PM
Thanks you two!!

Haha, yup! Staying in the run for the shirt!
Glad I made someone smile. :)

Thanks Kevin, for the ideas...
Haha, I am liking the black-light idea...

Thanks for the words guys! I look forward to seeing all the entry's!

Bruce Foreman
July 24th, 2007, 05:08 PM
I didn't see a feedback thread for yours when I watched it (I almost started one for you).

You turned up with something really visually interesting, dye swirling into clear water is always partially hypnotizing.

What you did considering where you thought you were headed turned out quite well, nicely done. I liked it.

OK...Bit of advice for the next one. No matter how blank inspiration seems, point your camcorder at SOMETHING even if it doesn't seem like much can come of it. You are not locked in to anything started and often one thing leads to another and in the meantime you are sharpening you visual perceptions

Gabriel Yeager
July 24th, 2007, 07:59 PM
Hey Bruce, thanks for the feedback!

haha, yeah.. I thought it was somewhat hypnotizing... And it was a lot of desperateness involved.. lol.

Thanks for the advice! I'll keep that in mind for next time.


Marco Wagner
July 24th, 2007, 08:03 PM
Crazy water and jar effects, natural too. I liked it for what it's worth, at least you posted something, that's how I feel. Well done!

Brian McKay
July 25th, 2007, 05:28 AM
hello gabriel:

i knew you would come through, it was fun to watch. you gave me an idea for a few things to try on one of those long winter nights of mine.


Jeff Hendricks
July 25th, 2007, 09:33 AM

Short, fun to watch, captivating, good music...what else could a person want?

Now if you can get some extreme close-ups of the water and the color you will have some great stock footage for titles/transitions/trailers just like the stuff you can buy from the websites for hundreds of bucks.

Nice job...and one of the most memorable. It was different and it stood out.


Gabriel Yeager
July 25th, 2007, 10:53 AM
Thanks guys!

Haha, there ya go! Maybe you should try that with hot water. lol.

It was different and it stood out.

Haha, I seem to have that effect... I am not sure if it is such a good thing... hahaha.

Thanks guys! I am heading off to start downloading all the films. Can't wait to see them!

Kevin Railsback
July 25th, 2007, 03:05 PM
It's always a good thing to stand out from the pack. :)

Geir Inge
July 26th, 2007, 04:35 AM
Hi Gabriel.
I’ve been sleeping for a couple of hours, but not for long. I had to see the uwol4 videos :)
And as always I watch your film first. Maybe it’s because working with youths 13 – 25/age, I know the freshness, fantasy and enthusiasm is pulsating all the time. It makes us ”older” guys come alive :) The music was awsome and fit the pictures. From beeing the one with no ideas I think you’ve done pretty well. And it’s about water allright and most of all; it's about trying to make something out of it.

Geir Inge

David Gemmell
July 26th, 2007, 05:03 AM
I too enjoyed this simple, visually stimulating approach - as well as your editing effects.
Well done Gabriel on getting your entry through.

Per Johan Naesje
July 26th, 2007, 07:42 AM
Gabriel, very simple but still facinating to watch. Others have commented things to enhange. But I liked it very much.

Gordon Hoffman
July 26th, 2007, 08:37 AM
I finally got to town so I could get on high speed to down load all the entries and had to see what you came up with. I always find it hard to get ideas to work with a theme. I think you did alright on this one.

Gordon Hoffman

Mat Thompson
July 26th, 2007, 10:58 AM
A simple idea but very well crafted and well done for hanging in there and not taking a swim with the Sharks :-) !

I think the choice of sound track was great and the reverse footage was interesting...creative stuff!

Nice one :-)

Gabriel Yeager
July 26th, 2007, 11:50 AM
Thank you everyone, for all your comments and kind words!!

I have all of the videos downloaded, now I just need to take the time to watch them! I manage to get a few in last night, but I still have a ways to go..

Best of luck everyone! And thanks again for watching!

A simple idea but very well crafted and well done for hanging in there and not taking a swim with the Sharks :-) !

Haha, yeah. Except, I think in my case, it would be drowning... lol!

I look forward to all the videos and the next challenge!

John Dennis Robertson
July 26th, 2007, 01:50 PM
For someone that was thinking about not filming anything,I am glad u did....very clever,wish I had thought of it

Bob Safay
July 26th, 2007, 02:30 PM
Gab, that was really interesting, a theme I would have never though of. My wife said to tell you she thought it was great. Very well done. Bob Safay

Gabriel Yeager
July 26th, 2007, 02:40 PM
Thank you guys!
And thank you Mrs. Safay!

I am taking a break now, but I will get back to viewing and commenting on all your guys' films later!

I look forward to the next one.

Rob Evans
July 26th, 2007, 02:49 PM
Hey Gabe, that was cool.
Don't ever let anything stop you looking around for creativity and inspiration - it's everywhere ;-)

Trond Saetre
July 28th, 2007, 01:14 PM
Thank you for being original and for making something different.
I enjoyed watching your film.

Ruth Happel
July 31st, 2007, 02:25 PM

I enjoyed watching this, very abstract take on the theme, but fun. You have a creative imagination, which is great for this competition.
