View Full Version : UWOL #4 "Water" by Barbara Cole

Barbara Cole
July 24th, 2007, 09:48 AM
HI, this is my first time putting something together for the UWOL. I must say that since I was a senior in high school when President Kennedy was shot that I feel old compared to most of you. This contest did make me get off the couch and film something. I used two different cameras, the shots underwater and attached to my car were done with a Pany GS-120 and the rest with my Z-1. I think I would delete the last scene if I had thought about it more. But I always seem to feel that my films need to say something. Real catchy title too.

Dale Guthormsen
July 24th, 2007, 01:16 PM
Good afernoon,

you have some great watfall shots. what shutter speed and aperature were you shooting at?

My only issue is with direction. you had everything moving left. I was anticipating something to happen or conclude in that direction. then we were looking back to the right and nothing really happened. you had huge anticipation going there, would have been great to optimize it!!!!

I very much enjoyed your work.

Barbara Cole
July 24th, 2007, 01:26 PM
Thanks, I will check my notes about the water fall and let you know.

Catherine Russell
July 25th, 2007, 09:26 AM
Hi Barbara:

Welcome to the UWOL family! Very interesting and thought provoking film! It's the kind of movie that I think everyone will take something different out of it or read something different into it. You said that you feel compelled to have your movies say something and get a message across. I think you have done more than that here... You have put out something that lends itself to discussion and personal interpretation rather than just spoon feeding us a message.

Nice job and look forward to your next piece.

Cat Russell

Gabriel Yeager
July 25th, 2007, 07:56 PM
Hi Barbara.

Ok, some really cool shots in there. And I swear (thats something I don't say much), that I have been to all the locations that you used in the film except for the Canon one.

Cool video! I liked the car footage, looked nice..
I was a little lost on the story, but it was still cool to see some places I have not been to in a long time, others were just last month. lol!

Cool, stuff! Keep up the good work!

Geir Inge
July 26th, 2007, 04:38 AM
Hi Barbara.
The intro with the two girls, the waterfall and music is excellent, a bit dark at some places though. The music together with the mountain/waterfall clips gave it a majestetic feeling, just as we want to see our nature. Pure!
Then it poped into changes between water, man, city and vehicles. Great editing and it fits the music. I like your way of showing the water topic and I agreed, we have to take care.

Geir Inge

Jeff Hendricks
July 28th, 2007, 08:50 AM artsy fartsy piece. I felt like I was watching an avant-garde film at an art college or something. Interesting approach…

I think a little more forethought into your shots would have made it a little more clear to the audience. For example having similar transitions (the disappearing effect) common (it is what I wanted to see when the guy walked into the water with his shoes on). Also make it clear why you were showing the car shots (sage advice; don’t include something in a film just because it looks cool, there needs to be a reason for it...I have the same problem and constantly find my self having internal arguments over it). The car shots looked really good though.

Anyway, cool piece, different, with a good message at the end.


Meryem Ersoz
July 28th, 2007, 10:22 AM
hi barbara: welcome to UWOL. you're never too old to make cool videos! or get addicted to new gear!

John Dennis Robertson
July 28th, 2007, 02:23 PM
Interesting video, I really enjoyed watching it.

Ruth Happel
July 31st, 2007, 01:57 PM
Thanks, I am not sure if I had the same ending in mind as you, but it was definitely food for thought, which I like. and I enjoyed the footage since much of it was in and around my neck of the woods. Great job- hope to see you in future UWOL contests.


Bruce Foreman
July 31st, 2007, 08:49 PM
A very interesting arrangement of well composed, colorful visuals and music. There was no chance of anything dragging, the editing and flow moved very quickly.

I enjoyed it.

Trond Saetre
August 1st, 2007, 02:02 PM
Barbara, welcome to the UWOL family!

You had a really nice and interesting film.
I enjoyed watching it.

Hope you will stay with us in the future challenges!
Looking forward to see more of your films.

Per Johan Naesje
August 5th, 2007, 05:53 AM
Barbara, first of all sorry for my late comment!
I think you got some stunning shoots but I was lost a bit in your story. Anyway, you gave me some inspiration in the way you shoot some of your scenes. Hope you continue to join us in this community

Marco Wagner
August 29th, 2007, 07:44 PM
Finally catching up. Great video, it flowed nicely and I really like the colors.