Jeff Harper
July 23rd, 2007, 05:08 AM
File size when I capture footage from my PD170 is around 9Gb an hour. However my new cameraman says when he captures footage (he uses Pinnacle) it only takes up around 5Gb an hour.
His camera is a GL2.
I want him to capture to a portable hard drive so that I can edit the footage, but am concerned about the quality of his footage.
Any ideas as to the reason for the differences in file size?
George Wing
July 23rd, 2007, 05:19 AM
File size when I capture footage from my PD170 is around 9Gb an hour. However my new cameraman says when he captures footage (he uses Pinnacle) it only takes up around 5Gb an hour.
His camera is a GL2.
I want him to capture to a portable hard drive so that I can edit the footage, but am concerned about the quality of his footage.
Any ideas as to the reason for the differences in file size?
Doesn't sound like you guys are transferring the original footage in its recorded format. On the PC, I would transfer the DV .avi, and it would be around ~13gb per hour. It is the video as it was recorded. Depending on DV Type, you *might* get slightly different filesizes (DV Type-2 perhaps slightly larger than DV Type-1). But BOTH being ~13gb per hour.
Check the properties of your 9gb capture, and also check the properties of the 5gb capture -- they must be going through an on-the-fly conversion to a more compressed format...
Jeff Harper
July 23rd, 2007, 05:25 AM
Through all the versions of Vegas I have used (6 and up) DV footage has captured the same size (9-10 Gb) using the default settings.
I will check the properties next time I capture though thanks!
I am even more concerned about the quality of my cameraman's footage....5Gb file size is clearly way off.
Bill Watson
July 23rd, 2007, 05:38 AM
All my captured footage has been at 13Gb/hr.
Must be some sort of down-conversion at play there.
Edward Troxel
July 23rd, 2007, 07:38 AM
9-10 Gig is also way off. DV footage is between 12 and 13 Gig/hour - period.
Now, if you're only capturing 45 minutes, 9-10 Gig would be about right.
As everyone has said so far, make sure you're all on the same page and everyone is capturing DV-AVI.
Terry Esslinger
July 23rd, 2007, 10:37 AM
If you are shooting with a GL2 and capturing straigbht to Vegas via firewire how could you capture anything but DV.avi type 2?
George Wing
July 23rd, 2007, 10:52 AM
If you are shooting with a GL2 and capturing straigbht to Vegas via firewire how could you capture anything but DV.avi type 2?
From the original post, the GL2 belongs to the cameraman, and he uses Pinnacle...
Mike Kujbida
July 23rd, 2007, 10:57 AM
If you are shooting with a GL2 and capturing straigbht to Vegas via firewire how could you capture anything but DV.avi type 2?
If you're using Vegas, this is correct.
Iin his original post though, Jeff said:
"However my new cameraman says when he captures footage (he uses Pinnacle) it only takes up around 5Gb an hour."
This leads me to suspect that his cameraman is NOT using DV-AVI as a capture setting.
I've never used anything from Pinnacle so I have no idea why his file size is so small.
Jeff Harper
July 23rd, 2007, 11:00 AM
Thank you gentlemen...I have found that I do capture at about 13 gigs an hour...most clips are under an hour and I mentally just rounded I guess the issue lies with just my shooter...