View Full Version : Problems Rendering

Gary Kaye
July 22nd, 2007, 09:57 AM
Hi, I am new to Sony Vegas and I'm using version 7.0e. I am running Windows XP Professional.

I have a Sony HDR-SR8 video camera which records in the AVCHD format. When editing video in Vegas, there is no problem, but I want to prepare the video to bring into DVD Architect, so the options I chose on the Render screen are as follows:

Save as type: MainConcept MPEG-2
Template: DVD Architect NTSC video stream

The render completes, but when I double click on the MPEG file in the directory, Windows media player brings up the video and it is purple. Why would it be purple?

I also tried to render the video using MPEG-1. When I click on the MPEG file, Windows media player brings up the video and it's dark.

What am I doing wrong? Any help would be appreciated.



Paul Kepen
July 22nd, 2007, 12:48 PM
Hi Gary. It sounds like you have the correct template for DVD Architect. I have a Sony HC-1 HDV, so it is mpeg 2, where as your camera is the AVCHD format. I don't think there is an issue with the AVCHD format, but it is possible. I think more likely it is a Windows Media Player issue. Have you tried a different media player? The VLC media player is a free download and seems to work with many files that Win Media player doesn't. Give it a try, I've had similar weird playback with Win Meida Player, but there was nothing wrong with the mpeg file when I played it with VLC, or the DVD from DVD Architect. Good Luck - PK

Gary Kaye
July 22nd, 2007, 03:48 PM

Thanks for the reply. You are correct, the MPEG-2 does work in DVD Architect. I was playing around with it and everything seems fine. I don't have another media player so that's OK. I just thought it was weird that it created an MPEG file and it looked weird in WMP.

I am now trying to figure out how transitions work!


Mike Kujbida
July 22nd, 2007, 04:41 PM
I am now trying to figure out how transitions work!

Drag clip 2 backwards over top of clip 1.
You'll see an X appear. This is the transition. The longer you drag it backwards, the longer the transition time will be.
The default transition is a dissolve (fade from clip1 to clip 2).
To experiment with other transitions, click the "Transitions" tab, select which one you want to use and drag it over top of the X.
Hint #1: To avoid having the "Video Event FX" pop up every time you drag a new transition up, hold down the Shift key and then drag it up.
To see what the transition looks like, doubl-click the X area and hit Play.
Hint #2: To play repeatedly, click the "Loop Playback" button on the Timeline control area. With this selected, the effect will play over and over until you stop it.
Hint #3: While this is happening, you can use Hint #1 to drag different transitions up to see what they look like.
Hint #4: If you want to see a bit more of the FX (i.e. more time before and after it happens) drag the highlighted area out as desired.

There's a lot more to transitions but this will get you started. Happy editing :-)