Steven Taylor
July 18th, 2007, 06:16 AM
Hi all,
I should be getting my A1 tomorrow. I'm looking around for a tripod and I know that in the near future I will be getting a Letus35.
What kind of weight is the A1 + Letus35 + large 35mm lens?
I guess I should be factoring in an LCD screen and support for the Letus too.
I was thinking of getting a Manfrotto 503HD.
Steven Taylor
July 18th, 2007, 08:30 AM
The Letus35 Flip Enhanced that is...
Steven Dempsey
July 18th, 2007, 09:56 AM
Yes, that tripod will be more than adequate. The Letus weighs about one pound (I'm guessing here) and lenses vary but still well within the load bearing limit of the Manfrotto (which I believe is around 13 pounds).
The A1 is just under 5 pounds...
Steven Taylor
July 19th, 2007, 06:22 AM
Many thanks Steven.. How are you supporting the Letus + Lens out of interest? do you have a photo of your rig online?
Steven Dempsey
July 19th, 2007, 08:02 AM
The Letus is compact enough that I don't use rods and just support it with my hand, like so:
Steven Taylor
July 19th, 2007, 08:22 AM
Oh ok.. that's interesting. What about for tripod work?
Blake Calhoun
July 19th, 2007, 06:25 PM
While the Letus FE setup is fairly light, I personally use a Cartoni C-20 head (100mm bowl) and carbon graphite legs for support. It's a very expensive tripod that I've had for several years for use with larger broadcast cameras - but I like having the extra support, weight, etc. since I do not use rails with the Letus either.
I also have an inexpensive Libec tripod and have considered trying it, but I'm kinda afraid. :)