Jim Gunn
July 18th, 2007, 02:28 AM
I like to assign custom commands from the lower edge of the keyboard around the space bar, ctrl and alt keys. For example, I am trying to assign alt-right arrow key to "go to next edit point in target track", and alt-left click to "go to previous edit point in target track" in CS3 since I use those a lot, but it gives me a warning message when I try to assign the command. Even though it supposedly works, the keyboard command never seems to "stick". Sometimes it does work, but not consistently. I would really like to make this work since I can increase my editing efficiency with the keyboard like that. Can someone else maybe try this to see if it's just my issue?
Steven Gotz
July 18th, 2007, 07:54 AM
The "Alt-Right Arrow" is a menu accelerator. So that is one problem.
That command is also the way to nudge a selected clip to the right. I believe that the right arrow is actually a combination of keystrokes all by itself. So that could be the issue that makes it nudge clips.
You may just have to find something other that that combination.
How about this: In the JKL combinations used while playing a clip, the "L" key is fast forward. Meaning go faster to the right. Let's extend out the metaphor.
How about using Alt-L to go to the right? I just tested that and it worked. Then you could use Alt-J to go to the previous edit point on the target track.
Bart Walczak
July 19th, 2007, 04:32 AM
I've been using Alt+PgUp and Alt+PgDn succesfully. It is especially nice, since PgUp and PgDn will move you to the next/previous edit point on any track.
Jim Gunn
July 22nd, 2007, 12:33 AM
Thanks for the suggestions, but most of those key combos you guys suggested are way too far away from my hand positions, which, to remain efficient, I want to stay mostly in place as I review footage on the timeline with my left thumb on the space bar and my left fingers near shift and control on the left, and my right fingers near the arrow keys. That seems like the most natural hand positions to me.
Since shift-right arrow is step forward five steps ( I use it like fast forward), I made ctrl-right arrow to jump to next edit point on the selected track. And while I am at it shift-z is the default video transition and shift-a is the default audio transition. I think that this should be pretty efficient to review and fine tune roughly edited footage.