View Full Version : No Audio during capture FCP 5.1.4

Matthew St. Carrell
July 17th, 2007, 12:15 AM
I have spent a couple hours searching threads to find a solution to an A1 / FCP 5.1.4 capture issue, but nothing has helped so far.

I recently purchased an A1 & shot some footage on it yesterday. The camera is set to 1080i/60i with the down convert turned off (per manual instructions).

When I opened the project in FCP, I did the Easy Setup for HDV.

The capture was glitchy. I would capture "Clip" and half the time I would get a timecode error message. I would just try it again and usually it would begin capture.

No matter what I did, I only got video with no audio.

I tried all the settings on the camera & in FCP that I could to no avail.

I tried to customize my capture preferences too, but the HDV preferences are locked and the Edit & Duplicate buttons are greyed out.

And not only no audio, but the video shows up unrendered on the timeline.

The audio is showing on the meters in FCP and I can hear it coming out of the camera, but none in the captured clips.

Any ideas?

Bill Pryor
July 17th, 2007, 09:59 AM
If your video shows up unrendered, then probably your sequence settings are different from your capture settings. If you're shooting 24F, you also need to be in the 1080P24 capture mode and a 23.98 sequence.

Matthew St. Carrell
July 17th, 2007, 10:34 AM
You are correct about the clips not matching the sequence settings. The sequence was set to DV, even after Easy Setup. After changing the settings, the clips aren't showing up unrendered.

Strange thing is if I try to recapture my clip using batch capture with the existing In/Out points, I only get video. But if I reset the In/Out points an capture clip I get both video and audio.
