October 4th, 2001, 01:23 PM
I am a hobbyist looking to add to my quailty of videos by getting a wireless mic. I'd like one that will not pick up sounds other than from the person wearing the mic. I'm sure there is a "phrase" for that but don't know it. :)
Also, what is better - VHF or UHF and is the difference in price worth it?
I don't want anything "cheap" but don't want to spend a ton of money either.
Thanks in advance.
October 4th, 2001, 02:15 PM
Your choice of wireless mic depends upon how critical your work is. If it's purely hobby and you are working close to the subject with little potential electrical interference, one of the VHF systems may be fine for you.
Over the years, I've gone from 27 Mhz systems (pretty bad) to
VHF systems (NADY 178 Mhz) OK sometimes, but subject to some real interference just when you REALLY need it! to just recently -
the AZDEN UHF 500 system which seems to be a very good choice for weddings.
If you haven't done so, I'd suggest that you take a look at www.azdenusa.com. There you will find a wide selection of VHF and UHF systems and prices (suggest that you also check www.bhphotovideo.com and search for wireless systems. You'll find a wide variety, including the cheaper AZDEN systems and the professional Sony, etc.
If you can borrow a VHS system from someone, give it a try under the conditions you will use it in and move around a lot while monitoring the audio THROUGH THE CAMERA! If you find any interference, you might want to go diretly to the UHF systems. Considerable more money, but cheaper than if buy a VHS system that doesn't work for you. I fine that a diversity UHF work well under just about any condition.
Nathan Gifford
October 4th, 2001, 07:45 PM
The one wireless to avoid is the Sony WCS-999. It looks good on paper, but performs quite poorly. Avoid, avoid, avoid!
You may be able to get by just fine with a Nady. A lot of people like them. Nady even makes UHF units. Other popular mics are the Sampson, Azden, and what I have the Sennheisser.
I really like my Evolution 100. It works quite well with the omni capsule. It sells for $450.
You may want a directional one for your app. You may want to experiment with other wired lavs just to see if a directional unit is what you want.
Nathan Gifford