View Full Version : Another Trash The Dress - Atlantic City

Darrell Aubert
July 13th, 2007, 06:50 PM
Here's what I've put together from the AC TTD shoot.

Some background:

Good Things:
I was cool to have 11, yes thats right, 11 brides to work with. The photographers assigned to each bride were really cool and we all worked well together. The location was cool, beaches are always fun to shoot on. The brides and grooms were all very cool to work with as well. They wanted to be there so it was much easier to work with them

Bad Things:
Having 11 brides! As you'll see in the video there were three brides I had a lot of footage of and 2 or 3 others that I had a few shots. There was just no way to make it to all 11 brides. We were spread out all up and down the boardwalk.
Working with 50 plus photographers. It was their shoot, not mine, so I had to work around them. It was also hard getting creative stuff with people posing.
The weather! Humid as hell and foggy too. You can see the fog really easily in a number of shots. I would have gotten more footage but I was soaked, my camera was soaked, and I got salt water all over me.

For my first TTD shoot, I think I did pretty well. I'd like to have one bride and one photographer to work with however. I think I could have gotten better shots, less "posing shots," if I had more control.

Noa Put
July 14th, 2007, 03:23 AM
It's like you said, it would have been better if you just had one photographer to work with so you could spend more time taking your shots. About halfway your trailer when the couples were standing in the water was a pretty cool view with those waves.
I first heared about this ttd thing last year but it's something that has not reached Belgium yet, in another thread this has also been discussed and especially about it being a waste destroying such a dress but from a creative point of view I think many wedding video- and photographers would like to cover such a shoot.
I think in Belgium they would be to conservative to do something like this, in the Netherlands however they probably wouldn't mind but only if you paid them back the ruined dress :D
Maybe I have to offer a free trash the dress shoot on my site to start the trend here. :)

Rik Sanchez
July 14th, 2007, 08:14 PM
Yeah, 11 brides is a lot of work, running around trying to get enough footage of each one. Good job on the video. I had never heard of Trash the Dress untill I came across this post, These people did a cool job on their TTD shoot. I don't shoot weddings anymore but I wonder if TTD has been done here in Japan.