View Full Version : OT: HV20 settings for indoor/art gallary party

Nathan Shane
July 13th, 2007, 09:27 AM
Okay, I've been invited to attend an opening reception for an art exhibit of local artists and can bring my HV20. I've never been in this kind of environment previously with a camera, does anyone have any setting suggestions for the HV20?

I may eventually use some of the footage for an online video short featuring my artist friend that is exhibiting there. I'll have the HV20 only - so part of me is thinking about just setting the camera on AUTO and not messing with the settings...but the tech side of me wants to play with the settings.

Chris Barcellos
July 13th, 2007, 10:01 AM
My two cents:

I am assuming the gallery will be lit fairly brightly with incadencent bulbs, so I would probably set on manual P mode, set white balance using a white paper trick, set the camera at 24p HDV, use TV mode and set shutter at 1/48, at a minimum. I would go on to turn on and leave on exposure adjustment using toggle button... to have easy access to, when you venture into varying changing lighting situations.