View Full Version : Audio 4-tone Test Pattern File Needed

John Locke
May 20th, 2003, 09:11 PM
Does anyone have an audio recording test pattern they wouldn't mind sharing with me?

I'm looking for the type that has about 4-6 tones, starting low and ending high in both pitch and volume. Kind of a ba-ra-da-bap sound.

It's brief and kind of pleasant sounding.

I searched at, but only came up with single beeps or tones that sounded like "attack of the killer tones"...all really abrasive...more for warning sounds.


Peter Jefferson
May 21st, 2003, 04:10 AM
let me know what frequency range you would like it in and i can whip something up for you in dv 48kh

Peter Jefferson
May 21st, 2003, 04:16 AM
forgot to mention did u want it fluctuating or jsut aset tone?
test tones range from anything really, but u need a steady FLAT picth which covers all ranges.

most NLE's have a test tone set within the SW, btu i dont knwo if you want a chord or jsut a pitch

John Locke
May 21st, 2003, 04:21 AM
Thanks, Peter.

Actually, I'm using it for something other than a real test pattern. I was trying to dig up a particular sound to use for a project and the test pattern I remember would work nicely there.

I'm an audio nimnod, so as far as which frequency, I have no idea. I'll be using it in FCP if that tells you anything.

The main reason for wanting that particular sound was because it sounds slick compared to the normal beeps and tones that I've found available on the web. You know, stuff like the ring for the video phone on Austin Powers...when you search for beep, alert, tone, ring, etc....all you get are standard warning beeps, sirens, steady tones, and traditional phone rings.

Peter Jefferson
May 21st, 2003, 06:46 AM
i can do some frequncy specific tones with no fuss, but it realy depends onthe DTMF tone your after..
i prfer using bends from one end of the scale to the other...
i dunno if i can do what your asking, as im not too sure what it is...