View Full Version : White Balance with my new V1p

Scott MacKenzie
July 12th, 2007, 08:30 AM
Hi Guys,

This is my first post here. I bought my V1p recently and have been happy with most of the results so far.

Has anyone got the same problem as me?

When inside, I change the white balance and shoot something very white. My result is a very cool (blue) image? Can I change this default setting?


scott mackenzie

Joe Busch
July 12th, 2007, 08:34 AM
Are you locking the white balance?

When you go into the white balance setting, you set it to where you want, then slide it down to "lock" but don't press the white balance again before you lock it... make sure you can see the setting at the bottom of the screen of what you chose (a, b, indoors,outdoors whatever)

That and I've heard sony has "bluish" images...

Not sure... :)

I have an FX7 so it might not be exactly the same...

Douglas Spotted Eagle
July 12th, 2007, 09:08 AM
With the V1, you've got 4 white balance settings (actually 5).
Indoor, outdoor, user A, user B, and auto.

Be sure the switch isn't locked as mentioned previously, and scroll thru the options.

Paul Frederick
July 12th, 2007, 08:04 PM
When you use the white balance pre-sets, push the scroll wheel at the rear of the camera, a number "0" appears next to the white balance icon, then scroll up or down, making the "0" a "+1,+2,+3" or "-1,-2,-3,"etc.. This will take those pre-sets and make them warmer or cooler based on which direction you are rotating the wheel. I LOVE this feature!

Marcus Marchesseault
July 13th, 2007, 08:04 AM
That is a really great feature. It makes it so easy to manipulate the color and you can remember how you set it so you can go back to that color easily. Without this feature, you can use the two custom A/B settings, but it isn't as easy as just dialing in any temperature you want.

Scott MacKenzie
July 13th, 2007, 11:21 AM
Thanks guys, I knew about the +1,+2 etc on outdoor WB but wished that it had the same for indoor.

I will play with the presets too.

Many thanks

scott mackenzie