Michael Ojjeh
July 11th, 2007, 05:39 PM
I use Vegas7 to edit HDV and like to burn my work on a blue ray disk.
Any recommendation on a blue ray burner that would work with any blue ray players out on the market.
The Sony BWU-100a ($650) or Pioneer BDR-202 ($599) or the new Plextor PX-B900A ($950) they all sound the same but any one will work better then the others !!!!!!!!!!!
What software do I need to burn a blue ray. (DVD Architect 4.0 don't support blue ray).
Thanks in advance
Daniel Alexander
August 29th, 2007, 05:56 AM
i would also like to know the answer to this one
Jose Ortiz
August 29th, 2007, 11:02 AM
I guest That I'm in this list too. I'm probably bying one this week.
At this point I'm thinking in that sony model.
Noa Put
August 29th, 2007, 11:06 AM
Encore cs3 provides blue ray support, and shouldn't a blue ray disk, once made play on any blue ray player?
Jose Ortiz
August 31st, 2007, 04:05 PM
I just ordered the new Pioneer Burner from b&H. I will be reporting how that one works for me.
Jose Ortiz
September 17th, 2007, 08:08 AM
I just ordered the new Pioneer Burner from b&H. I will be reporting how that one works for me.
Pioneer BDR-202 works great. Make sure to set your coputer to boot the hard drive first. I had the problem of not uploading windows because of this.
Im using this boy with Encore CS3 and works awesome.
Noa Put
September 17th, 2007, 09:17 AM
Pioneer BDR-202 works great. Make sure to set your coputer to boot the hard drive first. I had the problem of not uploading windows because of this.
Im using this boy with Encore CS3 and works awesome.
A Belgian computer magazine "pcm" had a blue ray burner test but they weren't to positive about it. Pioneer (bdr-101a) was not able to read Double layer blueray disks, had the slowest burn specification for dvd's and couldn't read cd's. I think you got lucky buying a newer model.
Best in the test was LG GGW-H10N, it was not the fastest but it burned all
type of disks without a problem and it was able to read hd dvd disks.
Optiarc (BD-M100A) which appeared to be made from a cooperation between Nec and Sony made a good impression and was allmost the cheapest from the lot. Sony (BWU-100A) was regarded equally good but costed 20% more.
Another thing they pointed out was that not all burners had a sata interface but ide, not that it had any influence on the preformance, only made it more difficult to connect in the pc.
Another thing they said was that their initial test was intended to compare blueray with hd dvd, but no manufacturer was able to provide a hd dvd burner for the Dutch/Belgian Market so far.