View Full Version : 48 Hour Film shot on XH-A1 & HV20

Evan Donn
July 10th, 2007, 11:59 PM
I just finished putting together a site for our entry in the 2007 San Francisco 48 Hour Film Project:

We shot primarily on my XHA1 and used an HV20 for our second unit - most of the traveling ambulance shots. Although we shot in HD we downconverted in camera and edited anamorphic SD for time reasons. I knew we wouldn't have time to render/conform HDV - considering we delivered the finished video less than 20 minutes before the deadline I think it was a wise choice, although I'm looking forward to recapturing in hd and doing a proper color correction as well.

The current version has some limited color correction applied but is pretty close to what we shot. This is only my second narrative piece shot on the XHA1, and considering the limited time we had for setups and lighting I'm pretty happy with the images I'm getting out of it.

Chris Barcellos
July 11th, 2007, 12:17 AM
Hey Evan, nice job.

We were entered in same competition, shot with the HV20 with a Letus. Nothing high quality posted yet, but director did upload it to You Tube:

Our genre was the dreaded Holiday Movie...How'd you do in audience choice?

Evan Donn
July 11th, 2007, 12:53 AM
Nice film, a lot of setups for such a short time period! Is the vignetting an effect you applied or is it from the Letus?

We didn't win the audience choice, we felt we had a good chance but there was one really funny film we though might beat us and sure enough they did - 'Coaches Day' ( Either way, the audience reaction to ours was great so we were happy with it overall.

Ian G. Thompson
July 11th, 2007, 08:49 AM
Ha Ha...never expected that ending....great job....especially for it being done in 48hours with that many actors....different locations and props being used. "Coaches Day" was good....but I liked "Urgent Care" much better.

Evan Donn
July 11th, 2007, 02:03 PM
Ha Ha...never expected that ending....great job....

Thanks, glad you liked it - did you stay for the credits? There's one more shot at the very end...

especially for it being done in 48hours with that many actors....different locations and props being used.

It wasn't too bad actually, we had 10 people on the crew (not counting actors). So basically one team went ahead to prep the next location while we shot at the current one, and our 'second unit' did the traveling ambulance shots while we shot the kitchen scenes. We did end up shooting 3 of the scenes at night though with lights outside the windows to try to make it look like day.

Ian G. Thompson
July 11th, 2007, 02:21 PM
Thanks, glad you liked it - did you stay for the credits? There's one more shot at the very end....
Ha...yes....I didn't want to give it away....but the actor looked like he was getting into

I could tell they had fun making that scene.

Darrell Essex
July 11th, 2007, 04:01 PM
Whooooooooo, you just gave an idea for a new biz.
Hookers on wheels.
Wait, I can see the feature starting to form now.


Evan Donn
July 28th, 2007, 11:31 AM
Just wanted to say congratulations to Chris on his film's (linked in second post above) nomination and prize for Best Directing!

"Urgent Care" unfortunately didn't get nominated for anything in the 48 Hour Film project itself, but we just found out our team was selected as one of the entrants in the Visa invitational which ran concurrently with the main competition. This means we get to do it all again in September in a national competition with 10 teams each from SF, NY and LA.

We had a great time doing this - I highly recommend it to anyone looking for something to challenge your filmmaking skills. I decided we couldn't wait until September, so I signed the team up for the San Jose competition which is in 3 weeks (I haven't told them yet!). Looks like my A1 will be getting a workout in the next couple months...

Evan Donn
August 17th, 2007, 07:01 PM
Last weekend we completed our second 48 Hour Film Project, this time for the San Jose, CA competition. Once again we shot with my XHA1 as the primary camera and used an HV20 for the second unit stuff - basically all of the narrative parts are the A1 while the testimonial/dog videos are HV20:

We'll be doing it all again Sept 7-9 for the Visa invitational - I need to do some experimentation before then to come up with a better preset to shoot these with. I've been shooting with a preset that is very flat & compressed in order to give me more options for color correction in post - the problem is there just isn't time in these competitions to really do a lot of cc work. If you watch the movie you'll see some shots (just before & during the telephone scene) where I screwed up the cc because I was coming down to the wire and had to get the video out the door. I'm also thinking of picking up colorista before the next one - I've been using the fcp 3-way cc for these and I keep running into exactly the problems colorista was designed to address.