View Full Version : Wildlife Videography Training DVD

Warren Cook
July 10th, 2007, 05:49 AM
Does anybody out there know anything about a Wildlife Videography Training DVD that was just released by Cambridgeshire-based (UK) production company called Generic Pool?

The DVD is presented & demonstrated by Mike Linley a wildlife videographer from the UK.

There web site:

Mick Jenner
July 11th, 2007, 09:30 AM
Mike Linleys credentials are first class. I will be viewing one of the DVD's this week and will let you all know how good it is



Mat Thompson
July 11th, 2007, 11:50 AM
Mike Linleys a nice bloke. I've been tutored by him on a couple of courses and his experience, stories and skills are top notch.

Should be good !

Warren Cook
July 11th, 2007, 06:08 PM

Thanks I'll be looking forward to hearing from you


Warren Cook
July 11th, 2007, 06:11 PM

Thanks for the info. Thr DVD sounds likei t is a good one. I hope I'll make it availible in NTSC for us across the pond.


Brendan Marnell
July 13th, 2007, 02:27 AM
I wonder what Mike Linley has to say about shooting birds in flight ...

Mick Jenner
July 13th, 2007, 11:24 AM
I have recieved the DVD and had a quick look. I does go from the very to basic end upwards but I have already picked up a couple of very good tips.
It lasts way over 2hrs and I have only had a quick look to date. I will give a more comprhensve report later next week.



Mick Jenner
July 19th, 2007, 02:49 PM
I wonder what Mike Linley has to say about shooting birds in flight ...

Simple answer Brendan-not a lot. I must say I was somewhat dissapointed with the DVD. Unless you have very little knowledge of wildlife filming this DVD would not be suitable. For those just taking up wildlife filming then you do gain a good insight into the basic's but for me it did not live up to its billing of letting us into lots of trade secrets., In fact I found very few during the whole 2 hrs or so. I was somewhat surpised that Mike promoted the aspect of trade secrets as I believe the script was by the producer and not himself and the DVD appeared to lack considerably in this quarter.
Just my opinion



Brendan Marnell
July 19th, 2007, 03:46 PM
Well that saves me time and money, thank you, Mick.

I have more than enough dvds to plough through for tips without adding ones I don't need. It is tedious to find massive amounts of advice and software on editing in post and sweet f.a. on shooting tricky subject-matter.

Dear old marketing is alive and well ... never mind learning how to avoid the problem, darling, just look at our fantastic solutions [after you've made the same silly mistakes again] ... I'd guess that if it wasn't for some thoughtful and helpful members of DVInfo I'd still be shooting stills of flowers in my backgarden or on high mountains.

Perhaps it's time to start visualising how I might put together a selection of clips to illustrate what I'm learning ... I'm just visualising, just wondering, no more than that, that's me; full of wonder; spin it and you may say I'm a wonderful guy, oh thanks, you're too kind ... No, on second thoughts I'll ask the only other member I know who shoots and shows bird flight, Don DesJardin, now there's a chap who has learned a lot I want to learn ... but how to drag the thoughts out of him and make them sing, there's a challenge, two challenges. And then to compile (& illustrate?) a readable list of all the good tips relevant to bird videography elicited from people like you Mick over the years ... dammit, there's only one way to avoid this long and painstaking task ... let's elect a committee

Yeo Wee Han
July 19th, 2007, 06:28 PM
Just got mine a few days back and it is informative. BUT no as good as I wanted it to be. Perhaps if it was a series of DVDs, it would have been perfect but the price will not be the 40 pounds.

That said, I am doing this for a living so much of what Mike was talking about is familiar to me and for a beginner, this DVD can be a good introduction to wildlife lifemaking.



Brendan Marnell
July 21st, 2007, 04:11 AM
, on second thoughts I'll ask the only other member I know who shoots and shows bird flight, Don DesJardin ...

No, I have not forgotten Bob Thompson's super footage of the flight and landing by a Dalmatian Pelican at Mai Po, Hong Kong ... here it is again for your renewed pleasure ... and his Black-faced spoonbill is delightful too ..

Tony Davies-Patrick
July 26th, 2007, 08:26 AM
No, I have not forgotten Bob Thompson's super footage of the flight and landing by a Dalmatian Pelican at Mai Po, Hong Kong ... here it is again for your renewed pleasure ... and his Black-faced spoonbill is delightful too ..

Yes, Bob did a great job of trakking that pelican during a smooth pan...lovely footage and nice to watch it again. It brought back memories and made me want to revisit Hong place of birth!