View Full Version : Wireless Mics with XL2??

Vishad Dewan
July 9th, 2007, 10:12 AM

I've been having the worst time trying to use my Audio Technica wireless system with my XL2. I've tried every single setting on the camera (as far as I know) to get the wireless signal to record on the tape, but during playback on the camera I don't hear anything.

If I have the front mic and the rear XLR inputs configured for audio, I'll only hear the front mic when I playback in the VCR mode on the camera. Does anyone know what's going on here?

Jonathan Jones
July 9th, 2007, 11:05 AM

Does anyone know what's going on here?

Yeah, I think I do. If you have correctly configured your audio input settings, than I am assuming that you are laying your wireless mic track onto either ch3 or ch 4 through one of the rear XLR inputs.

In order to hear the audio from that track, you will need to press the "audio monitor" button. It is a tiny button located just slightly below and to the left of the big mode dial. By default, your XL2 will play back the standard stereo audio from ch1 / 2, usually just the onboard front mic (unless otherwise configured), and you can press the audio monitor button to switch the monitoring to hear ch 3/4, and then press it once again to hear a mix of 1,2,3,4.

If you still hear nothing on track 3 or 4 after believing you have recorded audio onto them, then my guess is that you don't have your inputs correctly configured.

Note that this audio monitor button is only for monitoring purposes only. It does nothing in terms of designating how your audio tracks will be captured into the computer. You will still need to set your NLE to recognize and capture the extra tracks in the manner you desire.

Hope this helps.

Vishad Dewan
July 9th, 2007, 01:20 PM
Thanks, Jon. I'll try that.