View Full Version : Floor Spreader with Miller Solo Leg?

Peter Moretti
July 8th, 2007, 11:10 PM
This may be an oxmoron: using a floor spreader with solo legs. But a lot filming will be done in people's carpeted living rooms. One of the guys working on the project is worried that a set of Miller Solo carbon fiber legs will leave marks in the carpet and wants to use a tripod with a floor spreader.

I have no idea if his concerns are justified, but can you use a spreader with with solo legs? I looked at Miller's website, but couldn't figure out a definitive answer.

Thanks much!

Bob Grant
July 9th, 2007, 01:41 AM
We have a lot of Miller sticks and three Solos. Never seen a floor spreader on any of the Miller legs and certainly not on the Solo. I can't see them leaving marks on carpet. Probably less risk with the buffers wound in as the spikes will go into the pile with less risk of leaving marks. However I'd give the legs a good brush down with a stiff bristle brush first and then a wipe down with a damp cloth.
If you're really worried buy some carpet offcuts, the legs on the Solo don't spread very wide so the bits of carpet don't need to be very big. Your other option is to buy some PVC pipe endcaps or furniture buffers to put under the legs. One concern is any of these things make the tripod less stable.

Peter Moretti
July 9th, 2007, 01:57 AM
Bob, on a more general level, do you think the Miller Solos are a good choice for indoor shooting? The head will be a Sachtler DV6-SB and the camera either a heavily weighted HV-20 or more likely an XH-A1.

I'm leaning towards the Millers because they seem to be very stiff and good for quick outside setups. Just wondering if you feel they work well inside in a more controllable environment. Oh and thanks for the tips above. I'm sure they will prove very helpful!