Michael Vaden
July 7th, 2007, 01:13 PM
What's going on guys? I have a camcorder that doesn't have the option to record in 24p. I know how to change my interlaced footage into 24p in Vegas 7.0, but how can I achieve this is Premiere so I don't have to convert in Vegas then bring the changed 24p footage into Premiere? Thanks for helping me in this matter...
Mark Leonard
July 7th, 2007, 02:05 PM
dont think you can change it in pp2. I've done it in after effects with magic bullet.
Michael Vaden
July 7th, 2007, 02:07 PM
dont think you can change it in pp2. I've done it in after effects with magic bullet.
I have Magic Bullet and Adobe Effects, so how do you do it?
John McManimie
July 7th, 2007, 02:53 PM
If you have Vegas, why not edit the video with it?
The Magic Bullet user guide offers some pretty good instructions so you might give it a read. However, you might find that MB is too slow.
You can try this basic method in AE (But you're just trading one application for another since this still isn't in Premiere Pro --- you can already do this in Vegas, after all)
Use 1/60 shutter speed when shooting the footage.
1) Open After Effects and create a new AE project.
2) Import the footage into After Effects (File -> Import -> File..)
3) Right click the footage in the Project window and select "Interpret Footage -> Main
4) Make sure that you correctly set separate fields, choose Upper for HDV or Lower for DV source footage.
5) Turn on "Preserve Edges (Best Quality Only)" below the Separate Fields box and hit OK.
6) Drag the footage to the Create a New Composition button.
7) Set the composition frame rate to 23.976.
You might also look here:
There are many other methods, tools and plugins discussed on this site. Look through the "Film Look Methods & Techniques" forum: http://www.dvinfo.net/conf/forumdisplay.php?f=34