View Full Version : What is the use of the CineformRAW software?

Sergio Sanchez
July 5th, 2007, 08:40 PM
Im used to work in prospect for editing and procesing of the RAW files, so i only used the CineformRAW software in the camera computer.

I moved to another city for a couple of weeks for work and i had to make use of one of the two CineformRAW licenses that ships with the camera?

What I dont know is what is the use of that software, is it only for playback of RAW files?

I`ve noticed that the files arent recognized in Post apps, and i cant use to export from other files to cineform neither.

What can i do with it?

David Newman
July 5th, 2007, 09:36 PM
You asked for the CineForm RAW download, I just assumed you wanted the latest camera compression software. For editing CineForm RAW you need the standard NEO 2K or Prospect 2K packages.

Sergio Sanchez
July 5th, 2007, 11:36 PM
Im not complaining at all... now i realize that my question is rough in english...Have patience with me David sometimes i ask the questions like in spanish...sorry.

I remember that in the first release I used in october last year I could load RAW files in AE and Premiere...and do some testing.

The files opened using the AE raw importer in that time...

I didnt used the software since then...just to encode in the camera of course...

But i`ve noticed that now Premiere and AE does not recognize the software... I just can playback the shots on my laptop.

I deactivated the RAW license in one computer because I needed it to install a Shake and linux on it so I thought, now that im away office that I could keep testing footage with the RAW license.

So CineformRAW is just for SI and Wafian encoding?

Is there any way to transform my file to another format that Premiere or AE can read, maybe an image sequence?

David Newman
July 6th, 2007, 08:31 AM
You missed my short answer.

CineForm RAW is an ingest format, however every one of our editing tools can decode it. The best tools are NEO 2K and Prospect 2K as they have the 4:4:4 encoding that allows you to render out to a compressed format without loosing any detail. You can also use NEO Player to get AE and Premiere decoding support for CineForm RAW.

Sergio Sanchez
July 7th, 2007, 05:12 PM
Ok David thanks, NEO player is really helpful for refining the DPX tests i`m doing.

Thank you again.

Peter Moretti
August 6th, 2007, 04:28 PM
You missed my short answer.

CineForm RAW is an ingest format, however every one of our editing tools can decode it. The best tools are NEO 2K and Prospect 2K as they have the 4:4:4 encoding that allows you to render out to a compressed format without loosing any detail. You can also use NEO Player to get AE and Premiere decoding support for CineForm RAW.The HV-20 has a single chip (allbeit small) and Bayer RGB Primary Color Filter. Would it benfit from CineForm RAW?


David Newman
August 6th, 2007, 04:52 PM
The HV-20 has a single chip (allbeit small) and Bayer RGB Primary Color Filter. Would it benfit from CineForm RAW?


Only if you hack the HV20 to get at the RAW unprocessed data from the camera head. CineForm RAW is designed to record the sensor data before it has been converted to YUV or RGB pixel formats.

Peter Moretti
August 12th, 2007, 03:17 AM
Only if you hack the HV20 to get at the RAW unprocessed data from the camera head. CineForm RAW is designed to record the sensor data before it has been converted to YUV or RGB pixel formats.Are you aware of this being successfully done?

Serge Victorovich
August 12th, 2007, 07:32 AM
Are you aware of this being successfully done?

Do you have tech documentation for HV20 from Canon's service centers?

David Newman
August 12th, 2007, 09:57 AM
Like Serge suggests, maybe you can be the first to try.

Peter Moretti
August 12th, 2007, 05:32 PM
Maybe, LOL!