View Full Version : Problems caputureing HDV from my HV10.

Nicki Gehlen
July 4th, 2007, 08:37 AM
I'm having problems when trying caputureing HDV from my HV10.

I'm running Vista Buisness and Premiere Pro CS3 and connecting camera and pc with firewire.

If I turn the HV10 to DV LOCKED, both "Windows movie maker" and Premiere can without problems capture DV.

If I turn the HV10 to HDV/DV - "windows movie maker", says there's no camera connected and Premiere says I need to reset my camera.
Premiere won't capture HDV either - Premiere can't connect to the camera - but after going to the settings- all
the buttoms: play, forward, backwards ez. will work fine, and Premiere status says the camera is connected.
The record and other capture-buttoms wont't work at all. If I press the play, forward, backward, pause and so on the HV10 reacts fine but no "video" is displayed in the capture Screen, so no HDV capturing possible.

What have I done wrong ??

My Premiere settings for HDV mode is:
HDV1080i(30) "europe"
Standard (the model HV10 is not present)

Alex Zoltowski
July 6th, 2007, 10:36 AM
Nicki, I'm having the same problem but with an HV20. Unfortunately you won't be able to capture footage from your camera with Premiere.

I started a topic a few days ago in which I was informed to use Sony Vegas 7.0 or HDVSplit for capture. These programs work without any problems at all although I would advise you use HDVSplit as it's free, starts up quickly and is easy to use. It captures m2t files which can then be imported into Premiere.

You might also want to try out Sony Vegas as an alternative program for NLE. Although I've been editing in Premiere for many years now, I find Vegas to be a much more powerful program. It's also nice to be able to capture and edit with one program rather than have to run two apps at the same time.

Enea Lanzarone
July 6th, 2007, 11:12 AM
I'm using Premiere Pro 2.0 on a Windows XP Home system and have no problems capturing from the HV20. The only issue I noticed is that when I capture long clips (say, longer than 5 minutes) the audio is running out of sync, so I've been using HDVSplit to capture my footage.

Nicki, you're saying that your settings are HDV1080i(30) "europe". I assume that you have a PAL HV10, so your setting is not correct. The "30" is definetely not "europe", as it refers to the NTSC system's 60i (=30 frames). For PAL systems, it must be set to HDV1080i 25 (25 frames=50i). That might be the solution for your problem (unless it's a Windows Vista issue).

Nicki Gehlen
July 12th, 2007, 01:45 AM
Thank you very very much....I can now easily capture HDV with HDVSpilt which is an amazing little program - it worked with my HV10 and Vista Buisness, at once.

I've also tried to change my Premiere setting to 1080i 25 frames - but it still won't work with HV10 and Vista - so I guess it is a Windows Vista issue).


Joe Busch
July 12th, 2007, 02:30 AM
It's just premiere and movie maker aren't meant for HDV

HDV Split or Vegas :)