Jeff Zimmerman
July 3rd, 2007, 12:58 AM
What would one recommend in converting two hours of NTSC DV to NTSC PAL? Could I use a TBC or something between the two decks using Component ports? Or am I looking at Final Cut Pro with Nattress Converter to flip it from NTSC to PAL and then layoff to the PAL deck? Right now am I asking about 2 hours because I actually am acuqiring more and the job that will need 56 more hours converted. 2 Hours per show.
They did mention I could get the program tapes in Betacam format versus DV? Could that be more effective?
Willing to rent a deck or other equipment. Just want a fast solution for turning over alot of tapes.
Thanks, -Jeff
They did mention I could get the program tapes in Betacam format versus DV? Could that be more effective?
Willing to rent a deck or other equipment. Just want a fast solution for turning over alot of tapes.
Thanks, -Jeff