Glenn Chan
November 5th, 2004, 12:32 AM
You can have 2 instances of Vegas open at once, so you can render with one and edit the other.
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Glenn Chan November 5th, 2004, 12:32 AM You can have 2 instances of Vegas open at once, so you can render with one and edit the other. Simon Wyndham November 5th, 2004, 08:01 AM In the last two days I have started suffering from some very odd crashes with Vegas 5b. What happens is that on odd occasions when I use the undo function Vegas just disappears! I then have to load it up again and luckily it normally has an autosaved version of the project due to the crash. I haven't installed anything new on my machine, which is only 3 months old and has no internet access. The only thing I have done differently with this project is that I have used the media bins with a folder for each scenes files (15 bin folders in all). I've noticed some odd behaviour with these too (such as the placing of media from other bins into other scenes bins without my say so) as I never normally use Bins. This is really frustrating me. It has happened around 5 times in the last 2 days, and it doesn't matter whether I use the Undo menu option or the keyboard shortcut, it still results in Vegas going AWOL occasionally. I've never had this problem before as Vegas is usually rock solid. Graham Bernard November 5th, 2004, 08:30 AM Simon, what have you TITLED or named the Bins as? Grazie Simon Wyndham November 5th, 2004, 09:02 AM Just the scene numbers, eg Scene 1, Scene 2 etc Danny Jones November 5th, 2004, 01:41 PM I have wedding gig I did and shot 1 cam shot. Well, I have few shots when toast was going on where I panned quickly to get 2 shot with 1 cam type deal. Now I am trying to figure out how to cut the panning part. I tried using the still pose of Bride/Groom but their facial expressions never change so it looks very obvious that I use same clips to try to cover the panning part. Any suggestions of what I can do the cut the panning?? Peter Sieben November 5th, 2004, 04:11 PM If you pan, is there someone visible on the screen that is doing some talking - just before or just after the panning? Or both? What I would do is cut the panning part, and find a way to do a hard cut without harming the continuity of a dialog or the audio. Try to sneak with the audio: for example, let the audio of the first videopart go on after the cut and try to make a crossfade with the audio of the 2nd videosegment after the cut. Peter Edward Troxel November 5th, 2004, 04:25 PM How about a generic "crowd" shot during the pan time? Danny Jones November 5th, 2004, 04:56 PM Well I did not get good generic shot of crowd. I basically went from podium to bride/groom. Tim Le November 5th, 2004, 06:08 PM Hi all, Anyone know if it's possible to do a pan/crop move with an initial velocity? For example, say I want to do a left to right pan over a still image but I want it to already be moving at that velocity at the beginning of the clip and finish at that same velocity at the end of the clip. It appears that in Vegas 4 you can only set the keyframe to within the timeframe of the clip so you are always limited to a ramp up at the beginning and a ramp down at the end. Is this correct? Is there a way around this? Thanks! Gary Kleiner November 5th, 2004, 07:03 PM Try using a Fast interpolation curve. If that doesn't do it for you, you can use a Video Mute Envelope to pop on an event "already in progress". Also, you could render the event and just use the part where it's up to speed. Gary Edward Troxel November 5th, 2004, 08:30 PM No crowd shots from any other time during the evening? Edward Troxel November 5th, 2004, 08:32 PM Change the "smoothness" setting. The default setting is "1" which causes it to ramp up to speed. Change it to "0" for each keyframe and set the keyframes to "Linear" and it will maintain the same speed all the way. Tim Le November 5th, 2004, 10:32 PM <<<-- Originally posted by Edward Troxel : Change the "smoothness" setting. The default setting is "1" which causes it to ramp up to speed. Change it to "0" for each keyframe and set the keyframes to "Linear" and it will maintain the same speed all the way. -->>> Man you guys are fast! That was the ticket...exactly what I needed. But thanks for the workarounds Gary. Trey Perrone November 6th, 2004, 09:00 PM maybe this sounds dumb - but there is no way to apply a "safe cap" to the audio....similar in the way that applying the broadcast colors will keep them in the legal range i was thinking maybe there was an easy way to cap the level at -12 so its DV legal (or cap at any other level for watever purposes) so far i didnt see anything on this - so im guessing it just a matter of playing with the levels manually or with the automation tools.... Edward Troxel November 6th, 2004, 10:12 PM There's the compressor audio effect. You may also need to simply reduce the master volume some as well. Aaron Ferguson November 6th, 2004, 10:33 PM Hello everyone. I am using Vegas 5.0. I want to render to AVI, I have about an hour and 10 minutes worth here. When I render it, it outputs to four separate AVI files that are around 4 GB each. Is there any way to tell it to save it to one file only? Thanks! Edward Troxel November 6th, 2004, 10:45 PM Yes. Format your hard drive as NTFS instead of FAT32. FAT32 has a 4 Gig file size limit. Aaron Ferguson November 6th, 2004, 10:47 PM As soon as I posted, it popped in to my head that that was probably the reason. Thanks! Rob Lohman November 7th, 2004, 06:19 AM Perhaps do a re-install of Vegas to make sure it has all the proper components installed? Young Filmer November 7th, 2004, 07:40 AM Hey everyone i was wondering what was the perfect setting in vegas 4.0 in frame rate, and all that stuff. Rob Lohman November 7th, 2004, 07:52 AM We cannot answer your question. Best for what? Framerate has nothing to do with your NLE but the camera you used and at what framerate it shot your footage. "Best" is a very subjective term and what I find best might not be best for you. You are going to have to do a lot more explaining what you are looking for.... In the end experimenting with settings and seeing what that does to the look of your footage is usually far more helpfull as well then simply using settings that someone else gives you. Ofcourse there a few basic settings, but those should be pretty obvious. Young Filmer November 7th, 2004, 08:09 AM OK well i am using a very crappy camera right know Jvc grdvm90u but will be getiing on of the canon xl1s soon so i am trying to find the best way to get the look of film in vegas 4.0 when filming off of a dv camera that is not 24p. hope this helps. The JVC records at 29fps Rob Lohman November 7th, 2004, 08:45 AM Please take a look into our "Towards a Film Look using DV" forum. It has lengthy threads on this very topic. There aren't any easy setting etc. to get a "film look". The XL1S is a nice camera and most people seem to agree that switching it to frame mode (make sure your Vegas project settings are set to progressive) helps in giving the "film look". Besides that it comes down to: - having a good story - actors - lighting - audio (recording/mixing) - composition (camera movement etc.) - editing And then some other stuff like color correction and so forth. In vegas you choose "NTSC DV" as the project template for the JVC. You do the same for the XL1S, but change the interlaced setting from bottom field to none (progressive) when shooting in frame mode. Trey Perrone November 7th, 2004, 11:07 AM well...wat i ended up doing was just going thru the whole wedding and watching my audio levels and adjusting manually. I was up in a balcony and the organ was blasting - but of course the pastor and bride/groom where all the way across the chapel w/no mic, etc. i just made sure i wasnt going over -12 ever and tried to average it out as best i could for all the speakers. seems pretty decent when viewed on average tv off of DVD. Julio Laffont November 7th, 2004, 12:11 PM Hi everybody...I did some audio edition in Vegas , and now I want to burn in a Cd music the audio tracks exactly as I putted in the time line..How can I do this? Thanks... John Cline November 7th, 2004, 12:34 PM Whoever told you -12 was "DV legal" was in error. Check this out: John Colin Rayner November 7th, 2004, 02:39 PM Makes for heavy reading in whatever language, especailly if it's not your native language. Can anybody help with Vegas 5 support in spanish? Edward Troxel November 7th, 2004, 03:29 PM I have that process documented in my newsletter. Just click the link under my name. Edward Troxel November 7th, 2004, 03:32 PM As far as I know, the manual is English only. Colin Rayner November 7th, 2004, 03:38 PM Thanks for that Edward, I thought as much, the Sony media site didn't offer anything other than English....... Danny Jones November 7th, 2004, 06:49 PM I was just wondering if their was script that corrects color? I want to make color sync with whole video. Edward Troxel November 7th, 2004, 08:20 PM Scripts cannot "see" the video. Danny Jones November 7th, 2004, 08:25 PM How about auto color correct? Edward Troxel November 7th, 2004, 09:19 PM Correcting color is a manual process. You can find may tutorials here: Danny Jones November 7th, 2004, 09:53 PM ok thx Edward... Bryan Roberts November 9th, 2004, 10:27 AM Hello all: well i've been preparing for some upcoming projects in which we're going to be shooting some 24p dvx footage and then using AE for some flashy music video effects, I've been honing up my AE trapcode skills etc. but have come up with many questions using Vegas with AE even after searching aroung the forums: 1. So, Vegas and AE don't share the same codecs so do you VEGAS + AE users edit and color correct your project in Vegas, then export uncompressed AVI sections to AE for fx then render out uncompressed AVI to pop back into Vegas for the final render and file export? Am I making this too complicated? 2. What frame rate should I set in AE for my project and render when working with 24p footage? 23.98, 24, 23.976? Pulldown turned off for the render? 3. Is it correct to assume that when rendering out to my uncompressed AVI that I should set field order to none for progressive frames? Will this do the trick? 4. Have you AE users experienced fx changes between a RAM preview and a render out? I had some light blowout effects that morphed into our logo which worked perfectly with my ram preview but when I rendered out at best quality, these blowouts were reduced and the fadein of my logo was exposed and thus the nice fluid effect ruined. (yes, I go to make movie under composition settings then set my render settings there, don't worry I'm not trying to file export)..... Any help would be much appreciated. Ake Phetdavieng November 9th, 2004, 12:54 PM Hello everyone, This is my first time here, I would like to thank my friend showing me this board. Ok, I was wondering how I can get a snapshot of a frame so I can edit it in Photoshop. I have used the snapshot button they have on the preview screen but if I were to import the edited frame back in I get the black bars from the top and bottom for the screen. Is there any easier, or better way to capture snap shot of a frame? I'd like to stick to one program instead of having to edit something at home and having to take it to school to and edit in Premiere. -Thank you in Advance Edward Troxel November 9th, 2004, 01:07 PM Yes. Just above the preview window is a series of buttons. The one on the right is "Save Snapshot". To get the best image you need to change the preview to Best (Full) first. Rob Lohman November 9th, 2004, 01:17 PM The copy to clipboard button does not incorporate some resolution stuff which in turn results in the black bars. Click the button to save the snapshot (as Edward said) to your disk (choose the PNG format to not loose any information) and you should be fine! Welcome aboard Ake! Jay Mitchell November 9th, 2004, 05:43 PM SCVUG Meeting Agenda - Tuesday, November 16th, 2004 1. Vegas 5 Companion 2. Veggie Toolkit 3. Ultimate S 4. Patient 8794 5. V5 FASST Lesson 6. Q&A 7. Raffle - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1. Jay, Will be Showcasing Gary kleiner's - Vegas 5 Companion, Training Course. This New, 5 DVD Set includes over 9 Hours of High Quality Instruction, Info, Lessons and Resources for all levels of Vegas Users. Watch for a review to be posted after the meeting. Here is a link for more info and ordering. - - - - 2. Liam kennedy, Will be Showcasing the "Veggie Toolkit" from Peach Rock Productions. Veggie Toolkit, contains five great scripts - Capture Cutter, Time Bandit, Multi Render, Clip Logger and Media Sync. All designed to work seamlessly and improve your workflow with Vegas 4 and 5. Here is a link for more info and ordering. - - - - 3. Liam, Will also be Showcasing the New "Ultimate S" Scripts and Plug-ins, by VASST. These new Vegas Scripts will blow you away. Come see them in action. Here is a link for more info and ordering - - - - 4. "Patient 8794" A Special SCVUG Member Presentation of an 18 minute feature by Marcelo Lewin. The feature was produced entirely with Vegas. And, Marcelo will be discussing the Features, Veg Files. Here is a link to patient 8794. - - - - 5. Douglas Spotted Eagle, from VASST - Is once again, allowing us to present a training segment from the Vegas 5 FASST DVD. Everyone, enjoyed this at the last meeting. And, hopefully with time allowing - we will do it again! here is a link to order VASST Products. And Remember to include "SoCAL" in the discount codes box to receive the special SCVUG discount offers. - - - - 6. Got a Vegas Question? If our group of experienced Vegas Users can't answer it - I will call Spot, Gary, Tim Duncan, Edward Troxel or wake up the Boys in Madison - To get it answered! - - - - 7. The World Famous - Free Raffle of Valuable Sony, VASST and Sponsored Products. - - - - Here is the meeting location and address. And, please rsvp. Tuesday - November, 16th Where: Melrose Mac Address: 6610 Melrose Ave. City: Hollywood Time: 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Jay Mitchell SCVUG Host Ron Guilmette November 10th, 2004, 02:55 PM I have finished a project and done a ptt. I'd like to save all the project files to dvd also. What files do I need to make sure I can load it back in to Vegas if needed? Obviously all the avi's of the clips, but what else? Veg file ect. Thanks. Edward Troxel November 10th, 2004, 03:22 PM Forget the AVI's - they are still on your master tapes and you can recapture them. Generally speaking they are way too large anyway. Save: VEG file(s) Media Files (images, music, etc...) SFVidCap file(s) (made by the capture program - makes it easier to re-capture) Alternately, just copy everything over to a hard drive for saving. That's what many people are doing today - just setting a hard drive on the shelf containing the entire project! Rob Lohman November 11th, 2004, 05:31 AM Also see: Jim Quinlan November 11th, 2004, 10:36 AM I have a presentation with a track consisting of only generated text media. I need to make several versions of this presentation in different languages so I planned on duplicating the generated media track and changing text to the appropriate language. Then mute/solo the appropriate tracks in publishing to create the correct version. The Duplicate track feature won't work because it doesn't create a separate copy of the media. So if I modify text on the chinese track, the english track is also changed. And I can't seem to figure out how to select all the media for only one track to do a simple cut and paste. I thought this would be simple but for the life of me I cannot figure out how to copy and duplicate one track of generated text media. Rob Lohman November 11th, 2004, 12:05 PM It should work if you copy (CTRL+C) the event (the genereted media) and the paste it in a new track. I've done this and works here. I just tried it again with "text media" and works flawlessly here in Vegas 5.0b. Dragged the text media to the timeline and it created a new track. I then selected to insert a new track, copied the event and then pasted it in the new track. It then asks me if I want a reference or copy. I selected copy, changed the text and I had two different generated media events! Jim Quinlan November 11th, 2004, 12:10 PM I can do that with one event Rob but I'm trying to duplicate an entire track with about 50 events of generated media at once. Selecting all events on one track (without clicking each one individually) to copy is what I'm trying to figure out. Thanks Rob Lohman November 11th, 2004, 12:22 PM If I place multiple media on one track, click on an empty spot in the track and hit CTRL+A (select all) and then CTRL+C (copy) and then insert a new video track and choose paste I get the same dialog and if I choose copy it makes copies of all the media in the correct order which I can change as well. Which version of Vegas are you using? Jim Quinlan November 11th, 2004, 12:27 PM I'm using 5.0b. The problem with using Ctrl A is all media from all tracks are selected. I'm having trouble isolating one entire specific track. Thanks again. Rob Lohman November 11th, 2004, 12:43 PM Now that's easy. Either CTRL+select them all (if it isn't too much) or select the first event and right-click and choose "Select Events to End" Jim Quinlan November 11th, 2004, 12:47 PM Thank you so much Rob. That solved my problem. It's the simple problems that seem to give me the most anguish : ) Now I need to contact our chinese interpreter ... that ought to be interesting. |