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Peter Jefferson
September 26th, 2004, 05:02 AM
just tryin to find some vegas users in Oz as im considering creating a network here which allows for tip swapping etc etc as well as Vegas nights where we can gether around a PC like nerds in awe and gasp at each others work.
from there id like to invite some Prem Users...

One thing i DO know, is that Sony techies are alwyas on the boards and forums and take notice of what people want. So long as its workable, 98% of the suggestions are added to updates or usually the next version..
I also work very closely with the Oz Distributor of Vegas (new magic)

im stilll waiting on dual layered support for DVDA1 and 2... twiddling my thumbs coz right now encore can do this.. DVD cant..

Edward Troxel
September 26th, 2004, 05:39 AM
Yes, that is how it is done. You drag the media to the Project Overview screen. Here's what I would have done:

Create the project with menu. Drag the FIRST clip to the menu (since that's what you wanted for the button). Drag the SECOND clip to the Project Overview screen. Make sure the End Action for the second clip was the menu. Make sure the End Action for the first clip was the second clip.

David Jasany
September 26th, 2004, 09:38 AM
Are many Vegas5 & DVDA2 users running SP2? What's your expereince with SP2 so far? Thanks.

Glenn Chan
September 26th, 2004, 10:17 AM
No issues here.

Check the following website for preparations to take before installing SP2:
Keep in mind that SP2 might break your system, and not everyone is able to uninstall it.

Alternative to the above website:
You can use Ghost, True Image, or a partition cloning tool to backup your OS partition before you upgrade SP2. If anything goes wrong, just put your OS partition back.

Allan Phan
September 26th, 2004, 01:42 PM

Is there a way to tell what size of my video going to be within Vegas 5 without having to render it.

It is quite time consuming for me since I have no idea what size it is going to be until I rendered it, and some time I have to wait for about 20 hours for rendering to complete to find out that it won't fit the DVD disc.


Allan Phan
September 26th, 2004, 02:39 PM
Very smooth, no problem here

Edward Troxel
September 26th, 2004, 03:08 PM
Click the link under my name. Read the newsletter article where I discuss the DVD creation process. In that issue is a bitrate chart. Bottom line - you need to use the proper bitrate for the length of your video. That chart will give you the correct bitrate assuming simple menus.

Andy Shrimpton
September 26th, 2004, 08:23 PM
I'm here!

Gold Coast Queensland.

Keen to meet others and improve.

Peter Jefferson
September 27th, 2004, 06:17 AM
theres gotta be more!!!!!!!

Matthew Martin
September 27th, 2004, 07:22 AM
I'm here, I''m here!!

Melbourne Victoria. Just about to purchase a DVX, and looking forward to editing using Vegas.

Graham Bernard
September 27th, 2004, 09:18 AM
Hey guys . . try this and just see where in Oz the Veg Heads are . . AND GIT yerself on the map - NOW!


Steven Andrus
September 27th, 2004, 11:54 AM
is there a 3rd party plug that does this?

Steve Crisdale
September 27th, 2004, 05:13 PM
I use Vegas to edit my HD10u video.....don't know that I've got tricks etc. to share, but who knows!!!

I'm in the lovely Blue Mountains. Katoomba to be precise.

Hugh DiMauro
September 28th, 2004, 01:51 PM
What about just rendering to 30p instead of interlace 60i?

OH and another thing...

Can I render out MPEG-2 to mini DV tape or must I use AVI for Windows like I always do? In other words, is MPEG-2 only for when I make a DVD?

Brad Higerd
September 29th, 2004, 05:56 AM
The statement that SP2 cannot be deleted from some computers is true. We have 3 PCs at the office and 3 PCs at home, and all our office machines became dysfunctional when using network loaded plug-ins (example: SurvCADD). The removal of SP2 was successful in 2 of the 3 office machines. One still has it and the plug-in no longer works.

As far as Vegas, no problems observed so far.

Wayne Starick
September 29th, 2004, 07:17 AM
kick it to me... kick it to me...

In Adelaide!!

Steven Andrus
September 29th, 2004, 09:03 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Allan Phan : Very smooth, no problem here -->>>

David Jasany
September 29th, 2004, 09:07 AM
Thanks for the replies. It's good to see people are having success with Vegas and SP2. Since I'm starting with a fresh new PC, I decided to take the plunge and go with SP2. Some people have said that they've seen fewer problems when SP2 is installed on a fresh system rather than upgrade an existing system with SP1 and applications. Or maybe it's another internet myth.

Glen Elliott
September 29th, 2004, 06:52 PM
Finally dug into DVDA2 for the first time tonight. Trying to finish up a wedding on DVD and just wanted to do a simple static menu. With a chapter selections page(s), and "extras".

Anyway firt off DVDA2 will NOT preview on external monitor. I have absolutly no problems what so ever with Vegas 5 in this respect but for some reason DVDA2 will not do it.
Earlier in the night I went back to Vegas just to make sure it wasn't something wrong with my DV camera I'm using...nope worked fine. Went back into DVDA2....boom it was working all of the sudden.

I figure ok...just a minor didn't detect it at first. No problem.... I do some more work in DVDA2 then save and close out to go back into photoshop for some more graphic work. Go BACK into DVDA2 about 20 minutes later and I cannot get it to preview to external monitor again. Now it won't do it no matter what I do....even going to Vegas and back like I did originally doesn't fix it. GRRRRR!

2nd Problem- I right click on the media in my project and choose "insert" sceen selection menu. By default it makes links with images and text. I just want text so I delete the thumbnails. I label all the links with text and use the align tools to line them up. I chose "underline" to be my highlight style and when I go to "preview" the menu all the text buttons aren't aligned. Even though when I'm NOT in preview mode they are perfect. I'm thinking it has something to do with the text box that surround the text but I haven't figured out how to fix it so they all align perfectly! Doh! Never thought DVDA2 would be such a pain.

Andre Andreev
September 29th, 2004, 06:53 PM
I just finished 2 large projects which involved using Vegas Video, DVD Architect, Photoshop, AfterEffects and Soundforge.

For the larger one (10+ hours of raw footage) I rendered each scene in a separate file and then created a "final cut" project (the equivalent of nested timelines I guess).

My less than perfectly planned approach resulted in more than 100 files in one folder.

My intent is to create a universal structure for the files of future projects which will accomodate the "nested timeline" approach and allow for easy backup and restore process.

Restoring will include recapturing of the raw files and naming them in exactly the same way, and making sure they were captured perfectly, or have a plan for dealing with misaligned footage.

As this is a multiple question request, feel free to supply one or more parts.

Experienced Vegas users, what is your approach?

Thank you!
-- Andre

Michael Wisniewski
September 29th, 2004, 07:48 PM
These are the basic folders I use on every project:

media - original video & sound files + Excel log
dvd - anything to do with DVD creation
nle - Vegas project files
web - Vegas project file with settings for the web

Depending on the project, I'll add more sub-sub-folders to help manage the mess. The Excel log file in the media directory is usually where I store the details on how & from where the original files were created.

Andre Andreev
September 29th, 2004, 08:04 PM
Michael, thank you for the reply.

What is the structure of the excel file?

Please post the column names and an examle row if possible.

-- Andre

Edward Troxel
September 29th, 2004, 08:40 PM
The preview problem is an know problem. The basic solution is to go into the properties, change it to widescreen, and then change it back. That should let the preview start working.

The alignment tools work for me. However, I *DO* have to make sure they are all left or right justified (not centered) depending on the side I'm wanting to align.

p.s. I, too, wish there was a way to specify text only when creating the menu entries.

Glen Elliott
September 29th, 2004, 08:46 PM
p.s. I, too, wish there was a way to specify text only when creating the menu entries. -->>>

Hmmm Sony...are you listening. Maybe for 2.0b perhaps? :)

Thanks Edward I'll give it a shot!

Michael Wisniewski
September 29th, 2004, 11:37 PM
Nothing fancy, please excuse the formatting.

Filename | Source | Length | Notes
mdv003-clip02.avi | mdv003* | 5:42 | anna running down street
score01.wav | acid* | 1:30 | intro to project 3
logo.jpg | photoshop | n/a | company bug/logo
fire.avi | cool 3d studio | 0:30 | magic blast


* mdv003 refers to a particular tape. I usually put acid, photoshop, and other project files in the nle folder

Michael Wisniewski
September 29th, 2004, 11:48 PM
For projects with more than two hours of footage, I prefer to edit on paper and then go back to the computer and put everything together.

To do this I create DVDs of the footage with the time code in the corner. That way I can sit comfortably on my couch and use the remote control to scan through and find the best takes. Then I go back to the computer and punch in the timecode for a rough edit and tweak from there.

You'll have to render any small clips into one large .avi in order to get un-interrupted time code, but I think it's a much better way to edit.

In addition, by having the footage on DVD - you can have several people help you edit the movie on a big screen TV. It's all part of the fun, and the people I work with, really look forward to the "edit parties" we have after shooting is finished.

Or if you have a time crunch, you can pass out DVDs to different people and have them edit parts of the movie on paper for you - and they don't even have to know how to use an NLE! Just common sense, and a good eye for story telling.

Rob Lohman
September 30th, 2004, 02:09 AM
Service Pack upgrades usually are no problem. That's why they
are there to begin with. Upgrading from one OS to the other
should always be avoided (Win98 or 2000 to XP for example).

However, if a PC is used very much it is not a bad idea (if you
have the ability in time, experience and knowledge) to start
a fresh installation. Get rid of some of stuff left by installations
that are now gone or other problems like virusses and such.

This is less and less needed these days though. Let's put it
this way. If you really don't have much time to clean everything
out and start from fresh again I would first try just to install SP2
on your current system. Make sure to backup all inmportant
stuff as usual.

If that turns out to not work you can always do a clean re-install
in the end.

Installing a Service Pack "should" not give you problems, usually.

Rob Lohman
September 30th, 2004, 03:49 AM
It depends on project size, for small(er) projects I have directories

1. for my original source footage: "scene <number> <name>" and in those directories files like "take <number> <status>" where status can describe things like "no good" or "fast moving" or "red dress" etc.

2. my project files are in the root directory of the project with names like "20040929 projectname.veg"

3. I have a directory named "audio" for all sound effects and music

4. and I have a directory called "output" for all final rendered files and such

5. I might have a directory "dvd" with a sub-directory "output" for all dvd related stuff

On bigger projects I usually have a directory footage with all
the scenes in them (to not have 100 directories in the main root
directory or so) and a directory for notes.

I also use an excel sheet with all the takes and scenes in it with
my first and second viewing (I review all the takes) notes and
room for notes from other people (sound guy etc.).

So in the end I might end up with:

LadyX\Footage\Scene 1\Take 2b good.avi
LadyX\20090929 ladyx.veg


I sometimes have subfolders like these as well:
- Photos
- Docs
- Music
- Promotion
- Effects
- Tests

Depending on the needs of the project

Peter Jefferson
September 30th, 2004, 06:26 AM
I'm still waiting for DL support.. How hard can it be to add 8.4gb to the project settings..


Edward Troxel
September 30th, 2004, 07:13 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Peter Jefferson : I'm still waiting for DL support.. How hard can it be to add 8.4gb to the project settings..

oh and KILL the auto fit GGGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRR -->>>

DL support may be harder than you think. I would imagine that YOU would also have to do some additional work in order for it to work seamlessly. You might have to specify which segments go on which layer. I'm sure it will be added at some point.

For many of us, auto fit is not needed. However, it won't be used with a proper size and format MPEG2 file so it's really a non-issue. It is great for the people who want to bring over an AVI file and let DVD-A automatically pick the bitrate to get everything to fit. So it should not be a hinderance to you.

Originally posted by Glen Elliott :
Hmmm Sony...are you listening. Maybe for 2.0b perhaps? :)
I wouldn't expect it then. Maybe a product suggestion for 3??? It's really not overly difficult to just select them all, right-click, and choose "text only" after the fact, though.

Imran Zaidi
September 30th, 2004, 07:39 AM
Agreed. Also, keep in mind that there is no better thing than to just have one install (an XP install that has the service pack embedded). This saves time and makes sure that your install is as clean and light as it can be.

Tom's Hardware has an article where they describe how you can take your own copy of XP, and a separate copy of SP2, and merge them together into one single install CD, in something called "The Slipstream Process".

Jeremy Krakowski
September 30th, 2004, 02:22 PM
I'm actually a little leary of installing Service Pack 2 myself. My mom runs a big corporation, and she doesn't want to have to reformat her computer at this time just incase the SP2 install does wrong stuff to her PC.

I guess, I AM reformatting next week, so i might as well "try" SP2.


About that slipstream thing....would that fix any problems that could occur normally with SP2?

I heard a little something from an IT that SP2 is "Bill Gates Terrorism" that true?

Anyways, im still very leary of SP2 and afraid to install it. :I

Edward Troxel
September 30th, 2004, 02:45 PM
My recommendation if you want to try it: Make an image of the drive BEFORE trying it. Then you can simply restore the image and be back where you started.

Glen Elliott
September 30th, 2004, 03:00 PM
Well what do you know- looks like the 2.0b upgrade just got released. Talk about good timing! Going to see if it fixes the problem with my output to external states it's one of the fixes. woo hoooo!

Danny Jones
September 30th, 2004, 03:03 PM
Hello fellow Vegas users I am trying to crop or cut part of video scene. I need to know what tool does this effect. Example: I have wedding shot that the bride was not talking loud enough so she was willing to re-enact the shot for me. Well I want to just cut part of scene out and add the new background. Kinda like chromakey but without green screen shot. Hope I am clear on what I'm trying to do here..

Edward Troxel
September 30th, 2004, 03:04 PM
See.... told ya I wouldn't expect "a way to specify text only when creating the menu entries" in 2.0b!

Andre Andreev
September 30th, 2004, 05:57 PM
Thank you for the excellent replies, Rob and Michael.

What are your backup strategies?
Do you back up the capured footage?
What media do you use? Tape backup? DVD data discs? Hard disks?

Also, does any of you use the commenting capabilities of Vegas? (comments in the "detailed view" of Media Pool)

Thank you.

-- Andre

Danny Jones
September 30th, 2004, 06:54 PM
Can someone help bro out....Glenn, edward????

Glenn Chan
September 30th, 2004, 07:24 PM
1- You could use the masking tools in V5 to manually mask out the bride. This would be extremely time consuming.

2- You could use a difference key, which compares the video against a clean background image to remove moving objects that have colors different than the background. This may not work.

Vegas doesn't have a difference key filter IIRC.

3- There's Pixeldust, which will come out soon...

That or similar software may be able to handle this.

4- Some combination of 1 and 2.

5- Alternatives. Use music and do a montage sequence for example. Or ADR. Or do a green screen. I am guessing that won't fly though...

Glen Elliott
September 30th, 2004, 07:54 PM
I understand what your trying to do but it's like trying to put a band-aid on a severed leg. In other trying to "recreate" the shot it's going to look horribly unnatural.
Not to mention it's more work that it's probably worth. Why not try and work on the audio...boost the audio and try running noise reduction to clean it up a bit. In other words try and work with what you have.

The *only* shots I "re enact" are the exchange of rings and sometimes the lighting of the unity candle if it's located in an akward position. Good luck with it.

If you want post an MPG of it and I can tell you if it's salvagable.

Danny Jones
September 30th, 2004, 08:46 PM
k...thx Glen. I think I will work with doing montage of sort. Like you said it may require more time than needed to patch up the shot.
Thanks again.....

Rob Lohman
October 1st, 2004, 03:28 AM
The following has been fixed according to Sony: A bug has been fixed that could prevent burning to -R/-RW media when using the Matsushita UJ-810 drive.
A bug has been fixed that could prevent burning to -RW media when using the LG/Iomega GSA-4081B drive.
A bug has been fixed that would prevent saving of chapter markers to MPEG files from the Timeline window.
A bug has been fixed that prevented preview on an external 4:3 NTSC monitor until you reapplied the NTSC DV setting in the Format drop-down list on the Video Device tab of the Preferences dialog.

Rob Lohman
October 1st, 2004, 03:50 AM
I sometimes use comments, but not much. I do use it to get all
sort of info from my project into Excel though!

My main backup for all the footage are my tapes. I never re-use
them and they stay safe, dry and out of sun light. Then usually
the project sits on a harddisk here as well (depending on size)
and the full project is backupped to DVD. Including all source
files (which I have renamed to takes, scenes and status etc.),
project files, music, audio, effects, output (tests) etc. etc.

Thusfar I did not have any projects over 15 minutes, so usually
I'm able to hold it all on 5 DVD's or so.

Glen Elliott
October 1st, 2004, 06:45 AM
<<<-- A bug has been fixed that prevented preview on an external 4:3 NTSC monitor until you reapplied the NTSC DV setting in the Format drop-down list on the Video Device tab of the Preferences dialog. -->>> a BIG one...for me at least. Tested it last night and indeed it works PERFECT.

Peter Jefferson
October 1st, 2004, 09:31 AM
lol, well at least there are afew of us here..

Peter Jefferson
October 1st, 2004, 09:35 AM
"It is great for the people who want to bring over an AVI file and let DVD-A automatically pick the bitrate to get everything to fit. So it should not be a hinderance to you."

see i use the encoder within DVDA to determine the bitrate for projects over an hour and 10 minuts.. BUT if i were to add a file which required no rendering (ie an m2v file from Dolby Labs to be used as pre-menu video/ac3 it wants to re-encode it to "fit"

this i dont like and no matter what u do to try to turn that off, it wont let u.. :(

Edward Troxel
October 1st, 2004, 10:10 AM
I don't have an MPEG2 file on the computer here for quick testing but the File - Optimize screen should allow you to set that any compliant files are to NOT be touched. However, I'll admit to having NEVER pressed the "Fit to Disk" button. I always render in Vegas and make sure my files are small enough (from the bitrate chart in the newsletter).

I'm not doubting what you're saying - just wondering if you can't reset it on the optimize screen.

Adi Head
October 1st, 2004, 11:03 AM
i capture tape from dv device.
when capturing is done a "save as" window pops up.

what exactly is vegas asking that i save?
the capture?
what information is it saving?


Edward Troxel
October 1st, 2004, 12:00 PM
Is it when you are exiting the capture program and it's asking to save the "sfvidcap" file? By saving that file, you can more easily recapture from tape should the need arise.

Joseph Lawrence
October 1st, 2004, 12:35 PM
I did some searching on the forum before posting, but didn't find this question answered.

What filter plug-ins can be used to make video look like a hand-drawn color animation? I would like specific filter combinations, and if possible, samples of the results. I'm looking for an effect similar to the "Waking Life" appearance.


Joseph Lawrence