View Full Version : New Peaking Controls

Matthew Ernest Adams
July 2nd, 2007, 10:41 PM
Anyone have any tips on how/why to use the adjustable horizontal and vertical peaking that is added to the menu with the most recent upgrade?

Richard Lesser
July 3rd, 2007, 03:13 PM
Good Question. I to hope someone can help.

Matthew Ernest Adams
July 11th, 2007, 09:34 AM
So was I. Anyone?

Good Question. I to hope someone can help.

Matthew Ernest Adams
July 21st, 2007, 10:12 AM
... to see if anyone knows about the new peaking controls. I know what they do, I am just curious at to why you'd need horizontal/vertical control?

Thierry Humeau
July 21st, 2007, 12:09 PM
Anyone have any tips on how/why to use the adjustable horizontal and vertical peaking that is added to the menu with the most recent upgrade?


I just left all the settings to their default values after upgrading the camera firmware and am just pleased the improvements. The biggest change I see is that the peaking adujstment is easier to control than before because it is less sensitive.


Grigory Volovich
July 21st, 2007, 12:18 PM
Sorry for horrific english.

Peaking operate like aperture correction.
In VF aperture correction has constant ratio between horizontal and vertical aperture correction (AC)
Horizontal AC simply raise amplitude on definite frequency, like tone correction on sound amplifier.
Vertical AC raise amplitude in line on the basis of correlation (ratio) between values of amplitude line by line.
Very similar to unsharp mask.

Main aim for use separate Horizontal and Vertical AC - take maximum thin outline (contour) or precision focus in VF.

Matthew Ernest Adams
July 22nd, 2007, 09:46 PM
Thanks for the information...I realize what the tool is used for, but what is the purpose of having such specific control other than increasing and decreasing the peaking?

Sorry for horrific english.

Peaking operate like aperture correction.
In VF aperture correction has constant ratio between horizontal and vertical aperture correction (AC)
Horizontal AC simply raise amplitude on definite frequency, like tone correction on sound amplifier.
Vertical AC raise amplitude in line on the basis of correlation (ratio) between values of amplitude line by line.
Very similar to unsharp mask.

Main aim for use separate Horizontal and Vertical AC - take maximum thin outline (contour) or precision focus in VF.

Grigory Volovich
July 23rd, 2007, 02:19 AM
Apparently, in such a way, we make more observable very thin details. At least in theory.
At least in theory, also, you need tune up ratio between horizontal and vertical peaking and
after that gently rotate peaking on VF ( according to composition of scene ).Very funny.
In practice...In God We Trust.