View Full Version : NLE Mac / Final Cut questions from 2002
Rik Sanchez May 5th, 2002, 01:31 AM I haven't up graded to FCP 3 but on FCP 2 I did that effect. After making the title I put in on Video track 1, I put the video clip I want to put into the text on Video track two.
Next I select the video clip on V2 and go into the modify>composite mode> and select Travel Matte-Luma. If you have multiple title tracks, it will only fill in the text with video on the track right below it. I made a qt movie of the two title tracks(two different title clips, V1 & V2) and re-imported it into FCP and then did the composite mode- travel matte-Luma again and then it put the video into all of the text. The same can be done in AE, but haven't gotten around to learning AE.
used to subscribe to the newsletter-DV "la vida loca", I think that's what it was called and that video in the text was one of their weekly "tips".
Hope this helps.
btw, Happy Cinco de Mayo
Bill Markel May 5th, 2002, 06:33 AM Gentleman,
Thanks for the speedy reply. Looks like I have some "playing" to do today.
I appreciate your help.
Ken Tanaka May 5th, 2002, 10:16 AM Rik,
Thank you for the FCP tip! Happy Cinco de Mayo to you, too!
John Locke May 5th, 2002, 11:30 AM The fact that the music is royalty free is the good news. The bad news? Have you listened to any of it?
I've wound up using a couple from there recently in a short feature I shot. It took me forever to surf through dozens of samples and find two that were "adequate." Like always, you get what you pay for.
With that in mind...don't forget the option of making your own. It's amazing how many shows use really simple percussive background a simple guitar rhythm, or piano or any other instrument. One of my favorites is "Dead Calm." It's basically just someone "heavy-breathing" a rhythm. (I may wind up making my own for this project anyway since I'm not very happy with the two samples I picked from iTools).
Rik Sanchez May 5th, 2002, 07:29 PM Bill, thanks for reminding my about that video in the text effect. Had forgotten about it and now I'm reworking some titles using that effect.
In the FCP 2 book by Lisa Brenneis, page 547(the compositing section), there is more on this effect. In case you don't have her book I recomend you get it, it has been very helpful getting me through FCP.
Have fun.
Thanks Ken, always happy to spread what little knowledge I have.
Bill Markel May 7th, 2002, 04:27 PM Rik,
Thanks for the tip. Works exactly as I wanted.
Rik Sanchez May 7th, 2002, 08:04 PM Bill,
glad to hear you were able to acheive the effect you wanted. let me know if I can help you in any other way. see on the boards,
Scotland Scott May 14th, 2002, 03:24 PM Ive just done my first project.
A football (soccer match) i recorded.
I originally compressed the edited footage out of FCP2 as a quicktime file using the default codec(dont know which this one was).
when viewing back on quicktime the pixels were all hazy and jumpy - it was so unwatchable - I also burnt it to dvd and tried it there also- again it was unwatchable still
I then compressed the file again with the sorenson codec but still not much improvement.
I tried again - this time with the dv video codec, the image has certainly improved but not what i would call 100%, I know about video noice but its worse than that.
Have you guys any suggestions for the best exporting format and codec - The files will be going on DVD
Joe Redifer May 14th, 2002, 03:59 PM For files going to DVD you want MPEG2 720x480 best quality. Be sure to encode that from the original DV source material and not something that has been compressed and recomepressed 100 times in various formats. For web I usually make my Quicktimes Sorenson (never Sorenson 5, though) with a quality setting of about 65%, 29.97fps or 15 for smaller files. Size =320x240 or 160x120 for smaller files. Never a limit on the file (where it says "Limit file to 192kbps" or whatever it says). Sound = Stereo IMA 4:1 44100.
arenhansen May 18th, 2002, 02:00 PM hi,
the easiest thing to do is to make a FCP reference movie.
Export->FCP movie->make self contained. There is ZERO quality loss(until your DVD authoring program gets ahold of it). Compressing it beforehand makes no sense.
arenhansen May 18th, 2002, 02:03 PM ...actually, I screwed up. For a reference movie, UNCHECK the box make self-contained. This way, the file just points to the media on your hard-drive, which saves space and time.
Scotland Scott May 18th, 2002, 02:39 PM thanks for the replies guys,
after trying compression a few times with different codecs,
i finally made a final cut pro movie.
this worked well with apples idvd2, and i now have a good dvd of my football(soccer) match
Kevin McCarthy May 21st, 2002, 03:53 PM If you don't mind a PC, AVID DV Express Ver 3 is pretty good.
I'm currently cutting several shows on one.
Nice hi-res NTSC monitor, two 22 inch computer monitors, studio speakers, trancoder for s-video and compostite, "Rosetta Stone" to control RS422 remote for UVW-1800, plus the latest Dell computer
All for less than $5000
It looks and acts just like the regular version of express.
At home I have FCP, After Effects and a "Snow" imac which works great too!
Joe Redifer May 21st, 2002, 06:03 PM I want to get one of those new dual 1Ghz Macs. But I refuse to purchase one. Why? Because they are not using DDR RAM yet. Does anyone have any word on when Apple will finally see the light and make computers with DDR RAM? It really does make a difference. I think they offer a server that has DDR but I don't want a server. Does the system bus in Macs still run at only 100MHZ?
I dream of the day when Macs are fast by todays standards.
ChipE_MrDVD May 22nd, 2002, 12:56 AM This is probably a dead horse (thread is nearly a month old, purchase has probably been made) but....kick kick kick.
I stayed away from Macs as long as I could until all of this FIreWire stuff started a couple of years ago.
I had my PC running with Premiere and was pretty happy.
Then I tried getting FireWire (already installed) to work with Premiere (Note, bad configuration from the PC manufacturer, FireWire DOES work with Premiere on many systems I've come across).
I couldn't get MY PC to work with Premiere and FireWire.
I picked up an iMac, plugged it in, plugged in my camcorder via FireWire, started iMovie, captured some video, edited some video, took the iMac back, bought the (then) top of the line PowerMac G4 w/SuperDrive.
Sure you can get RT cards for the PC, but with FCP 3.x you don't need anything other than a G4 500mhz or faster to get RT.
If you go PC, you'll end up working with Premiere and After Effects, and still won't have the flexibility and power of FCP (IMHO). Apple never intended to compete with Premiere, they set their sites on AVID...and are starting to bite (OK small tiny baby bites) at AVID's business.
If you already had a PC, I'd say go with Vegas Video.
If you were already familiar with (and couldnt' live without) AVID, I'd say get AVID DV Xpress (on a Mac, not a PC).
If you want a nice turn-key system that will scale from simple home movies up to feature films, go G4, iMovie, FCP.
- Chip
p.s. Everything Ken said...I agree with.
Allan Sargan May 22nd, 2002, 01:43 PM Wow, this thread is back up again! Anyway, I am really glad that you guys replied bec. I havent bought the system yet. I was planning on getting the MJ-12 PC editing system at
Now I tried to look at the MAC system and it is definitely a very popular system for editing. I kinda went back to looking at PC bec. of the "no rendering" capability of Canopus. But at the back of my mind I still think that FCP is the way to go.
I need a dv editing system ASAP. I want to get a price quote on the system Ken listed above. I havent received a quote yet. Anyway, do you guys know anybody in Chicago or online, besides "MacSpecialist" (they still need to get back to me), that can give me a turnkey dv editing system?
Ken Tanaka May 22nd, 2002, 02:13 PM By "turnkey" do you mean that FCP is already installed? I ask because, that relatively small task aside, a Mac basically -is- a turnkey system. Adding a 2nd ATA drive (such as the IBM DeskStar) is a 5-10 min job with a Mac, even if you're a compu-klutz. The side flips down and the drive carriage is right in front of you. Much easier than the anthropological dig required by most PC's.
If you're really in a hurry, I'd recommend putting most everything together at (outstanding site, excellent service, very competitive prices and impressive inventory). Unlike many PC's the Mac itself is a relatively fixed-price item. You won't find more than a $10-15 variation for a specific configuration among vendors. You'll pay shipping, of course, but with Chicago's 8.75% sales tax you'll likely save money on such a large sale.
sergeant May 30th, 2002, 09:57 AM Just got FCP 3 and my new G4 1G dual... It's loaded with 1.5G ram and two Seagate X-15 Hard drives (striped), plus an 80G IDE for the main....
Problem is, no matter what, I constantly get dropped frames, even on the tutorial... Have cleaned EVERYTHING out, started FRESH, reinstalled all software, but still get it.... Have also removed all added hardware and everything by process of elimination, with NO change...
David Bogie May 30th, 2002, 03:53 PM It's not a bug because it doesn't happen with everyone's system.
The most likely causes for dropped frames are trying to capture to your startup drive or to a drive that isn't fast enough to handle the data stream.
Do you drop frames when attempting to capture to each of your drives?
Why did you stripe the x15s? Are you capturing uncompressed component?
If your RAID is the only volume that is dropping frames you've got a SCSI problem. Those are easy to cure or nightmares, depending on your familarity. If all of your drives are dropping frames there is something fundamentally wrong with your FireWire setup, most likely.
Can you play back without dropping any frames if you use imported files from tutorials on CD or DVD?
<<<-- Originally posted by sergeant : Just got FCP 3 and my new G4 1G dual... It's loaded with 1.5G ram and two Seagate X-15 Hard drives (striped), plus an 80G IDE for the main....
Problem is, no matter what, I constantly get dropped frames, even on the tutorial... Have cleaned EVERYTHING out, started FRESH, reinstalled all software, but still get it.... Have also removed all added hardware and everything by process of elimination, with NO change...
Thanks -->>>
Aaron Frick May 30th, 2002, 04:05 PM I just upgraded on my media100 from grafitti 1.0 to boris red 2.1 and every title I had in my system is now way out of whack. Any suggestions on how to open grafitti once I have installed red?
Ken Tanaka May 30th, 2002, 05:48 PM Dropped frames (DFs) were a frequent problem with FCP 1.2.x and became less prevalent with each successive release. Now with FCP 3 it seems to be somewhat of a rarity...which, of course is no consolation to you, sergeant.
DF's can be a real bogey-man induced by a relatively wide variety of causes. On a brand-new system such as yours my bet would be with your settings or your RAID configuration. RAID can be a -very- tricky animal and, to some degree, it can be overkill for FCP. I would look first at your RAID. If possible, de-install the RAID and install a single drive on your ATA bus to determine if this is the culprit.
BTW, you didn't note whether you're using OS 9.x or OS 10.x.
sergeant May 30th, 2002, 07:48 PM OX10 latest edition.... Had removed ALL drives but main... Nothing in the system but the ONE drive which is on the ATA buss (80G Baracuda) ... EVERYTHING else is out... STILL the same... Zeroing out that main hard drive as we speak and going to reload all.... Zeroing was the ONLY thing I haven't tried... Maybe something on that drive thats corrupting the files... 80G, taking over 8 hours so far, and about 3/4 done now.... Hope the hell that does it.... Even has Apple stumped... Did every test under the sun and the hardware is fine.... It's definately a software problem and they're not sure if it's FCP or OX10 at this point....
sergeant May 30th, 2002, 07:58 PM <<<-- Originally posted by bogiesan : It's not a bug because it doesn't happen with everyone's system.
The most likely causes for dropped frames are trying to capture to your startup drive or to a drive that isn't fast enough to handle the data stream.
Do you drop frames when attempting to capture to each of your drives?
Why did you stripe the x15s? Are you capturing uncompressed component?
If your RAID is the only volume that is dropping frames you've got a SCSI problem. Those are easy to cure or nightmares, depending on your familarity. If all of your drives are dropping frames there is something fundamentally wrong with your FireWire setup, most likely.
Can you play back without dropping any frames if you use imported files from tutorials on CD or DVD?
Be sure to check FCP forum and Apple FCP forum for a different kind of expertise.
<<<-- Originally posted by sergeant : Just got FCP 3 and my new G4 1G dual... It's loaded with 1.5G ram and two Seagate X-15 Hard drives (striped), plus an 80G IDE for the main....
Problem is, no matter what, I constantly get dropped frames, even on the tutorial... Have cleaned EVERYTHING out, started FRESH, reinstalled all software, but still get it.... Have also removed all added hardware and everything by process of elimination, with NO change...
Thanks -->>> -->>>
It's not hardware and not in capturing... It's only in playback.... Stripped the X15's as they're only 18G drives and they run at 15,000 rpm 3.5 dt.... Runs just a litle bit faster than a single drive and don't have to switch drives if they filled up at 18G.... No, not uncompressed... Just a big project.... About 24G in size... Not using main drive for any capture or work..... Unit is dedicated for editing only...
Jeff Donald May 31st, 2002, 08:47 PM Hi,
The 80 gig AT drive should be partitioned into at least three partitions. OSX and FCP 3 on one partition. OS 9.2 on second partition. Third partition should be for media files. Capture and playback with the media, OS and FCP 3 on the same partition can cause problems. Are the dropped frames occuring when you are printing to tape or just playing back from the timeline?
sergeant May 31st, 2002, 10:43 PM <<<-- Originally posted by jtdonald : Hi,
The 80 gig AT drive should be partitioned into at least three partitions. OSX and FCP 3 on one partition. OS 9.2 on second partition. Third partition should be for media files. Capture and playback with the media, OS and FCP 3 on the same partition can cause problems. Are the dropped frames occuring when you are printing to tape or just playing back from the timeline?
Jeff -->>>
Thanks for the reply.... The software comes loaded as it was.. Now getting rid of the 80 G AT drive ands putting the system on one of my X15 drives... Going to use the 80G for storage only... It's slower then hell, but OK for that purpose.... 9.5 access @ 7K rpm... The X15 is 3.2 @ 15K... Much faster... X15's never caused a problem... Ran them in my PC, loaded to the hilt.... I did zero out the Mac drives and reloaded everything and it SEEMED to clear up the situation, however, I'm not satisfied with the speed.... As of now, I'm zeroing out everything again and will load onto my X15's... I'm beginning to think it's the mismatch in speed or the slow speed that may be causing the problems... Never had this with Premier 6.0 on the PC with the X15's... Problem was, Premier was just too limited, even with After Affects, for me..... Will let you all know what happened after I get it ready to run....
Jeff Donald June 1st, 2002, 03:50 PM Hi,
The AT drives are plenty fast if your are only capturing DV. The specs for AT 7200 RPM drives far exceed the requirments of DV. SCSI is needed if you are doing uncompressed video. It is a known issue that have the system software (OSX), the program software (FCP3) and the media (your digital files from the camcorder) all on the same partition will cause dropped frames.
If you require SCSI for uncompressed video via a third party board from Aurora, Pinnacle or Digital VooDoo check the Apple site to make sure your SCSI controller is approved by Apple for FCP3 and OSX. If your board is not approved by Apple the drivers for your board are probably the source of your dropped frames. If your board is approved then go to the boards MFG's site and download the latest OSX drivers and reboot.
If you want a really killer AT drive system get the 133 Sonnett Raid card and two 120 gig Special Edition drives from Western Digital. Their speed is exceeding Ultra 3 SCSI drives. The total cost in only $600.00.
Jeff Donald June 3rd, 2002, 10:54 PM Save your pennnies and see what Apple bring out at Mac World in July. I am sure you see DDR memory in the new G4's and some other goodies. The discounts on the dual 1gig G4 will also look very good. I use a dual 450 and I figure I'll have to upgrade in a year or so. when I bought mine In January of 2001 it seemed like it was screaming. Oh, well. It still does does what I bought it for and more. Such is the state of computer hardware.
Steve Nunez June 4th, 2002, 06:43 PM Hello everyone,
working on a small project (dv) with a few tracks of audio (about 6) and I have noticed that upon playback onscreen- all the audio plays fine..if i try to Print To Video back out to a mini-DV camcorder- the video has certain audio elements missing- as if they've been muted or not even processed.....if I export the sequence as a .mov file- the audio is present again- anyone have any idea why the audio (only certain small parts on 2 tracks) isn't playing back out to dv?
Using a 933 Mac G4 quicksilver with FCP 3.0
Thanks fellas...
Ken Tanaka June 4th, 2002, 08:31 PM Hi Steve,
I've not had much practice printing to tape with FCP so I'm not sure what's happening. But, for what it's worth, I have a suggestion. Make a copy of the sequence you're trying to print to tape and mix-down the audio to 2 tracks before performing the export. Then see if the problem recurs. Another wild-hair brainstorm that may be worth checking is to see if each piece of your audio is at the same sampling rate.
Martin Munthe June 5th, 2002, 01:34 AM I own a Dual 450 too. The fastets mac I ever owned was a 7100 80mHz. The operative was blazing fast and stable. How can this be? Well, each system upgrade get heavier to run. My dual 450 is not as fast as when I bought it. Not by a long shot. I used to be able to play Unreal without any lag at all. I can't do it today even though it's the same software. I imagine the heavier system software is designed to make our computers feel old so that we keep buying new hardware. Macs are great computers but when will the industry come to sense? They are creating a need for DDR that perhaps we would not need if they could write the darn system the right way. Don't get me wrong. I love speedy hardware and DDR. But I know that in a year that hardware will not be as fast as it was when I bought it.
Jeff Donald June 5th, 2002, 02:07 AM The audio mix down should do the trick. Also check under preferences for real time audio playback and and set it lower if necessary.
Joe Redifer June 6th, 2002, 12:47 AM Well I suggest running some sort of system diagnostic tool that can report the speeds of your computer such as CPU processing, HD read/write speeds, system rescources used and all of that. Run this when you first get your new system. Then run this same exact software after you've updated the OS a few times a couple of years down the road. Make sure everything is equal, such as if you have an application running in the background make sure you have it running again when you re-test.
My single 450 G4 Mac is just as fast as it was when I bought it over 3 years ago (or whenever it was when the G4's first came out--- a few months after that). The problem is that I have since used faster computers here and there. So my 450 Mac SEEMS a bit slower by comparison. But it still is pretty zippy. Of course I don't use (or even allow) Virtual Memory and completely defrag my HDs once every few months.
When in July is Macworld? I usually watch that via streamed Quicktime (eeewww).
Jeff Donald June 6th, 2002, 05:06 AM Macworld is the 15 through the 19. Big, big rumors flying about, but I don't think you'll see G5's yet. I think DDR on the high end G4 and speeds around 1.2 to 1.5 ghz will be big news.
Are you running OS X or 9.2.2 ? OS X does not have the snappy feel of OS 9.2.2 yet. But when Jaguar is released in July a huge performance increase will be seen.
Joe Redifer June 6th, 2002, 07:31 AM Will we have to pay to get Jaguar? I hope not. Every time I hear about it I get horrible visions of the awful Atari Jaguar video game console. Oh the pain!
Martin Munthe June 6th, 2002, 10:14 AM Jeff,
I run 9.2.2. I have to since I'm using an Igniter card (no X drivers yet). I've been using Mac professionaly since the eightees and use all kinds of tools for diagnostics. My Macs are slower on 9.2.2 than they were on 9.1. In 9.1 I could run full screen graphics in iTunes with no problem. That is not the case in 9.2.2. All game graphics are slower. Since video editing puts very little demand on realtime graphics I do not notice any difference in that field. New codecs are also rendering faster. It's the GUI and 3D that are slower on 9.2.2 that are written for faster hardware. If this was not the case I could run 9.2.2 on my old 1400 PowerBook. I can't.
Jim Sauza June 6th, 2002, 05:12 PM Thanks for the post Adrian I enjoyed reading it
Ken Tanaka June 6th, 2002, 08:53 PM Indeed, the article is a concise, gobledygook-free overview of the Mac tools and, more importantly, the basic process of video editing. Typical Web Monkey style, eh?
Adrian Douglas June 7th, 2002, 11:15 PM All through college when I was learning Internet related multimedia development I found Web Monkey to be a great source of info. Not gospel, but always useful.
Mike Finnerty June 9th, 2002, 07:01 PM OK, here's my dilemma. I've been gearing up to buy a new PowerMac G4 Dual 1ghz, but now I'm not sure if I should wait and see what happens at MacWorld NY in July. I'm trying to decide if I should take advantage of some of the nice savings being offered right now by Apple. I could save $300 on the G4 and $200 on the 17" studio display....that's money that I was probably going to spend on the system anyways, but now I could put it towards a second hard drive and towards FCP 3. Any thoughts? I'd appreciate your feedback!
K. Forman June 9th, 2002, 07:24 PM It doesn't really matter what you do. When you buy what you want, whether it is based on price or performance, you'll feel screwed because they will either drop the price, or make something better/faster the next day. You can't win.
Get what you need now, and clench the next day, but don't keep waiting for them to slow down for you to decide.
Jim Sauza June 10th, 2002, 06:40 AM To some degree I agree with the Capt, L1. That is my Brain says wait for the next super upgrade and my heart is won over with each new release.
In the end Capt. gets my vote, Get it now and start enjoying it now. After all whar ever you get is much better (faster, sleeker, cheaper) than last years model IMHO. But have fun
Ken Tanaka June 12th, 2002, 02:42 PM Historically, the value-spot for purchasing computers is to buy the model that was just supeceded by the newest model. If dealer inventories of, say, the dual 1GHz are glutted you can expect some price reductions when the next models are introduced.
So, if you were asking this question last March I'd say just buy and cry. But since MacWorld is just around the corner you -might- be wise to wait a few weeks to buy the dual 1GHz Quicksilver in the event that Apple introduces a new hair-shirt model.
Jeff Donald June 15th, 2002, 09:06 PM What type of work do you do? The current G4 Dual maybe way over kill for what you do. I bought my current machine in January 2001 just a week or two before Macworld SF. I wish i had waited. The little bit faster speed would have made a big difference in features available to me.
Jeff Donald June 15th, 2002, 09:21 PM Joe-
To the best of my knowledge Jaguar will be free, but the next major upgrade will have a charge associated with it.
I agree, I've noticed the same decrease in speed with OS X. I'm hoping Jaguar will help but I doubt it. The real answer is the after market Nvidia and Radeon video cards. I know that doesn't help much, but with the latest release of Radeon drivers for OS X I've noticed a big increase in 3D speed.
John Klein June 16th, 2002, 03:55 PM I need to make a call to see if my tape was duped or anything but I just saw one of my cable b-casts and the top (white) end sucked.
I use FCP which has something akin to a waveform monitor and I've got a couple of questions.
In FCP there is a saturation button which shows quite different levels than without the button pushed (where it shows what I believe to only be peaks). What is the correlation of the peaks to the saturation levels? And can you be Ok with the peaks (near or at 100IRE) and not OK with the saturation levels?
My tape (if it's the same one I submitted) showed 95 to maybe 100 peaks (man in off-white robe), but the SAT level was about 103. I've seen stuff blown worse, with SAT levels about 110, so I wouldn't think that just over 100 would be too bad. Played fine at home (sorry just a nice TV, no monitor), not on air.
No audio "interference" was apparent, but the whites were crushed and the contrast seemed to be higher than I've seen on my other stuff.
Any idea about the different levels of IRE shown in FCP's WF monitor? There's even different levels of SAT which confuse me even more.
Assuming they duped it via composite lines (from one pro deck to another) could that have messed up my tape enough to get the levels outa' wack?
Jeff Donald June 16th, 2002, 06:50 PM Hi,
You don't say what size market your in, but most stations (even in large markets) don't spend alot of time and effort making dubs for broadcast. If you provided a mini Dv tape it was copied to another format and there lies your problem. I worked for a short while at a station in Cincinnati. The job of copying tapes for broadcast was usually given to interns. Not much care was given to see that high quality dubs were being made and broadcast. I would suggest for optimum quality you ask the station what format they use for broadcast. Then take your miniDV tape to a good post house or duplication facility and have a dub made to give to the station for broadcast. Stations can be very particular about the bars and tone at the front etc. so get the stations exact specifications
On the question of levels I keep my peaks at 95 to 98. I never go over 100.
Peter Wiley June 16th, 2002, 09:32 PM Not using a monitor can be misleading. Many consumer TVs have filtering circuts designed to doctor the broadcast image.
John Klein June 16th, 2002, 09:54 PM I'm going from FCP to the DVCPRO tape that should air. If a TC break is detected, it's possible they made a dub. I looked at another "movie" I output to tape. Then in the Log/Capture mode I re read the readings. That's why I'm wondering now about the difference in readings vs. sat. levels. One was OK and another, not.
Just where is white, white? If you only go to 95, is that white? Is it possible to have 100 that is not white? ie..can colors be at 100? Maybe that's part of the saturation levels? I think I'm clueless with regards to colors, contrast levels and the ol' NTSC relationship. I also question the output of our cable system. I just want to do my part.
Jeff Donald June 17th, 2002, 06:45 PM Sorry, when I saw broadcast I missed the cable part. Cable stations do use miniDV as source, but I would still double check. Up until a few years ago I knew of cable stations still using 3/4 u-matic for broadcast. I don't use the waveform monitor/vectorscope in FCP much. I have an external one from my old production company I still prefer to use. The video signal can be broken in luminance and chrominance. Luminance is the intensity of the video signal. This differs from the brightness. Brightness is sensory and cannot be measured. The color video signal contains two components: luminance (brightness and contrast) and chrominance (hue and saturation).
Your vectorscope measures chrominance. If color portions of the signal are over saturated this can cause your colors to bleed. White, however, is not a color as far as NTSC is concerned. Your 103 reading is over saturation of one or more colors that can be determined on the vectorscope.
The waveform monitor can show both luminance and chrominance. Switching your settings is probably showing one, then both readings. For DV i never go over 95 to 98 for my luminance. Digital is not like analog when the signal is over driven. The digital signal just clips and the results can be blown out highlights.
You are right to question the cable system. Find out if your master was aired or copied.
jeffyr163 June 18th, 2002, 04:47 PM Hello. I am new to Premiere and a newcomer to this board. I am having a problem.....probably an ID 10 T error (IDIOT ) .
I am on a MAC and have Premiere 6.0.
I create a new movie, import a clip, and drag an effect over the clip. For argument sake lets say color balance. I make my adjustments and see the adjustments I am making, but when I play back the video the effect is not visible. I see my keyframes in the keyframe line, see the effect listed above the keyframe line, see the effect in the history and effects control tab, but when I play back it does not appear.
Can anyone help ?