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Ken Tanaka
December 16th, 2002, 08:11 PM
Good for you, Rik! Let us know how your iBook works out. I'm sure many folks would dive at a cool-looking iBook if they were assured that it would work well for editing with FCP.

John Locke
December 17th, 2002, 04:14 AM
Can anyone tell me how I'm supposed to mixdown the audio in FCP? There is a command in the menu for mixdown audio...but that isn't doing what I thought it would.

When I'm compressing using Cleaner, my final output file sizes are still way too big...even for high quality settings (85mb for a 6 minute 320x240 and white no less). Adrian said he figures that it's due to my having multiple audio tracks after adding music, lots of layered foley, and the regular stereo audio from the video footage itself. So, I started looking for a way to mixdown the audio to one track...and don't see how it can be done.

Any other advice on how to knock the file sizes down without losing too much quality?

Rob Lohman
December 17th, 2002, 06:08 AM
I assume you are exporting to QuickTime. If so, open the quicktime
file with the quicktime player and check its audio & video properties.
This can tell you:

1. how many tracks you actually have
2. what the datarate for each track is

Then you can see if this is a problem or that you just need
to find a better codec/compression. What codec are you using?

Paul Sedillo
December 17th, 2002, 06:47 AM
<showing a complete lack of knowledge>

Wouldn't it be better to do the audio work in a program other than FCP? From everything that I have read, FCP is not the best at handling audio. My projects have not required more than 4 tracks, so I am very curious as to the limitations of FCP (ref. audio).

John Locke
December 17th, 2002, 07:48 AM

Actually, I never export to QuickTime. I export it raw as an FCP file. Then, import that into Cleaner. The quality turns out a lot higher that way. Cleaner lets you set the ouput of the audio, but Adrian said he thinks that if I mixdown my audio prior to exporting to Cleaner that that will drop the file size substantially.


I've tweaked certain clips in Peak then imported those into FCP projects, but overall I've used FCP to do almost all my audio. It's got all the "basic" tools and filters. It's just limiting when you want to go beyond the basics. So far, I haven't needed to. I'm sure an audio expert could take my FCP audio and do wonders with it in another program, but I don't know enough about other audio editing programs to do anything over and above what FCP can do (with the exception of some special effects).

Jeff Donald
December 17th, 2002, 08:17 AM
The audio mixdown creates a non-destructive (means you can undo your mixdown) single audio track for playback only. It reduces your playback load considerably. However, you're not playing back. You want to create a file for export. Do you have DVD Studio Pro. If so, you can create your compressed audio file (AC3) in it.

Are you using Cleaner 6 yet? You can also set the audio compression etc. in it also. I imagine you can do it in 5, but I don't remember. Age is terrrible, the mind is the first thing to go.

Paul Sedillo
December 17th, 2002, 08:20 AM
I wonder if the next version of FCP will adress the audio issues? :)

Jeff Donald
December 17th, 2002, 08:23 AM
I'm also hoping for improvements in the audio department. I would guess that they might also bundle it with something better than Peak LE.


Paul Sedillo
December 17th, 2002, 08:28 AM
I have Pro Tools LE (which came with my MBox) and have not even begun to understand how to use it. Plus it only runs in OS 9, which is the only application that needs that OS. From what I understand, Pro Tools is the cats meow when it comes to audio.

Rob Lohman
December 17th, 2002, 11:19 AM

I was reffering to the output from Cleaner, not FCP. I assume
Cleaner outputs QuickTime?

Mark Austin
December 17th, 2002, 11:34 AM
I have also had one #$#* of a time with my audio in FCP3.0. I guess I'm a geek-meister but after using real audio tools for years, FCP is worse than pathetic, and Peak LE is much harder to use than nessasary. ProTools is actually a very easy program to use hence the fact that it has become the de facto standard for audio editing. It's no wonder that audio is as neglected and confusing for videographers, the tools are poor and difficult to use. Logic Audio is a very robust program but probably too complex for what we (video folks) do, but a Logic Le designed intoFCP(x) would be the ticket, Apple are you listening???. I have used some of the Sonic Foundry stuff (VV, VA, Sound Forge) and they are awesome, truly professional audio tools that come integrated into the program not some cheesy toss in "LE" bundle. I have mastered dozens of CD's in Sound Forge it's that good. Why, when we spend thousands on video NLE software for the Mac, don't we get a real audio NLE included? Sorry to get on my soap box again, but this is a very sore subject for me.

Linc Kesler
December 17th, 2002, 01:18 PM
Mark, since you like the audio tools in Sonic Foundry stuff so much, how do you feel about the video editing in Vegas Video? My work is in oral history, and getting clean audio (sometimes under less than ideal circumstances) is a real issue. I do my best to get it clean on site, but normalizing levels, and removing the occasional distraction is really critical for me.

Linc Kesler

Steve Nunez
December 17th, 2002, 07:00 PM
Why is it that manuals and refrences suggest we use either a white or 18% grey card for white balancing if their both far off in color (from each other)? Wouldn't using a white card produce a different offset than a grey card- how does the camera achieve seemingly identical perfect white balance if we can use either a white or grey card? Wouldn't it have to be one or the other?

Phil French
December 17th, 2002, 10:53 PM
Thanks Jeff. I went and checked out both Reason and Rebirth. Reason looks like it might be the ticket. Reason looks to be much more flexible and expandable than Storm. I did note that it is twice the price, but looks to be worth it.

Alex Taylor
December 17th, 2002, 11:25 PM
Aliasing happens when square pixels try to make a diagonal/curved image, so you think they would make some crazy new pixel shape to accomodate.. I wonder how feasible circular pixels would be :)

Vic Owen
December 18th, 2002, 12:01 AM
Good question, Steve. I've used both, with little discernable difference. When setting-up in a theater, the grey card in my Portabrace bag is frequently too small to zoom into, so I've used a larger poster board. I keep thinking I should spray it light grey, but not sure why....?

We'll have to wait for the "big guys" to weigh-in...

Paul Sedillo
December 18th, 2002, 03:55 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Simon Davies :

Is there a way to make those edges sharp again?



You might just give the opposite a try and soften the edges. If you look through your Effects tab, you will see a Glaussen Blur. Apply it to the clip in small increments and adjust it (settings) to fit your need. When I am having problems with edges not looking good, I usually give this a go. Learned this trick from similar situations in Photoshop.

Not sure if it will fit the bill for you, but thought I might offer a different perspective.

Robert Knecht Schmidt
December 18th, 2002, 04:01 AM
"Aliasing happens when square pixels try to make a diagonal/curved image, so you think they would make some crazy new pixel shape to accomodate.. I wonder how feasible circular pixels would be"

It's pixel size, not shape, that should be blamed for aliasing. Cf. Nyquist's theorem.

Linc Kesler
December 18th, 2002, 10:21 AM
I think that in theory anyway, the white and grey cards should have the same color characteristics, but a different brightness level. In still photography, the gray card represents a mid-level value (zone 3? zone 5? I don't remember!), where the white card gives the highlight level. A reflected metering of the gray card should give the same reading as a metering with an incident light meter, so it's the more general basic reading, but since highlights tend to be the critical loss area for slide film, the white card is often used to check contrast. As to which works better for color balance, I don't know. I guess it depends on the "neutrality" of either on the given card. I do know that if I have my exposure set on manual when I'm setting up (my usual), the camera seems to find its white balance better if I adjust the exposure when focusing on a white card, since it is otherwise overexposing significantly.

Linc Kesler

Charles Papert
December 18th, 2002, 11:26 AM
That's pretty much it, Linc. The "color" of both an 18% card and a white card is the same, it's just the brightness/reflected luminance that differs. For purposes of white balance, either will do. I know that for years I only have used white cards (and continue to do so) and that the first time I have heard of using a grey card was here in this forum, and the reason given that the white card can cause overmodulation in the signal (+100% white). The method I have always used with video is to fill the frame as much as possible with the card, then use the momentary automatic iris to allow the camera to find its best exposure, then perform the white balance.

The gray card is intended to be used both as a metering/exposure aid and to be photographed at the head of a scene to allow for more efficient color correction in post-production.

Simon Davies
December 18th, 2002, 02:09 PM
That's a very interesting point Robert. I now remember reading something in a manual about the virtues of round as opposed to square pixels. I'll check this one out.


Curtis T. Stoeber
December 18th, 2002, 03:04 PM
Wasn't the original question HOW to mixdown audio in FCP? It's under the same menu as RENDER and is titled simply "Mixdown Audio".

*Oops, misread the question*
Just export all of your audio as a stereo 48khz AIFF file. That should do the trick. You can go further by importing that AIFF file, deleting al of the other audio from the timeline, and then placing the new stereo (or mono) AIFF file into the timeline and then exporting your FCP movie.

Anyway, I find FCP excellent for audio use. My projects usually have 24 tracks or more of audio alone. I always mix for Dolby Digital 5.1 channel (making an AC-3 file using DVD Studio Pro). I have made mixes that I feel rival certain real movies. I know how to use effects and when. I also know not to overuse certain things. I'm not Gary Rydstrom or anything, but I feel that I do audio very well using FCP. I don't use FCP to record original audio or apply filters. My audio rarely needs any kind of filters. But as far as editing and crossfades, etc it is brilliant and easy.

Mark Austin
December 18th, 2002, 04:59 PM
<<<--since you like the audio tools in Sonic Foundry stuff so much, how do you feel about the video editing in Vegas Video? Linc Kesler -->>>

I guess I have invested enough time and money in the Mac stuff that switching ships now would probably be counter productive. I do own V V and Sound Forge, so I find myself moving audio between the two platforms (Mac/PC) fairly often. For music that's not that much of a problem really because I'm not editing my music related audio to be used in another program, just for CD output. I use ProTools for the multitrack recording, then tweak the final (post mastering) files in Sound Forge to normalize them, then I'm done one song, one file, burn a CD master done end of story.

If you consider that for sound in FCP you can't always build your complete audio tracks unless you actually build your video tracks first, it then becomes a problem. I have to load FCP get my dialog etc in, export the AIFF into ProTools add music, export to AIFF import into FCP ad nausium, until you have the final project, then export from FCP master the audio in ProTools, export to Sound Forge (on PC) to normalize, then export back to FCP for the final render.. Doesn’t that seem like a long arduous process when it could all be done from within FCP if it had a decent set of audio tools.

<<<--I'm not Gary Rydstrom or anything, but I feel that I do audio very well using FCP. I don't use FCP to record original audio or apply filters. -- Curtis T. Stoeber -->>> I could do audio really well in FCP if all I had to do was crossfades, but that's hardly "doing audio" is it? How do you record and mix those 24 tracks? And how do you sync dialog, Foley, and sound beds to your final picture from outside FCP?

<<<--Just export all of your audio as a stereo 48khz AIFF file. That should do the trick. You can go further by importing that AIFF file, deleting al of the other audio from the timeline, and then placing the new stereo (or mono) AIFF file into the timeline and then exporting your FCP movie. -->>>

This just exemplifies my point, this is a complete waste of time!!! In/Out/In/Out; it's retarded, my point AGAIN, why can't we just do this from within FCP? It's an absolutly awesome pixel pusher but without decent audio tools it's a flawed program. Maybe I'll have to eat Crow when FCP4.0 comes out, but that's one bird I look forward to!

my 2-1/2 cents

John Locke
December 18th, 2002, 06:16 PM
Has anyone ever used these filters before this new OSX release?

Jeff Donald
December 18th, 2002, 07:25 PM
I wouldn't rush out and buy them until FCP 4 is released. Who knows what might be bundled with it. The $100 savings is good until 2/21/03.


John Locke
December 18th, 2002, 11:12 PM

What's the ETA for FCP4?

Jeff Donald
December 18th, 2002, 11:27 PM
It's rumored to be around MacWorld SF. I don't expect it any later than Valentine's Day. I also expect to see new G4's around that same time. I don't expect any big speed increases. They'll need a new processor and the IBM chips won't be ready until fall. Several iApps are due revisions around MacWorld and 10.2.3 should be released before the end of the year. Developers will receive 10.3 (beta) at MW SF or just afterwards. Final version should be ready next summer. So much for the latest rumors


Curtis T. Stoeber
December 19th, 2002, 03:48 AM
I've done "ADR" or dialog replacement many, many times. What I do is have the actor wear headphones while watching a tape of the original dialog, or from the timeline in FCP. It then records through mr. microphone to mr. minidisc or other recording device. This is done until the dialog matches, and I have had extremely convincing results. I record using minidisc usually and if I need to adjust audio I do it in any number of sound editing programs for the Mac. I agree that this could be built into FCP. Foley work is quite easy. Crossfades are basically used for music editing which I feel is best done in FCP so I can match it precisely to the timeline.

Mixing the 24 (or more, sometimes less) tracks is just like mixing anything else. Except the Mac does not have a realtime 6 channel audio output card for this (that I know of) and FCP does not support 5.1 channels of audio. So basically tracks A1-A8 are devoted to center channel, A9-12 are devoted to left, etc etc etc. The number of actual tracks depends on the needs of the project. I then would make only tracks A1-A8 active and export a mono 48khz 16-bit AIFF. I'd do this for all channels and make an AC-3 file. I write the project to DVD-RW and watch it in the "screening room" so to speak. I listen to see if any level adjustments and whatnot need to be made. Sure, it is a lengthy process, but the limitations of the Mac make it necessary and plus my computer room is not exactly audiophile quality (though it is good). Throw in the obnoxious noise that the fans in these new G4's make and it gets even worse to set levels properly in here. It usually takes anywhere from 1 day to 5 days to do a sound mix on a 5 minute project. And I love every minute of it!

Paul Sedillo
December 19th, 2002, 03:52 AM
It will be very interesting to see the new changes. I would expect that they will address the 24p situation (thanks to Panasonic). As we have talked about before, they REALLY need to address the audio.

Someone was telling me that it is fairly simple to upgrade a G4's processor. Is this a true statement?

Mark Austin
December 19th, 2002, 04:52 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Curtis T. Stoeber It usually takes anywhere from 1 day to 5 days to do a sound mix on a 5 minute project. And I love every minute of it! -->>>

Unfortunately, my music stuff is in a production environment so I have to get my projects done fast due to the workload I have. I don't have the luxury of taking five days to do one number. I just got a CD mastering project that is ten albums 15-16 songs each due by Jan 1st, and I have to run sessions on top of that too. If had to do my FCP projects like that I'd never get anything finished.

<<<-- Mixing the 24 (or more, sometimes less) tracks is just like mixing anything else. Except the Mac does not have a realtime 6 channel audio output card for this (that I know of) and FCP does not support 5.1 channels of audio. -->>>

The ProTools Digi 002 does 5.1 and just uses a firewire hookup, it also does 32 tracks at 24/96 and sounds great. Logic Audio / Cubase / Nuendo does the same with dedicated hardware but with no track limits (128+tracks). None of which can be used from within FCP. Projects like yours that take five days should only take a few minutes, I'm all for enjoying the "moment" but if I ever want to get to the point with video that I am with audio, FCP will have to get with the program..Time is my greatest enemy :)

On another note: yet another company gets with the audio program..
December 18 - Pinnacle Systems announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire all of the stock of Steinberg Media Technologies (Cubase/Nuendo) AG based in Hamburg, Germany. Steinberg specializes in digital audio software solutions for consumers and professionals.
These people obviously see the need to get the proper audio tools to be first rate.

Pick up a copy of Mix magazine, it's loaded with great info on audio recording tools. It's the holy grail of audio magazines.

Simon Plissi
December 19th, 2002, 05:08 AM
I wouldn't bother with them. We had a copy were I used to work an I only ever used two of the effects, Zoom Blur & Light Sweep. At one point they were the "must have" filters for After Effects but since then many similar effects have been integrated within After Effects itself and Final Cut. And there are also many cheaper plug-ins available which produce similar effects for the ones you're most likely to use. They're really over priced too.

As for rumours, well, as Mac users it's our stock in trade.

Surely Apple will start to integrate some of their acquired audio and post-production know-how into FCP. Wouldn't damage their specific product lines if they were to beef up the audio, which is a must for FCP anyway, and compositing in FCP. But who knows with Apple.

Simon Plissi
December 19th, 2002, 05:18 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Paul Sedillo
Someone was telling me that it is fairly simple to upgrade a G4's processor. Is this a true statement? -->>>

I believe so. I know someone who tried it, even though he eventually sent it back for a refund because it was faulty. If he could do it then anyone could. Whether it's worth it is another matter. Apple do make it hard for these kinds of upgrades. One can't just swap G4 processors and expect it to work. The upgrade manufactures also have to write new firmware updates for major OS updates to allow the new chips to be recognised by the motherboard/OS. So, you will be at their mercy to constantly write upgrades to allow the chips to work.

Paul Sedillo
December 19th, 2002, 05:23 AM
<<<-- Originally posted by Simon - X :
I believe so. I know someone who tried it, even though he eventually sent it back for a refund because it was faulty. If he could do it then anyone could. Whether it's worth it is another matter. Apple do make it hard for these kinds of upgrades. One can't just swap G4 processors and expect it to work. The upgrade manufactures also have to write new firmware updates for major OS updates to allow the new chips to be recognised by the motherboard/OS. So, you will be at their mercy to constantly write upgrades to allow the chips to work. -->>>

That would make sense. I spoke with Dell Computers today and inquired about upgrading my laptop processor. After the representative quit laughing, he said that the only upgrade available is a new laptop. <shook my head in disgust>

Paul Sedillo
December 19th, 2002, 05:26 AM

Have you seen the plug-in's from Buena Software:

Henrik Bengtsson
December 19th, 2002, 05:51 AM
Anyone here purchased a non-Mac specific Geforce 4 MX/Ti card for OSX? Im looking at getting me a new card since i want to be able to run 2 screens with minimum of hassle.

Any tips on what card to buy would be greatly appreciated.


Jeff Donald
December 19th, 2002, 07:52 AM
NVIDIA and ATI battle it out for Mac video cards. Unless your playing games or doing high end 3D graphics you don't need too much muscle to run FCP and 2 monitors. In the ATI line I would be looking at the 8500 This card won't break the bank and has more than enough power to run 2 monitors, FCP and do some basic 3D work. NVIDIA counters with the GeForce 4 MX Either card card should do what you need unless 3D animation is your main business.

The card you purchase must be for the Mac. PC cards to not have Mac drivers and the firmware is different. Video cards are platform specific.


Henrik Bengtsson
December 19th, 2002, 08:03 AM
Yes, they are specific when they leave the factory. But most videocards can be re-flashed with the proper BIOS. (This was true for both Geforce2 and Geforce3).

I will have a serious look at the 8500 though since as you mentioned, it's not that expensive.

Thanx for the info,

John Locke
December 19th, 2002, 08:11 AM

Nope...hadn't seen those before. Thanks for pointing them out. There are a couple I really like to get my hands on and play with.

Looks like one more thing for Santa's list.

Curtis T. Stoeber
December 19th, 2002, 05:32 PM
You seem to think that since I said that my projects can take up to 5 days, that ALL of them take 5 days. Not the case. The only reason it takes so long is because I spend so much time at my real job. I don't spend 8 hours a day mixing audio. Also, with the setup you describe, there is no way that it would only take me a few minutes worth of work. It would be drastically reduced, yes, but not THAT much. :)

Jeff Donald
December 20th, 2002, 07:00 AM
I've just started using DVD-10 (dual sided, flip disc) media to archive my completed projects. I burn the finished video on one side and on the other all the elements and media. This works for small projects. I'm still using hard drives for large projects and billing the client.


Nathan Gifford
December 20th, 2002, 08:39 AM
Yeah Jeff, I don't see how DVD can yet be used for backing up DV: it just too compressed. The way disks are getting so cheap, it might be cheap enough to copy to a small hard drive and then put the drive on the shelf somewhere....

John Locke
December 20th, 2002, 08:48 AM
Does plain data get compressed also on DVD? I always thought that data goes in as is, just like on a floppy.

Curtis T. Stoeber
December 20th, 2002, 11:48 AM
It does. That's why he said it works for small projects. I don't think he's trying to fit an hour of DV on one side.

Jeff Donald
December 20th, 2002, 02:11 PM
You can put commercial spots, and other short projects on 1 side as a DVD (MPEG 2) and the raw foootage, graphics, music etc can go on the other side. Program on 1 side, elements on the other. One nice, neat bundle.


Jeff Donald
December 20th, 2002, 05:46 PM
My Holiday gifts to all the Mac users here. Jeff's Top Ten Shareware and Freeware Programs and links to download.

1.) Launchbar - 3.2.6

LaunchBar offers an amazingly intuitive way to control your computer. Just type a few letters of what you intend to do and LaunchBar will do it for you.... Even before you can finish your thought of what to do next - it will be done....... You just hit Command-Space to attract its attention, enter a short, abbreviated description of what you're looking for, and a sophisticated, adaptive evaluation algorithm immediately offers the best matching choice from a list of thousands of possibilities. Start applications, open documents, invoke system services, compose emails or navigate the web - LaunchBar will be your essential servant.

2.) Chimera - 0.6.0

Chimera is a new project aimed at delivering a best-of-breed browser on the OS X platform. Chimera uses Cocoazilla, a variant of Fizzilla that consists of a UNIX back end wed to a Cocoa front end. The cross-platform UI will be replaced with native Cocoa widgetry (such as customizable toolbars and a drawer for the sidebar). The plan is to produce only a browser (no other apps!), and to keep the UI as simple and as clean as possible.

3.) SpeedChimera - 2.0

SpeedChimera allows you to take advantage of speed increase in Chimera by enabling HTTP pipelining in Chimera 0.6. SpeedChimera also provides a GUI that allows you to tweak many hidden preferences and modify standard Chimera preference

4.) Chimera Chameleon - 1.2

Chimera Chameleon is a simple utility that allows you to quickly change the color scheme of the Chimera Navigator interface. The Chameleon comes bundled with six different color schemes, and thirteen additional ones are also available for download from this site.

5.) iPulse - 1.01

Using its concise and visually pleasing graphical user interface, iPulse displays a multitude of information about OS X on the desktop or in the dock. The entire UI is completely configurable so you can turn off gauges you don't want, leaving only what you are interested in for easy viewing.

iPulse's Gauges:

* CPU activity (single and dual)
* System load
* Network activity
* Memory activity and usage
* Disk usage
* Current time and date

6.) Minimize in Place

Instead of minimizing windows to the dock it minimizes to the finder (desktop). This feature was removed from Mac OS 10.2 Jaguar after build 6C48, and now you can have it back! MacTech has created an installer that will automatically install all the files needed to enable this feature again.

7.) TimeDisc - 0.2.2

TimeDisc is an analog clock that uses colored segments instead of hands.

* user selectable colors
* variable size and appearance
* put it on desktop level or above everything else
* make it click-through so it doesn't get in the way
* display seconds in one of two user selectable styles
* hide dock icon
* menu bar clock with full color or icon style clock, weekday, time and date
* select any clock pulse between one and sixty seconds
* reduce process priority
* switch off window shadow
* select any ranking of time units (e.g. hours innermost, then seconds and minutes last)
* use random color selection
* free
* source available

8.) DesktopCalendar - 0.60xa

DesktopCalendar is a tiny application that changes your desktop into a calendar. It also shows today's date on the menu bar.

9.) CopyPaste X - 1.5b11

One of the early wonders of the Mac was its revolutionary ability to do copy and paste across various applications. Unlike other areas in the Mac's system software that have changed and progressed over the years, copying and pasting has not evolved. How many times have you found yourself going back and forth copying in one application and pasting in a different application, wishing to yourself that you could copy 5-10 items at a time, then go to another application and paste each of these items.... CopyPaste-X gives you: Multiple Clipboards Clipbord Archive Clipboard Stack Clipboard Palettes Clipboard Editor Clipboard Tools Save Clipboards Through Restarts CopyPaste Uses Contextual Menus, Key Commands and Drag and Drop CopyPaste is incredible useful for anyone who wants to accomplish more with less effort.

10.) Searchling - 1.1

Searchling is a free, quick and unobtrusive way to access your favorite search sites in MacOS X. Once running, Searchling appears as a small icon in your menu bar alongside your other menulings. Click the icon and a small text field and two pop-up buttons will appear. Enter your search and hit return...poof, you've got results in your favorite Web browser.

* Convenient web searching -- in your menubar
* Hot key support
* Configurable search sites/types
* Automatic update checking
* Sweet fade-out effect

11.) DockFun! - 3.6

The power of Mac OS X's dock... to the tenth power! DockFun! is a tool to run infinite different Dock, without losing the original simplicity of the Dock. Hopefully, DockFun! will not only increase your productivity, but also be a cool application. You can have a dock for internet applications, a dock for Utilities, etc. Further more every dock has it's own size position and properties, so you can have the dock of Internet on the right side of the screen so that makes more space to your browser window... but you can have also a useless dock with huge icons a great zoom effects for show to your friends how much MacOS X rocks!!! Version 3 has an amazing user interface... you won't be able to live without it on you desktop!!!

12.) Net Monitor - 2.9b5

Net Monitor graphs network interface throughput in a floating window, the Dock or the Menu Bar. Net Monitor controls PPP connections, including status reporting.

13.) Synergy - 0.3

Synergy is a tiny Cocoa application that puts three buttons to control iTunes in your menubar: previous track, next track, and play/pause. These controls, together with the ability to control iTunes via system-wide hot-key combinations, mean that Synergy provides the fastest way of skipping between songs when using the keyboard or the mouse; all this without having to switch to iTunes, or accessing its Dock menu.
With other iTunes "remote control" applications you have to give up some screen real-estate to accommodate a floating window, or you have to navigate into a menu extra so as to access the features. In contrast, Synergy, allows you to skip between songs simply by flicking the mouse into the menu bar and clicking one of the buttons. It also offers the ability to assign system-wide hotkeys (for example Command-F11, -F12, -F13) for the play/pause, previous track and next track buttons). Synergy won't take up precious space in your Dock as it appears only in the menubar.

That's it. You got 3 extra because of the extra apps that help Chimera. Enjoy and feel free to post any programs that you feel are useful.

Happy Holidays


John Locke
December 20th, 2002, 07:07 PM
You are THE MAN, Jeff! These are great! I downloaded about ten of them...still trying to get Synergy to work...but the others are fine.

Here's one I can't live without...

iChoose -

Dick Walton
December 20th, 2002, 07:55 PM
Would someone (or ones) suggest a brand/model for a 2-button mouse with scroll. I'm presently in transition from Premiere/G3 PowerBook to FCP/TiG4.


Curtis T. Stoeber
December 20th, 2002, 08:39 PM
I can't be without my MicroSoft Intellimouse Explorer. I think that's what it's called. It's PC and Mac compatible. The "simple" one with a left and right click plus scroll wheel is plenty for me. No need to go for the thousand button version that costs a billion dollars. Requires software install to work in OS 9, but not in X... right click and scroll wheel work fine in that OS natively! FCP seems to ignore the scrollwheel in both OS's, though.

John Locke
December 20th, 2002, 10:28 PM

Any advice on Synergy? That's actually the one I'm most interested in. The system wouldn't allow me to put the "prefpane" file in the system library folder, so I put it in my user library prefpane folder. When I open up system prefs and click to adjust the settings, nothing happens. I have 10.1.5.

Here's a request to any Mac users out there...does anyone know of any apps that do the following?

1. puts a shortcut to a Sherlock search in the menu bar (similar to Searchling above)
2. speaks the time

I used to have two programs with OS9 that did those things, and they were great. But I can't find an OSX update for them. The time app had a very natural sounding female voice and could be set to announce every quarter hour, half hour, or on the hour.

Matt Stahley
December 20th, 2002, 10:29 PM
jeff are you using an internal superdrive and DVD SP?