View Full Version : NLE Mac / Final Cut questions from 2002
Guest December 10th, 2002, 01:07 PM I have one of the new Mirror Macs which have 4 3.5inch slots plus I'm not using both 5.25inch slots, so that's 5.
RAID 10 makes up for some of the speed loss, especially in hardware implementations.
The thing I'm worried most about is the heat, though the Mirror Macs are also Wind Tunnels.
Simon Davies December 10th, 2002, 03:30 PM Hello everyone
I reduced the size of my clip frame and rotated it by less than 45 degrees to give the final result a cartoon like look. The problem I have is the edges of the clip are now 'saw-tooth' like and along with a flickering makes the new look very difficult to watch. I noticed if I rotate the clip by exactly 45 degrees then these consequences disappear and it looks just like normal. The problem for me is that 45 degrees is too much rotation. I want less!
Is there a way to make those edges sharp again?
Ken Tanaka December 10th, 2002, 03:42 PM Simon,
The problem you are seeing is called "aliasing" and it's common.
First off, what tool are you using? I assume you're using Final Cut Pro 3, but I don't want to assume so.
Next, are you observing this problem on your computer screen or on a television monitor?
Guy Pringle December 10th, 2002, 04:25 PM Jeff,
Got a reply from store.powerbook1. He figures once they've tested the Superdrive should be ready in as little as 2-3 months.
Simon Davies December 10th, 2002, 05:06 PM Hi Ken
Thanks for the reply, I'm using FCP 3.0.2, OS X and I'm observing the problem both on the computer monitor and the small portable TV monitor I have too. Is there anything I can do?
Ken Tanaka December 10th, 2002, 05:24 PM There's really no magic bullet to eliminate all of the jaggedness. I would first apply the "Anti-Alias" filter (found under Effects>Video Filters>Sylize). It has a default setting of "1". It will soften your image but it will also help to mitigate the jaggedness.
Render that out and inspect the results. Adjust to taste <g>.
When you're happy with that, and if your clip still has the "jitters" you can try the "Flicker Filter" (under Effects>Video Filters>Video). It basically adjusts the interlacing.
In general, it's best to shoot your original footage on angle (known as "dutch" shots) if you expect to use it on angle in post.
Good luck!
Simon Davies December 10th, 2002, 05:34 PM OK I'll give that a go, thanks for your help Ken
Jeff Donald December 10th, 2002, 10:31 PM Here's some links on RAIDs and drives. Watch the age on some of the articles.
This will make for some interesting reading for you.
Mark Austin December 11th, 2002, 01:03 AM Does anyone know of a card/system like the RTMac that allows both audio and video to be captured (FCP3 OSX)? Does the RTMac work in OSX yet? It's the only one I have heard about and it was supposed to allow a couple or real time transistions without rendering. Any other ideas how to get stuff in and out and reduce my render time? (I DON"T like to render!)
Ken Tanaka December 11th, 2002, 01:21 AM The RTMac still does not support OS-X. It only provided "real time" renders for certain effects anyway. The smart money is on FCP4 to provide a significant upgrade to its handling of effects rendering, so I'd sit tight for a while.
I don't really understand your question concerning capture. The RTMac simply provided a break-out box for composite analog.
Mark Austin December 11th, 2002, 01:31 AM I guess that was excatly what I was thinking, I remember it having some I/O for Audio but I forgot it had analog video outs. That sure would be pretty handy for hooking up a reference monitor though.
I guess it's FCP4.0 then..With Logic Audio and real time effects?
Jeff Donald December 11th, 2002, 07:00 AM I think the RT effects will be expanded on in FCP 4. However, the RT effects will probably be limited. You may still want to render your final project before going to tape. My Avid Media Composer offered RT effects. But in many cases it was counter productive. A 30 minute production would be cut together with RT effects. Then you lay it back to tape. It never failed (at least it seemed that way) that most of the way throughthe copy, the Avid would choke on an RT effect and we would have to start the copy over.
After doing this once or twice and getting burned, the editors would render the production before going back to tape. I read that this is still a problem in Avid DV Xpress. So the bottom line is you will probably still end up rendering your projects.
Matt Stahley December 11th, 2002, 10:48 AM in joes filters de-interlacer what is the difference in the interpolate and field doubling feature? do any of you that use these filter sets use the de-interlacer for motion video or just for stills? i understand what the de-interlacer does etc but am kind of confused about its purpose. i pretty much have used the FCP de-interlace blend trick and now joes filters field blending does the same without an extra vid track and faster rendering. for the money i love these plug-ins!
also is there any more written info about the features of the plug-ins besides what is found on his web site?
any info greatly appreciated.
Phil French December 11th, 2002, 09:58 PM Has anybody tried this program in conjunction with FCP? Ive been messing with the demo version and of course the save and export settings are disabled. I would like to use this for sound tracks, background music etc. The specs say it will output a .wav file, but do not say what quality of .wav (48khz 16bit?). I would be interested in hearing anyone's experiences or alternate suggestions.
Jeff Donald December 11th, 2002, 10:52 PM I've just played a little with Reason and Rebirth. My feeling is Reason is probably the industry standard. The Mac Audio Studios I know usually have Reason. Hopefully someone else has more experience with the software than me.
Jeff Donald December 11th, 2002, 11:19 PM Have you tried emailing him? His email is on his site and he's got a reputation for being helpful.
Ken Tanaka December 11th, 2002, 11:37 PM Of course the author's explanation will be the final word. But I believe this is what he'll say.
Field Doubling deinterlacing takes one field (the upper or lower) and copies to the opposite field, simple as that. That's the most direct route.
Interpolation looks at both fields simultaneously and mathematically generates a synthetic field based on the hue, chroma, etc. of the two original fields. This might produce a smoother result in certain image situations and is worth some experimentation.
Joe's Filters are really a great value. I recently purchased them and they've already become a staple in my tool chest.
John Locke December 12th, 2002, 07:11 PM This doesn't have anything to do with NLEing, but it is a Mac question...and I figured you guys would know the answer.
I use keyboard shortcuts as much as possible...and so, on web pages, I use the tab key to jump from one input to the next. Does anyone know the keyboard shortcut though for backing up? Going back to an input that you accidentally passed by?
Ken Tanaka December 12th, 2002, 07:36 PM I think "Shift-Tab" is what you're looking for, John.
Jeff Donald December 12th, 2002, 08:38 PM One of my students gave me this list. I think it is fairly complete.
In the Finder
Command + W = Close window
Command + W + Option = Close all windows
Command + Right = (List View only) Open folder
Command + Right + Option = (List View only) Open folder and sub-folders
Command + Left = (List View only) Close folder
Command + Left + Option = (List View only) Close folder and sub-folders
Command + Up = Open parent folder (or Home folder if no selection and no opened window)
Command + Up+ Option = Open parent folder and close current folder
Command + Down = Open item, (or Desktop folder if no selection and no opened window)
Command + Down + Option = Open selected item, and close current folder
Command + Option = Create Alias (drag the icon to its new location)
Command + Option + D = Hide / Unhide Dock
Command + Option + Click App = Launch app and hide all other apps
Opion + Click Another App's Window = Switch to the other app and hide current one
Command + Delete = Move selected item to Trash Can
Command + D = Don't Save (while in Save Dialog Box)
Command + E = Eject Disk
Command + C = Copy
Command + V = Paste
Command + X = Cut
Command + Shift + 3 = Take a screen shoot of your entire screen and save to a file
Command + Shift + 4 = Let you define an area of the screen to capture and save to a file
Command + Shift + 4 + Space = Select (with camera icon) and capture a window, or an icon or the Dock. (Jaguar only)
Command + Period = Cancel current process
Command + Drag Another App's Window = Move the other app without bringing it to the front
Tab = Select next field / next icon
Shift + Tabl = Select previous field / previous icon
Control+TAB = (Finder's List View Only) Sort the list by cycling through the columns.
Control+TAB+Shift = ditto, in reverse order.
During Boot Up only
Command + V = Show console message during boot
x = Boot into OS X (only work if your OS 9 and X are in the same partition)
c = Boot from CD
n = Boot from Network Server
t = Put PowerBook into Firewire Target Disk mode
Mouse Down = Eject CD
Option = Bring up a screen for you to choose Start-up Disk (new world machines only)
Command + Option + P + R = Zapp the PRAM (continue to hold until second chime)
Shift (while booting up) = Disables login items and disable non-essential kernel extension
For the Dock
Refer to AppleCare Knowledge Base Document no. 106743
Control + Eject = Bring up the Shut Down Computer dialog
Control + Command + Option + Eject = Shut down the computer immediately
Control + Command + Esc = Force quit current app
Control + Command + Power (or Eject) = Unconditionally reboot computer (may corrupt disk - use as a last resort if computer hangs)
Ken Tanaka December 12th, 2002, 09:18 PM Dang, I won't be able to pick my nose for a while. I just tried "Select (with camera icon) and capture a window, or an icon or the Dock. (Jaguar only)" and I think I dislocated my index finger!
Rob Moreno December 13th, 2002, 02:59 AM I will be working on a project that requires the use of mosaic so that the actor's faces and "certain body parts" are not recognizable. Are there any good plug-ins that would allow me to accomplish this task easily in Final Cut Pro, including controlling the size/shape of the mosaic pattern and motion tracking? Would After Effects be a better choice? I'd rather stay in Final Cut Pro if possible.
John Locke December 13th, 2002, 03:05 AM Whoa, Nelly! Thanks guys! Looks like I'll never have to touch my mouse again.
Paul Sedillo December 13th, 2002, 04:53 AM Rob,
You might want to take a look at Joe's Filters:
I seem to recall a filter there that does just what you are looking for.
Paul Sedillo December 14th, 2002, 08:02 AM I have searched high and low looking for a sound card that will work with my Mac. What I am looking for, is something that will provide 4.1 or 5.1 audio out of the Mac. A front and a rear channel with a sub woofer.
Are there any products out there? The only thing that I have found is the card made by Creative labs. It does not offer what I am looking for.
Any and all help would be most appreicated!
Jeff Donald December 14th, 2002, 08:58 AM I think you 'll have to do it in two steps. There are several cards available, but they only offer digital I/O. Then you feed the Output to an external D/A and you'll have your multi channels.
Look at RME HDSP 9652
Mytek Digital
I believe Motu makes some also
Paul Sedillo December 14th, 2002, 10:12 AM Jeff,
Thank you for the heads up. I will check out those sites and see what I come up with. I've got an MBox, but it does not offer the 4 channels that I am looking for.
Mark Austin December 15th, 2002, 12:39 AM For some (STUPID) reason my upgrade of FCP3.0 doesn't have the full Boris caligraphy, it has the basic text crawl etc. but none of the nice 3D font tools. can someone tell me if it's okay to snag a copy from someone else (hint hint) or is it a no no to do that even though I have paid for and registered FCP1.25 & the upgrade to FCP3.0
Ken Tanaka December 15th, 2002, 01:36 AM Mark,
Are you sure you don't have it? I'll bet that you do. It's a separate installation, not part of the main FCP3 installation.
You should also be able to download the update to the Boris Calligraphy plug-in's from the FCP3 pages at:
Mark Austin December 15th, 2002, 10:01 AM I'm sure I don't have it. It's not on my FCP1.25 install disk, and I scoured the FCP3.0 disk, and ran the installer from there, but it's definately a crippled Boris caligraphy version. I'll try the link you posted.
Mark Austin December 15th, 2002, 10:17 AM I downloaded and installed it and now I have: crawl, lower 3rd, outline text, scrolling text, text, typwriter, title 3D, and title cawl. Is that all of it? The link was an upgrade, so I wanted to check and see if I got everything.
Jeff Donald December 15th, 2002, 10:34 AM I think it was included in the upgrade, but maybe not. Look int the Extras folder and their should be one labeled Boris Calligraphy Docs. If there is, then it is included. Run the installer again and when Easy Install appears choose Custom instead and just check the Calligraphy box. That should allow you to just install the Caligraphy extras.
It might not have been included in the upgrade. In which case check out the Boris site I think they have some end of year deals going on.
Mark Austin December 15th, 2002, 10:45 AM There is a folder call Boris Caligraphy, but it's not the same package as the one on the full install of FCP3.0. It's kind of wierd but it's not the same package as the one Paul Sedillo has installed on his system from FCP 3.0 CD. I'll check the Boris site and maybe if I whine and howl enough they'll take pity on me and float me a full version of Boris :)
Rob Moreno December 15th, 2002, 10:47 AM Paul, thanks for your suggestion. I had checked out the filters on Joe's website before, but it seems that his mosaic filter doesn't allow you to complete the task using the filter alone; i.e., you have to copy the video clip to a second track, create a mask, apply the filter, and then animate the masked layer. I was wondering if a filter exists that allows you to apply a mosaic shape directly to the video clip and keyframe the motion entirely with the parameters of the filter.
Jeff Donald December 15th, 2002, 10:56 AM That's correct, because of the pricing difference between the upgrade and the full version. I doubt Boris will do much, maybe give a little extra off one of their products. It never hurts to ask.
Ken Tanaka December 15th, 2002, 11:34 AM Mark,
"Title 3D" is BC. Sounds like you have it now.
Mark Austin December 15th, 2002, 12:36 PM the patch from Apple it all seems to be working okay now. I can now mangle my text and titles even more than before :)
FYI: my email account seems to be messed up so if you send me anything make sure it goes to
Ken Tanaka December 15th, 2002, 10:49 PM Rob,
Do you have a hard requirement for a mosiac or can you use a blur spot? If the latter, I know that Joe's Filters can do the job. Use the "Soft Spot" filter. You can easily keyframe its orgin in the footage. It doesn't require all of the monkey business you outlined.
Alternately, are you sure you can't get a signed release from the subject? <g?
Rob Moreno December 15th, 2002, 11:18 PM Thanks for the tip, Ken. The Soft Spot filter is more along the lines of what I am looking for, although I don't know if this project would allow me to subsitute mosaic with blur. I've been hired to shoot and edit an adult video for the Japnese market, and, as you may already know, in Japan all genitalia must be covered with mosaic. I've seen blur used instead of mosaic in pornographic magazines, but not in video. I'll need to research this.
Do you already own these filters, Ken? Do you know if you can animate the position of the blur by dragging it on the screen instead of entering in numerical values? Can you change the shape of the mask over time, or only the size? I guess I could just download the demo and find out, eh.
Ken Tanaka December 15th, 2002, 11:29 PM Rob,
Well I'd really like to help you reasearch this project but...I'm a married man <g>.
"Do you know if you can animate the position of the blur by dragging it on the screen instead of entering in numerical values? Can you change the shape of the mask over time, or only the size?"
(OK, I'm trying to evaluate your questions clinically rather than imagine how such attributes might be important for your project.)
Yes, you can change blur shapes and sizes over time. No, you must use numerical values to keyframe, as with other FCP.
Indeed, you should just download the demo filter set and experiment. That's what I did before I purchased. It's really a great value, particularly compared with other 1-trick-pony filter plug-ins that charge multiples of Joe's Filters.
Good luck with your project. Let us know if anything else, errr, comes up that we can help with.
Rob Moreno December 15th, 2002, 11:42 PM Thanks for the advice, Ken. I'll give those filters a try. It's a shame that I need to put in all this extra work just to make the end product less appealing to the audience. ;-(
Curtis T. Stoeber December 16th, 2002, 12:57 AM I've been lurking here for awhile and I think this is probably the best place to ask this.
I have the Academic version of Final Cut Pro 3.0.2 (I'm a student, shoot me now) and am using it in Mac OS X 10.2.2. I am trying to create a dissolve between a simple live action shot and a simple pre-rendered animated title (no sound). When I go to render the program crashes nearly every time. Sometimes it will even get up to 90% rendered before it crashes. I have been able to do this just fine in Final Cut Pro 2. And yes, my animated title is the same size and speed as my live action shot (720x480, Quicktime DV codec, 29.97fps etc). I switched the sequence to "always render in RGB" but the rendering quality seems lower for some reason when I do that, but it doesn't crash.
Anybody have any suggestions I might be able to try?
Ken Tanaka December 16th, 2002, 01:47 AM Glad to have you join us!
Well yours is a difficult question and will be hard to precisely pin-down. Since you only indicated problems when rendering I'm going to assume that all other operations seem to work normally, eh?
My approach to tracking down such problems, in general, is to try to figure out what the program's really doing behind the scenes. In the case of a render operation FCP is reading your footage files and writing "synthetic" footage files that contain facsimiles of the modified footage frames. So the first attribute I'd look at is where those render files are being written to. To do this, open your project and go into Preferences then look at the Scratch Disks tab. Is the disk to which the render files are being written full or nearly full? Do you have access to another internal disk or Firewire disk? If so, try changing the location of the "Video Render" setting to that disk.
If you don't have a 2nd disk, I'd recommend exiting FCP, deleting all of your project's render files from the location (specified on the settings found above), empty your trash, and then try re-rendering your affected sequences. I'm betting that something funky's going on with respect to either your disk space or within a render file. BTW, what type of Mac are you using?
(In general, it's best to keep all of your media and render/scratch files off of your main system drive, using a 2nd internal drive or Firewire drive if possible.)
Let us know if this has any effect on your problem.
p.s. Absolutely nothing wrong with being a student around here, Curtis. In fact it's a great place for students!
Curtis T. Stoeber December 16th, 2002, 02:13 AM Thanks for the reply. My student comment was made to put me out of my misery, not to defend my status. :)
Anyway, I have a dual 1 Ghz "Mirrored Drive Door" Mac with 512 megs of Ram and all that good stuff. It is fairly new and I have not yet had the time to buy another internal drive, but that is definitely on the list. I have quite a bit of remaining space on the drive, 71.51 gigs in fact. I was working on this project a few weeks ago and it crashed doing the same thing. I just wrote it off as one of those things that happens sometimes. Since then I have run Diskwarrior and defragged (optimized?) the drive. Also since then I upgraded from 10.2.1 to 10.2.2.
What is odd is that once it DID complete the render just fine. It also completes rendering between other clips without any problems. It's just when the rendering is involving a Quicktime that I made from Ray Dream Studio (in OS 9). Sometimes the render gets to 90% or so and sometimes it crashes at 10% or even right away. It almost seems like a CPU issue perhaps. And these Ray Dream Quicktimes are handled effortlessly in FCP2 and 1 in OS 9. I would use FCP 2 except I like the color correction in FC3 in OS X.
Ken Tanaka December 16th, 2002, 02:18 AM OK, next question. What codec are you using to produce the QuickTime clip from Ray Dream? I'm imagining that it's some sort of 3D animation, no?
Curtis T. Stoeber December 16th, 2002, 02:25 AM Yes, it is animation. Ray Dream Studio allows me to export in any Quicktime format available. I always render at 720x480 and 29.97fps etc. The codec is Quiktime DV NTSC. Colors=Millions (according to Quicktime).
Jeff Donald December 16th, 2002, 10:07 AM Upgrade to FCP 3.0.4, it's free. Download it from the Apple site. Is everything on one large partition of your hard drive? Read in the manual about setting up to render in YCrCb. The only difference between it and RGB render should be the color space and not a quality issue. If your project was created in an older version of FCP it may not render in YCrCb or it may need to be updated. Moving to FCP 3.0.4 may solve a lot of your problems. It has for many users.
Curtis T. Stoeber December 16th, 2002, 11:54 AM I didn't know 3.0.4 was available, but that seemed to do the trick! In fact, I don't seem to need to even render simple things like dissolves anymore! Thanks for the help guys! You know it's always good when the original poster of a thread ends up using an exclamation point at the end of every sentence! That means he/she is happy!
Ken Tanaka December 16th, 2002, 12:04 PM I guess this just reinforces the apparent rule of thumb for digital editing:
When all logical solution paths fail, reinstall or upgrade!
Delighted to hear all's well now.
Rik Sanchez December 16th, 2002, 06:56 PM I didn't have enough for a powerbook but instead got the new 800 mhz 12 inch iBook. This is my first laptop, I'm still getting used to the keyboard. I"m off in about an hour to use it on a photo shoot and once I get FCP on it then I'll edit on the go in RT Offline mode, can't wait!!!