View Full Version : Preview On External Monitor Help

Jason Donaldson
June 25th, 2007, 06:27 PM
I have a 17" HP LCD as my main monitor, and recently got a 20.1" widescreen. I want to use the widescreen as my preview monitor. As it stands now, I have both monitors working, (hp @ 1280x1024 and the LG @ 1680x1050) My problem is, when I use the LG to preview in Vegas, the video is only less than a quarter of the size of the screen and not centered at all. I have tried all options in the preview device settings, but nothing seem to make it fill the screen like I want. I have tried setting the preview (best, draft etc) but still nothing...any ideas?

PS: I don't want to use firewire-cam-tv

Never mind guys...figured it out