View Full Version : production studio on xp 64bit...

Mark Leonard
June 25th, 2007, 10:15 AM
anyone know the fix for the cd/dvd rom error that occurs after installing the production studio on xp 64bit. i see it's a known issue and there are fixes but I cant seem to find a post on what to do. basically after the suite install finishes and u reboot, whatever cd or dvd rom drives you have in your pc get the yellow exclamation in the device manager with an error saying the hardware cannot be started. uninstalling the suite fixes the problem.



Mark Leonard
June 25th, 2007, 11:05 AM
well there's a registry hack that fixes this but cant find out what it is :(

Marco Wagner
June 25th, 2007, 01:09 PM
Yes it is a registry hack that I found as well fixes the issue. I'll try to locate it. The only problem I had was I wasn't able to burn discs afterward...

Mark Leonard
June 25th, 2007, 02:02 PM
yeah I found this:

however it's for vista and I dont see the "upper filters" in the registry so I dont want to mess with the lower filters that is there till I get some conformation. some said install nero burning rom 1st and then the studio and the problem wont happen, however I'm not that lucky. and I wont be burning anything with this pc anyway only rom needed so the burning issue wont affect me.