View Full Version : Make a TC burn from H1 in HD...NOT SD

Kevin Martorana
June 24th, 2007, 04:53 PM

Has anyone been successful in doing a direct say DVD....with a TC window burn ?

I don't want to dub the footage to DigiBetacam....with matching code...and a letterbox window....THEN...dub that to DVD for the client.

Any suggestions ? I can't think of any.

Right now...I can go HD-SDI a AJA box...that will give me a composite video out...letterboxed. GREAT. But no TC window.

If I go out the SD output...I can't letterbox....

Maybe there is no way without dubbing ?

Kevin Martorana
June 24th, 2007, 06:43 PM
Well...I think I answered my own post...but I'll tell you how I got around this...and see if anyone had a better idea.

I took the HD-SDI output...into the AJA box (downconverter to SD...with letterbox.) Took the SD output of the AJA box...into the digibetacam deck.
Also took the TC output from the H1 and put that into the digibetacam deck.

Let the digibetacam deck "free run" and external TC source. THEN....took the SD output of the digibeta deck...and sent that to the DVD recorder.

Voila ! Of course audio had to be patched...but that's no big deal.

Wow !

Ya know...I just love this camera....but the flippin' work arounds to use it in a standard edit work flow just kill me.

Anyone else frustrated with that ? This camera makes AWESOME HD video....24F..etc. But getting that 24F just a pain in the butt !!!

FYI...I have a call from AVID....they want ME to tell them how we're integrating this into our AVID Adrenaline HD workflow....GREAT...if they can't figure it out...:)

Has anyone out there found a better way to deal with this ?
My kingdom for a deck !!! :)

Nick Hiltgen
June 25th, 2007, 10:10 AM
Kevin we use the convergetn design box with a camera (hv-10, hv-20, xl-h1 etc) as our deck there were some audio problems initially but it seems as though those have been solved. Miranda also makes an embedder to send the output of the hd-sdi, audio and timecode all throuhg a single hd-sdi port, in addition there's an output with a time code burn in. (one clean, one burned in) you may even be able to downconver that to an sdi signal, but I'm not sure.

Kevin Martorana
June 25th, 2007, 08:46 PM
Thanks NICK....

Yeah..looking to buy a HV10...just for this.

We use the convergent design box also.

Quick question....(don't want to get off topic...but)

Do you have problems BATCH capturing with your convergent box ?

We're using it ...going into the Avid Adrenaline. Seems the long gop recording...just messes with the TC reader in the AVID.

The batch of numbers are all good...but when it goes to cue up on a keeps going back and forth...over the "in" point....because it can't seem to find the ACTUAL tc number....

Nick Hiltgen
June 27th, 2007, 10:34 AM
I do seem to recall having a bunch of batch capture issues and I think you're right, the long gop recording is probably the root of the problem. When you decide to get the hv-10 you should check out the classifieds section of this site. Currently there's one listed and I'll be putting mine up in a couple of days. (I ended up with an hv-20 so no need for both)

Kevin Martorana
June 28th, 2007, 07:02 PM
Thanks again Nick...and I'll do just that !

Kevin Martorana
July 8th, 2007, 07:19 PM
just an update...I spoke with Canon...and they said only the new A1 and G1 can do the downconvert "letterboxed"...

hmmm...wish that could be a firmware update on the H1...

Kevin Shaw
July 8th, 2007, 11:23 PM
If you're talking about HDV footage, you can capture that into Edius and encode out to any format you want with your choice of source or timeline timecode and/or the date and time the footage was recorded. That should work with batch capture too, as far as I know.

Kevin Martorana
July 9th, 2007, 06:30 PM
Thanks Kevin...
The whole idea is to do it in one pass....without having to digitize it into a NLE.

Kevin Shaw
July 10th, 2007, 07:34 AM
The whole idea is to do it in one pass....without having to digitize it into a NLE.

Ah, I see. Have you tried connecting the camera directly to a standalone DVD recorder with the timecode display turned on in the camera?

Kevin Martorana
July 14th, 2007, 11:36 AM
Right now...I can go HD-SDI a AJA box...that will give me a composite video out...letterboxed. GREAT. But no TC window.

If I go out the SD output...I can't letterbox....