View Full Version : Brief Nature Edit

Mike Gorski
June 24th, 2007, 10:21 AM
This is a short nature video that I shot with my first time out with the Canon A1. The video was not color corrected, de-interlaced, or anything special in my NLE system due to the fact I was trying to make a fair comparison between my A1 and my DVC30 that I recently sold. The following video was shot in standard definition, 16:9, at 60i with customization in the "customization file". I used "Cine2" and everything was in manual mode. Nothing in auto.

I have provided two links, the first one is and it has no extra compression like so I suggest that to see highest quality. It is 80 MB. The other link is and the compression is horrible but for those that can't handle the 80 MB I made the link anyway.

I have also provided two links to two frame grabs from the video.

I appreciate all feedback, even if its you telling me it was horrible. It helps. I hope you enjoy some aspect of what I've made. Thanks for you time!

Frame Grab 1 (

Frame Grab 2 ( Source ( Source ( - Horrible Compression.

Trish Kerr
June 24th, 2007, 06:26 PM
Nice nature shoot. Some good shots and camera movements put together on your first outing. I'd just watch out for the hot spots here and there, a little bit was getting blown out, but otherwise fine.

I use the zebra patterns to help watch out for it on mine.

Congratulations on the camera!

Gabriel Yeager
June 24th, 2007, 08:18 PM
Hey Mike!

Some nice stuff you got there! I especially like the closing shot.
I did noticed the stuff that Trish mentioned. So just keep an eye out for that...

Keep up the good work.

Mike Gorski
June 24th, 2007, 10:13 PM
Thanks for the feed back. I did use zebra pattern, I was feeling out that fine line where if you leave a bit slightly over exposed you still get a nice bright image without closing the iris too much. I know there are different settings for the zebra pattern that make it more sensitive I guess? Any imput would help here and thanks for the feed back it is much appreciated!!

Trish Kerr
June 26th, 2007, 05:07 AM
What setting to keep the zebras on is somewhat of a debate

here are a couple of threads on the issues surrounding the diff settings that I found useful - mine is set at 85 or 90 - for skin tone (indoor interview) you'd probably set it lower


Mike Gorski
June 26th, 2007, 03:57 PM
I appreciate it. I had mine on 85% and I just bumped down to 80%. I'll see how that goes maybe 75%.