View Full Version : Tripod & Fluiid Head for Xl1s

Alexis Vazquez
May 16th, 2003, 08:52 PM
Since I'm not happy at all with my current tripod, (the real problem is on the fluid head not the tripod) I'm in the need of a really good one. So please I need your recomendation. Budget will be between 5 to 8 hundred.


Jeff Donald
May 16th, 2003, 10:04 PM
This topic was just covered a few days ago here ( You can use the search button in the upper right to search for more posts and threads about specific models or brands. If you have questions that aren't covered by our archived posts, please post back.

Dylan Couper
May 17th, 2003, 12:19 AM
Out of curiosity, what tripod & head are you currently using?

The Manfrotto 503 yead is pretty good for the dollar, and it's easily in your range.

Alexis Vazquez
May 17th, 2003, 01:35 PM
Hi Dylan,

Its a Davis & Sanford Provista. What I don't like is the panning and tilt, I think the cam is too heavy for it. Sometimes when I want to make a soft movement (up and down or from side to side) it gets stuck and finish with a hard move. like if sombody hit the Cam. No matter how soft youre trying to do it this happen all the time.

Jeff, Youre right I've read some of the last post but I found that some of the recommendations costs are veeery far away from my budget like a 2k, or too low like hundred something. I'm afraid of buy something worst than the one I already have.



Bob Deming
May 17th, 2003, 03:50 PM
Tripods are purchsed for what you need them for.

Lets face it. If you do your work inside a building and the camera is static then a 2X4 and Red Greens' Duct Tape will work to hold the camera down.

Outside is different if your are working in the damn wind. Ya just need something a little better.

Then if you have to pan ya gotta get something better.

Another solution to the tripod delima is a Varizoom ProL. It's cheaper than a new tripod, depending on your use. We put cameras on tripods because we don't want vibration and cameras are sometime damn heavy!

My work is interviews in which everyone is in a sitting position. I have 3 cameras shooting and 3 Veri-zoom PROL's that "I" control myself while the interviewer does his/her job. Plus I have 3ea 5.6 monitors in a rack.

Talk about a one man show!! Once ya get a VZ you will never turn back while that cam sits on a tripod.

Frank Granovski
May 17th, 2003, 04:46 PM
I'd have a second look at a Bogan 503 setup and a Miller DS10---good basic heads for smooth panning and tilting---as far as good basic pods/heads go (for the buck).

Nathan Gifford
May 19th, 2003, 11:47 AM
I'm using a 503 with 75mm ball-leveler for my XL-1. Its a decent head with a great leveler.

Bob Deming
May 19th, 2003, 12:24 PM
Don't like Magnum XL. The rubber grips to loosen or tighten the extension sticks breaks.

The head isn't fluid. It is cool that it does have bubble levels.

For a static mount it is fine. And, that is why I have it.

I also have a Bogen 3160 head with 3011 sticks. This is okay for light cameras but by the time you load and XL with all the goodies this doesn't work. I would like to trade this for something better so I can follow the eagles when they are cruising.

To chase eagles ya have to hand it or mount it on something that can handle the movement. I have problems following a crazy snail after it just gets out of bed.

Robert J. Wolff
May 22nd, 2003, 06:12 AM

I pick a TP head that will handle twice the weight of the camera.

When you start puting rain gear and other accessories, on the cam, it can start to add up.

Just a safety precaution.