View Full Version : 720 24p from HD250 to SD best conversion?

Randy Durham
June 22nd, 2007, 07:38 PM
I just finished editing a project shot on the GY-HD250 and edited in native 24p HDV in Final Cut Pro 6. I have to export a movie master for DVD Studio Pro for the duplication master and I have to provide a Quicktime movie to edit in a 720x480 FCP timeline. I used Quicktime Conversion to export a 720x480 29.97 uncompressed movie and used it to make the MPEG2 movie via BitVice. But I've been unable to come up with a way to export a movie that looks good on a 720x480 FCP timeline to edit with other SD material. All the exports I've tried look soft and the graphics are fuzzy. Any suggestions? Any help is most appreciated.