View Full Version : What about non-competitive entries?

Ken Diewert
June 22nd, 2007, 04:04 PM

Is it OK to submit non-comp. entries for fun? I know the purpose of the challenge is to get people out shooting, but sometimes we need a reason to edit previously shot footage that's collecting dust.

Without knowing the theme, I don't even know that I have suitable footage, but...just wondering how everyone feels about it.

Meryem Ersoz
June 25th, 2007, 08:15 AM
on one hand, the more the merrier. on the other hand, there's an existing "Under Water, Over Land" non-challenge forum which is already here at DVinfo where people can and do post their footage for feedback. i especially don't want people to stray from the theme, there's already plenty of latitude for interpretation. i like our tidy packages that show up every other month. as you know, i have yet to deny an unofficial or ineligible entry, as long as the participant is honest about their content and their motives. but i think there is a shade of difference between not turning them away and actively encouraging them, a line that i don't comfortable crossing. the players are signing up to play a game with rules. that's why they are here, and it's my job to make it an orderly game. so i'm not going to officially sanction entries that don't follow the rules. the game is still too nascent to start breaking the rules. talk to me again in a year!