View Full Version : What settings for Fireworks shoot

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David Ennis
July 12th, 2006, 02:03 PM
peaks of approximately -12dB is usual, but the dynamic range of a firewords show is hard to predict. You don't want the loudest boom to exceed 0 dB.

Mike Rehmus
July 12th, 2006, 02:31 PM
The AGC clamps rather than control gain as far as I can figure out. That's why I set the second channel in manual and the level control at about 1/3rd. That way, when the auto channel peaks, the manual channel is there as a backup and I don't have to monitor the sound all the time (when I'm a one-person band).

David Ennis
July 12th, 2006, 03:47 PM
Apparently you're not talking about the VX2100, Mike?

Mike Rehmus
July 12th, 2006, 03:55 PM
Oooooh, I didn't look at the model. Dang, I hate it when I do that.

Carl Barlow
July 30th, 2006, 08:28 AM
Hi guys, I've just got a job to film in a few days time, where basically the main part of the event is a large fireworks display.

This is new territory for me and no time to practice, so, any one have any advice on technique and settings on the XL1s to best capture it.

Rob Lohman
July 30th, 2006, 10:01 AM
Perhaps these threads might be of some assistance:

The other thing I remember is that I had some drop outs that looked like it
may have been caused by loud explosions and big bangs. Then again, it was
freezingly cold when I shot something like that 5 years ago or something

Rajiv Attingal
April 24th, 2007, 06:21 AM
Going to shoot fire works( night shoot) with two camera, canon XH A1 and
Sony Z1p. The A1 is my own camera and I am horing the Z1. Iwill be shooting in HDV mode. I am familiar with the shooting mode of the A1, eventhough I am not an expert in shooting such events. As for the Z1 we are using this camera for
the first time.
So what exposure mode with the A1 is to shoot fire work. I prefer with manual mode with shutter at 50 and iris I think should have to open fully as these cameras are performing poor in low light. I don't like to use any gain settings
because it generate so much noice in the black background. Any one tried any other mode. How about the Night Mode in the A1. I like advice from other
experienced users. Thanks

Michael Ferreira
April 24th, 2007, 07:10 AM
I am not sure if this will help you but take a look at a little how to from izzy.

Rajiv Attingal
April 25th, 2007, 03:53 AM
Thanks for the link. It is nice.

Tom Roper
April 25th, 2007, 08:28 AM
1.) Lay on ground
2.) Light fuse
3.) Get away!

Michael Ferreira
April 25th, 2007, 05:50 PM
1.) Lay on ground
2.) Light fuse
3.) Get away!

LOL nice one

Rick Underwood
June 22nd, 2007, 12:11 PM

I am wondering what you recommend for settings when recording firework displays?

Are there any presets to use?

I have shoot next week with the A1 and its hard to really do testings when the show is only a one time gig. This is also the first show in the area so will really not be able to test it but still was asked to shoot it.

Any help or ideas would be appreciated..


Daniel Browning
June 22nd, 2007, 11:48 PM
I am wondering what you recommend for settings when recording firework displays?

Fort Vancouver has an excellent display that I'm going to shoot with my new XH A1 this year. I've only ever done still fireworks photos, so I'll be learning along with you come July 4th.

Right now my plan is -3db, 30F, noise reduction on, and crush the blacks. Hopefully that will make the sky inky black.

Maksim Yankovskiy
June 23rd, 2007, 12:37 AM
I am planning to play with shutter speed on July 4th to see if I can get any comet-looking trails.

Right now my plan is -3db, 30F, noise reduction on, and crush the blacks. Hopefully that will make the sky inky black.

Daniel Browning
July 2nd, 2007, 01:51 PM
Fort Vancouver has an excellent display that I'm going to shoot with my new XH A1 this year. I've only ever done still fireworks photos, so I'll be learning along with you come July 4th.

Right now my plan is -3db, 30F, noise reduction on, and crush the blacks. Hopefully that will make the sky inky black.

I had an opportuntity to shoot a really impressive fireworks show on June 30th. (Sorry, no downloads yet. Maybe I'll put something up in a week or two.)

I used f/1.6, 1/30, -3 Db, NR1 low, press blacks, and manual focus. I tried 1/15 and lower for a few shots, but I didn't like them. Noise was uncharacteristically high, even for -3 Db, so I couldn't try turning off the NR. The cause for this was that it was hot out, and I was running the camera for two and half hours, so the sensor got too hot. The worst side effect was a vertical low-contrast line that constantly strobed from right to left. Next time I need to have a fresh, cold camera on standby for high-noise situations.

Aside from the noise reduction and vertical strobing line, the footage was beautiful. It was like being there. The angle was wide enough to capture even the biggest fireworks.

Kevin Bowling
November 24th, 2007, 10:57 AM
I'm still living in the SD world with my VX2000 but looking to move to HD. One of my customers is a fireworks company, so I'd like to know if the fireworks footage will be at least as good I had with the VX2000. When I purchased that camera, I A/B'd it with the XL1 to find the best for fireworks. The VX2000 was the winner hands down.

Now I'm looking to move up to HD, and the XH A1 looks to be the best choice for general purpose shooting. Does anybody know how well it does shooting fireworks?

Daniel Browning
November 24th, 2007, 12:50 PM
I'm still living in the SD world with my VX2000 but looking to move to HD. One of my customers is a fireworks company, so I'd like to know if the fireworks footage will be at least as good I had with the VX2000. When I purchased that camera, I A/B'd it with the XL1 to find the best for fireworks. The VX2000 was the winner hands down.

Now I'm looking to move up to HD, and the XH A1 looks to be the best choice for general purpose shooting. Does anybody know how well it does shooting fireworks?

It does very well. Here's a related thread about settings. I shot some XH A1 fireworks footage this year. It appears at the end of this "Celebration of Freedom" video:

720p30 h264 3Mbps, 100 MB (

720p30 Quicktime HD, 200 MB (

Chris Hurd
November 24th, 2007, 01:19 PM
See also this Fireworks sample videos thread:

Kevin Bowling
November 24th, 2007, 04:04 PM

I had looked at the sample videos and at some other footage I found on the web, but they were all shot from too far away for me to really see what I was looking for. This Celebration of Freedom video is perfect. It shows good detail in the breaks that I was looking for.

Looks like I'll be joining the club soon.

Eric Weiss
November 24th, 2007, 05:34 PM
These started going off while we were eating dinner. and yes, I actually bring the camera and tripod with me to dinner.

HDV to SD to MPG2

Kristjan Kruus
December 31st, 2007, 08:58 AM
I am using Panasonic NV-GS 180 3CCD camcorder and i planning to shoot fireworks tonight. I shoot my town sky from my house roof. That camcorder got 37mm lens and i dont have wideangle yet so Is the 16:9 and manual setup good?

Regards, Kristjan.