View Full Version : Short clip from church video

Matthew Rogers
June 21st, 2007, 06:26 PM
Here a clip I thought I might share from a video my company is working on for church use. If you are wondering about the story, it's about Jesus talking about giving a child a glass of water.

Shot on 110u with stock lens.

Let me know what you think.


Neil Rostance
June 21st, 2007, 08:11 PM
Looks absolutely stunning. Did you use a scene file for that?

Might need some more tracking shots though.

(just joking, it has quite enough!)

Matthew Rogers
June 21st, 2007, 08:34 PM
Looks absolutely stunning. Did you use a scene file for that?

Might need some more tracking shots though.

(just joking, it has quite enough!)

I looked up the file on the camera and it's labeled "steve" I know it's a file that I got off the forum here, but I don't know which one it is. It also has Magic Bullet "basic" filter applied. For the most part, that filter just crushed the blacks some.

The lighting setup, which made a huge difference, was 1, 750 baby mole, 2 mini moles, and two 1k lowel dp lights. Inside I bounced the baby against the ceiling and did a hard mini on the talent. For the other inside shots I setup a big homemade silk and fired the two lowel lights through them with a hard mini on the back for a rim light. Outside we setup the silk overhead and then used a white bounce for keylight on the little girl. Overall in the full HD, it looks really nice--very close to a varicam look. I can't wait for my RED cam to do stuff like this--it will look like a million bucks!:)

Do you think there were too many tracking shots? I kinda wish now I had gotten static shots of each one so I could have them either way. My idea was to keep the shots moving to add interest (as this is part of a 6-7 minute teaching video.)

PS. Has anyone else had trouble in getting good skin tones from the 110? Everyone I shoot, no matter their skin tone, seems to turn out a little red. That's one reason I've wanted to try other scene files besides TC3.

Stephan Ahonen
June 21st, 2007, 09:35 PM
Skin tones look fine to me, but if you want them to look different I'd say roll up your sleeves and start tweaking away. Don't rely on other people to create your look for you, it's *your* look.

Jon McGuffin
June 21st, 2007, 11:08 PM
I enjoyed this very much and thought the look was very professional. Skin tones looked okay to me as well. How did you compress that video to make it look so good while only taking up 4 megs?

Drew Curran
June 22nd, 2007, 02:30 AM
PS. Has anyone else had trouble in getting good skin tones from the 110? Everyone I shoot, no matter their skin tone, seems to turn out a little red. That's one reason I've wanted to try other scene files besides TC3.


I agree with you on he skin tone issue. I've had some footage spoiled by charactors faces looking a little 'flushed'. I've had to tweak scene settings to reduce the reds. I've found that trying to fix it in post tends to add grain to the footage.

Nice work by the way - very clean looking footage. Thanks for posting. What type of dolly are you using?



David Scattergood
June 22nd, 2007, 04:16 AM
Fantastic. When all the wrestling over frame drops, FCP not finding the camera et al have subsided it's stuff like this which reminds me how so very well this camera can perform (helped no doubt by your professionalism).

I did notice the tracking shots and perhaps would've liked a couple of static shots but then again with an added soundtrack (I had no audio on this mov?) I have may think differently.
Aye - let us know what kind of dolly you're using.

Thanks for posting this Matt.

Chuck Anschutz
June 22nd, 2007, 06:58 AM
Thanks for posting the clip. Very nice. I'm new to the camera and its helpful to see others' work (and hear about the setups) to get an idea of its potential. I'm locked into the stock lens for a while, so I appreciate watching footage shot with the original.

Buba Kastorski
June 22nd, 2007, 08:59 AM
That is a VERY nice footage,
thinking to trade my FX1 :)
Thanks for sharing!

Matthew Rogers
June 22nd, 2007, 04:38 PM
Hey guys, thanks for the encouraging words. What I used (at least got the idea from) was However, I got this ( off ebay and it works pretty well. It's noisy and and the ball bearing have a little slack in them (or you might say gap) so going at slow speeds can be hard. I'm wondering how much it would cost to get better bearings now and also get a raised platform so my Sachtler Video 18 head goes on it easier.
