View Full Version : A1U Missing Stills?

Marco Wagner
June 20th, 2007, 08:36 PM
While I was on vacation, sort of, I had the opportunity to get very close to some Sandhill Cranes. I took footage and stills, but really concentrated on about 10 stills. From what I could only imagine would be some of the best shots I've ever taken by this cam came to a rude end as the memory stick was missing several still photos, like 80%. I know for a fact that it took the pictures; it made the noise, the shutters closed for a second etc....The stick had plenty of room... Anyone else see this?

BTW here are a few screen grabs, so you can see why I am a tad disappointed at the missing stills I spent more energy on.

Peter Rhalter
June 27th, 2007, 01:09 PM
The same thing happened to me once. I bought a name-brand Memory Stick Pro Duo on eBay. I tried it out and it took pictures, so I thought all was fine. Eventually, after missing many stills, I did some more tests on it. It turns out that the stick was taking ages to transfer the data from the camera, so if I took more than one shot every couple of minutes the additional images were lost. Despite the unopened package, the memory stick I bought was apparently a counterfeit. Perhaps that is why the eBay seller I bought it from is no longer on eBay.

Anyway, the solution was to order a new Memory Stick from a reputable dealer (I got mine from Amazon) and that solved the problem. Now it takes only a second or two to transfer the image to the stick and I've not had a glitch since then.

Best wishes,
Grand Canyon views guide

Marco Wagner
June 27th, 2007, 01:14 PM
Thanks Peter, I'll try another stick. The stick I currently have is the one that came with the camera, sealed in the box.

Peter Rhalter
June 27th, 2007, 03:51 PM

Good luck. I hope that solves it.
Nice pictures of the cranes, too.

Best wishes,
Grand Canyon views guide