View Full Version : Report on JVC D-VHS HM-DH30000
Jacques Mersereau May 15th, 2003, 06:26 PM Hey Gang,
we bought one of those new JVC HM-DH30000 digital VHS decks.
This deck had our hopes running high . . . ahh, disappointment.
First, the price is right, like under $600. We'd hoped to be able to
hook this up and make high quality computer to VHS and DVHS dubs.
We'd also hoped that we could take people's old VHS tapes, put them into
this box and digitize or output them via firewire using it as a transcoder.
Alas, this deck will do NONE of the above. First, the firewire port, though
labeled in/out is INPUT ONLY. Not only that, in the manual, it states that
you cannot _reliably_ hook this deck to a computer, you can only hook it
up to another firewire tape deck or camera. You cannot take a
digital input and record an analog VHS tape.
Here at The Media Union, we'd planned on buy 4-5 more.
but with these firewire issues, we'll be sending it back.
Too bad, but it did sound too good to be true. I thought there was
another more expensive prosumer style deck. Anyone know the model number?
Steve Mullen May 15th, 2003, 06:51 PM <<<-- Originally posted by Jacques Mersereau : Hey Gang,
"We'd hoped ..."
Seems like rather than hoping you could have done at least a few minutes of research.
"First, the firewire port, though
labeled in/out is INPUT ONLY."
The port does OUTPUT MPEG-TS. This deck is designed for HD recording and playback.
"You cannot take a digital input and record an analog VHS tape."
If you are trying to dub VHS you could use an analog connection.
Jacques Mersereau May 15th, 2003, 07:37 PM Hey Steve,
have you ever been to the JVC website and checked out this deck?
From that site, you'd think this deck could do everything asked of it,
even the impossible task of hooking it up to computer's firewire port
and having it work? Oops, I guess they *forgot* to include that.
The HM-DH30000 has a firewire port, most people would think it
could input AND output 1394. Oops, I guess they left that off too.
JVC does NOT say anything about what this deck
CANNOT do on that site. That task is up to those first few SUCKERS who
actually will go out, risk some bucks and buy one . . .
then try it out and report back on the flaws
(like one of the guys in our department. He really wanted it to kick ass).
In any case, your post is not helpful to anyone imo, but very
defensive and confrontational. Why do you feel this way?
Is it because you've written that DV is dead and now feel as if you
have to defend JVC and your honor as one? (Okay, we crossed swords,
can we now move on and keep this professional?)
JVC is going to have a hard time trying to sell this
stuff without input and addressing users' issues, and
a much harder time if it (or its champions) cannot take and use
feedback from JVC customers. Lowering the price $2500 in the last
year may be an indication that the road to acceptance is long and bumpy.
Believe me, I have great hopes for JVC to take the lead in HD, but this
deck just doesn't have the *right* features for what we need here at The
Media Union.
Steve Mullen May 16th, 2003, 01:29 AM <<<-- Originally posted by Jacques Mersereau : most people would think -->>>
If you buy ANY product from an or website without going to a dealer and getting a demo, reading reviews, and checking list serves -- you are setting yourself up for problems.
The JVC deck is covered by several listserves and there are close to a dozen on-line reviews. No where on any site would you find any support for your hopes.
By the way, there is a JVC VTR that does exactly what you want. And, if I could remember the model number I would post it. But it's about $2000.
Peter Moore May 16th, 2003, 10:19 AM Steve,
Despite what you might think, being snippy and having a superior attitude does not make people respect your opinion more - quite the contrary.
Steve Mullen May 16th, 2003, 08:15 PM <<<-- Originally posted by Peter Moore : Steve,
Despite what you might think, being snippy and having a superior attitude does not make people respect your opinion more - quite the contrary. -->>>
Contrary to what you might think I'm not trying to "get some respect." I supply information and comments. If they are valid and useful, they speak for themselves.
And folks who post absurd comments in public really shouldn't expect that no one will notice and comment back -- even be "snippy" back.
By the way, some enjoy snippy! But to any who find snippy offensive, I appologise.
Frank Granovski May 17th, 2003, 03:01 PM We all know many things here, so let's all be friends, hold hands, sing and all the rest of it---and above all, respect each other. :)
Chris Hurd May 17th, 2003, 05:12 PM I would respectfully ask, what the hell, I'll just *require* that those who are snippy, be less snippy; and those who are sensitive, be less sensitive. Then we'll all meet in the middle.
A reminder: this board is an information resource, and it is also a polite, friendly and intelligent discussion forum. In order to post here, you must meet any two of those three requirements: polite and friendly, friendly and intelligent, polite and intelligent. Intelligence alone doesn't cut the mustard. You gotta "put out" with a smile, even if it's a forced one.
Twisting arms,