View Full Version : HV10/HV20 chromakey ?

William Cusick
June 19th, 2007, 09:51 PM
Has anyone tried using either of these cameras for green or blue screen work yet?

This seems like a nice, low cost solution to getting better keyed footage than what my highend miniDV can offer at a relatively low price.

But it looks like some of the footage that I've seen is a bit noisy (ie the clips from Canon's site (yes, the 1080 clip)) and while I'm assuming that is the compression, I'd love to hear from users not employed directly by the manufacturer.

I'm looking to buy in the next 2 weeks, so any replies are much appreciated.

Wes Vasher
June 20th, 2007, 07:06 AM
You do need really good lighting to minimize the noise. I shoot my plates outdoors when possible, guerrilla style. The HV20 does pretty darned good, even with the HDV, I would bet if you had Intensity you are going to have a much easier time keying. Also if you can rotate the camera you'll get more resolution out of the camera.

A shot setup (

Frame grab from HV20 green screen shot (

William Cusick
June 20th, 2007, 10:00 PM
Great tips, thanks. I love the slowmotion dog on your site!

Have tried it with the HV10 or strictly the HV20? The image resolution seems neglible between the 2, and I'd love to not spend the extra $300 if the resolution for keying is the same.

Also, Wes - have you used Magic Bullet to remove artifacting in your keying footage? Do you magic bullet the source and then key it or vice versa?
