View Full Version : Blu-Ray's BD+ is finally ready

Paulo Teixeira
June 19th, 2007, 08:40 PM
This might be considered bad news for pirates but you will start to see much more Blu-Ray titles hitting the market now that the studios feel a little bit more secure.

Harrison Murchison
June 19th, 2007, 10:28 PM
This may help explain what BD+ is.

BD+ is effectively a small virtual machine embedded in authorized players. It allows content providers to include executable programs on Blu-ray discs. Such programs can [15]:

examine the host environment, to see if the player has been tampered with. Every licensed playback device manufacturer must provide the BD+ licensing authority with memory footprints that identifies their devices.

verify that the player's keys have not been changed.

execute native code, possibly to patch an otherwise unsecure system.

transform the audio an
d video output. Parts of the content will not be viewable without letting the BD+-program descramble it.

If a playback device manufacturer finds that its devices have been hacked, it can potentially release BD+-code that detects and circumvents the vulnerability. These programs can then be included in all new content releases.
The specifications of the BD+ virtual machine are only available to licensed device manufacturers.

Media Cop in a box. This is why Disney and Fox and perhaps Lionsgate like Blu-ray. It's not about 50GB discs or any other mythical piece of superiority other than superior DRM.

Harm Millaard
June 20th, 2007, 01:58 AM
This might be considered bad news for pirates but you will start to see much more Blu-Ray titles hitting the market now that the studios feel a little bit more secure.

This may be dampened a bit by numerous complaints about disk rot on BR disks. See the picture below.

Paulo Teixeira
June 20th, 2007, 03:06 AM
This may be dampened a bit by numerous complaints about disk rot on BR disks. See the picture below.
The case is too isolated and if the problem is real than it’s only affecting a small percentage of the Prestige Blu-Ray film. All of the PS3’s games are on Blu-Ray and to my knowledge theirs been no major reports so far.
Everybody is basically quoting stuff they read on the AVS forum.

Anyway for all we know, something must have went wrong in the disc manufacturing of that film.

Mark Kenfield
June 20th, 2007, 07:07 AM
So long as their aren't any restrictions to playing our home-made HD content on Blu-Ray players, I don't mind.

Harrison Murchison
June 20th, 2007, 03:51 PM
As a potential content provider myself I like the idea of having protection that is mutually agreeable.

Meaning my idea of copyright isn't to bar all access to art but rather to ensure that only the copyright owners are allowed to profit from their unique gift of art to the populace.

BD+ is a sledgehammer approach to a flyswatter. The people that "really" want your content are going to get it. The key is to keep the vast majority happy with your product. Happy with the access yet understanding of the limits of their authorized use.