Adam Grunseth
June 17th, 2007, 05:12 PM
I've done weddings before where things didn't go quite as planned, but the wedding that my company was supposed to do yesterday was aboslutely insane. Here is what happened-
Two weeks ago I got a call from a potential client. The client said they didn't want anything fancy, just they wanted their wedding recorded with decent quality and they wanted it cheap. I just happen to have a video package for this type of client, a single camera ceremonly only package with minimal editing delivered on DVD. I went over what the package covered with the client, and they said that is what they wanted. Also, I informed the client that I would not personally be shooting the wedding- rather a camera person I hired was going to shoot it for me. I have a pool of talented people I work with(they are probably better shooters than myself) I only personally attend weddings for the highest paying clients.
I e-mailed the contract to the client immediately, the client knew via our previous discussion they needed to mail me a signed copy of the contract back and that payment must be recieved in full before the wedding. A week passed, I hadn't recieved the contract from the client or payment, but I also hadn't recieved any notification from my e-mail that the client didn't recieve the contract. I called the client to see if they recieved the contract and if they still wanted the wedding video. The client said they had not recieved the contract, but yes, they still very much wanted the video. It is now only one week before the wedding. I checked the clients e-mail address to make sure I got it correct and re-emailed the contract. The client said they would call me in an hour if they didn't recieve it.
One day before the wedding, I still have not recieved the contract or payment from the client. I call- the client says they never recieved the contract. I tell the client that I needed a contract and payment before the wedding, and that I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be able to shoot the wedding. Well, the client gave me a huge sob story and appologized profusely. Finally I agree, I will send my camera guy to the venue and he will bring a copy of the contract with him- but he will not shoot a single frame of video until the contract is signed and he is paid in full. Sense it was too late to wait for a check to clear, they would also have to pay cash. The client was extremely thankful and said that would be great.
The day of the wedding my camera guy calls me to check in at 7pm. He had arrived at the hotel one hour early, he was supposed to make contact with the client at 8pm and the wedding was to start at 9pm. We were to shoot the ceremonly only, and the camera guy was to be there from 9-11pm. My camera guy checked with the hotel, they verefied the wedding was to take place at 9pm. So far so good.
Eight o'clock rolls around and my shooter calls me, still no sign of the client. No guests or members of the wedding party either. The hotel staff is almost done setting everything up, but no one involved with the wedding has yet made an appearence. As soon as I get off the phone with my camera guy the client calls me to inform me he is running a little behind, but he will be there by 8:15. I confirm the wedding is still on for 9pm and remind him again that he needs to sign the contract and pay the camera guy before the ceremony. Then I called my camera guy and informed him that I just spoke with the client, but he should be there in 15 minutes.
Nine o'clock my camera op calls me again. Still no sign of the client or wedding party, although a couple guests have arrived. The hotel staff also has no clue what is going on. I try to call the client, but there is no answer. I tell my camera op just to hang out for a couple minutes.
Nine thirty- the client arrives and tells my camera guy that the wedding is going to be starting a little late. He also says that he can't sign the contract right now, but that he would gladly sign it and pay afterwards. My camera guy tells him no, he needs to fill out the contract and pay in full before the ceremony. The client then tells my camera guy that he needs to go up to a private hotel room for contract negotiations and the money is up there, so that is where he needs to go to be paid. My camera guy declines and says that he can fill out the contract and pay him in the banquet hall. The client dissapears.
Ten minutes after ten my camera guy calls back. They pushed back the wedding to 2:30am. He is slightly upset with me, cause he was under the impression that he was only going to be there from 9-11pm. I told him that is what the client told me.
The client then calls me, very angry, insisting that he told me the wedding was going to be at 2:30am. I reminded him of our prior conversation earlier that evening in which he assured me the wedding was going to start at 9pm. He also tells me I never told him he had to pay or sign the contract before the ceremony. I tell the client that he told me the ceremony was going to be between 9 and 11, and that is what time the camera guy was to be there for. I told him that if the camera operator agrees to stay late, he is welcome to- but he is welcome to leave because this was not at all what was discussed on the phone.
At 11pm my camera guy calls again, says he wants to leave. I told him that would be fine, just let the client know that he is leaving because we were hired to shoot a 9pm wedding, not a 2:30am wedding, and that the client is still refusing to sign the contract.
At 11:30pm the client calls me, very upset. It is his wedding and he can have it wherever he wants. He tells me he was on his way up to the room to get the money and the camera guy just dissapeared when he went up to the hotel room. He tells me that it is somehow my camera guys fault that the hotel kicked them out and wouldn't let them have their wedding at 2:30am there and when he hires a camera guy he is supposed to have a camera guy when he decides to have a wedding. I tell him thats true, but he needs to inform me ahead of time when that his, and when he hires a camera guy to be there from 9-11 that is when the camera guy is going to be there. He then wants to know if he can find a new venue if I can send the camera guy back and promised me that he would pay me 3 times as much as the agreed upon amount after the wedding. I of course declined.
After two more angry phone calls telling me how I personally ruined his wedding and explaining to me how he never told me or the hotel that it was at 9pm and it was always at 2:30am he finally stopped calling.
Just thought I would share my little story- I found the whole thing quite amusing.
Two weeks ago I got a call from a potential client. The client said they didn't want anything fancy, just they wanted their wedding recorded with decent quality and they wanted it cheap. I just happen to have a video package for this type of client, a single camera ceremonly only package with minimal editing delivered on DVD. I went over what the package covered with the client, and they said that is what they wanted. Also, I informed the client that I would not personally be shooting the wedding- rather a camera person I hired was going to shoot it for me. I have a pool of talented people I work with(they are probably better shooters than myself) I only personally attend weddings for the highest paying clients.
I e-mailed the contract to the client immediately, the client knew via our previous discussion they needed to mail me a signed copy of the contract back and that payment must be recieved in full before the wedding. A week passed, I hadn't recieved the contract from the client or payment, but I also hadn't recieved any notification from my e-mail that the client didn't recieve the contract. I called the client to see if they recieved the contract and if they still wanted the wedding video. The client said they had not recieved the contract, but yes, they still very much wanted the video. It is now only one week before the wedding. I checked the clients e-mail address to make sure I got it correct and re-emailed the contract. The client said they would call me in an hour if they didn't recieve it.
One day before the wedding, I still have not recieved the contract or payment from the client. I call- the client says they never recieved the contract. I tell the client that I needed a contract and payment before the wedding, and that I'm sorry, but I'm not going to be able to shoot the wedding. Well, the client gave me a huge sob story and appologized profusely. Finally I agree, I will send my camera guy to the venue and he will bring a copy of the contract with him- but he will not shoot a single frame of video until the contract is signed and he is paid in full. Sense it was too late to wait for a check to clear, they would also have to pay cash. The client was extremely thankful and said that would be great.
The day of the wedding my camera guy calls me to check in at 7pm. He had arrived at the hotel one hour early, he was supposed to make contact with the client at 8pm and the wedding was to start at 9pm. We were to shoot the ceremonly only, and the camera guy was to be there from 9-11pm. My camera guy checked with the hotel, they verefied the wedding was to take place at 9pm. So far so good.
Eight o'clock rolls around and my shooter calls me, still no sign of the client. No guests or members of the wedding party either. The hotel staff is almost done setting everything up, but no one involved with the wedding has yet made an appearence. As soon as I get off the phone with my camera guy the client calls me to inform me he is running a little behind, but he will be there by 8:15. I confirm the wedding is still on for 9pm and remind him again that he needs to sign the contract and pay the camera guy before the ceremony. Then I called my camera guy and informed him that I just spoke with the client, but he should be there in 15 minutes.
Nine o'clock my camera op calls me again. Still no sign of the client or wedding party, although a couple guests have arrived. The hotel staff also has no clue what is going on. I try to call the client, but there is no answer. I tell my camera op just to hang out for a couple minutes.
Nine thirty- the client arrives and tells my camera guy that the wedding is going to be starting a little late. He also says that he can't sign the contract right now, but that he would gladly sign it and pay afterwards. My camera guy tells him no, he needs to fill out the contract and pay in full before the ceremony. The client then tells my camera guy that he needs to go up to a private hotel room for contract negotiations and the money is up there, so that is where he needs to go to be paid. My camera guy declines and says that he can fill out the contract and pay him in the banquet hall. The client dissapears.
Ten minutes after ten my camera guy calls back. They pushed back the wedding to 2:30am. He is slightly upset with me, cause he was under the impression that he was only going to be there from 9-11pm. I told him that is what the client told me.
The client then calls me, very angry, insisting that he told me the wedding was going to be at 2:30am. I reminded him of our prior conversation earlier that evening in which he assured me the wedding was going to start at 9pm. He also tells me I never told him he had to pay or sign the contract before the ceremony. I tell the client that he told me the ceremony was going to be between 9 and 11, and that is what time the camera guy was to be there for. I told him that if the camera operator agrees to stay late, he is welcome to- but he is welcome to leave because this was not at all what was discussed on the phone.
At 11pm my camera guy calls again, says he wants to leave. I told him that would be fine, just let the client know that he is leaving because we were hired to shoot a 9pm wedding, not a 2:30am wedding, and that the client is still refusing to sign the contract.
At 11:30pm the client calls me, very upset. It is his wedding and he can have it wherever he wants. He tells me he was on his way up to the room to get the money and the camera guy just dissapeared when he went up to the hotel room. He tells me that it is somehow my camera guys fault that the hotel kicked them out and wouldn't let them have their wedding at 2:30am there and when he hires a camera guy he is supposed to have a camera guy when he decides to have a wedding. I tell him thats true, but he needs to inform me ahead of time when that his, and when he hires a camera guy to be there from 9-11 that is when the camera guy is going to be there. He then wants to know if he can find a new venue if I can send the camera guy back and promised me that he would pay me 3 times as much as the agreed upon amount after the wedding. I of course declined.
After two more angry phone calls telling me how I personally ruined his wedding and explaining to me how he never told me or the hotel that it was at 9pm and it was always at 2:30am he finally stopped calling.
Just thought I would share my little story- I found the whole thing quite amusing.