View Full Version : Maybe a dumb one...

Peter Koller
February 15th, 2002, 01:30 PM
hereīs a dumb question, but I couldnīt find any info nowhere ( I found something on a Focal Press book some time ago, but donīt remember this anymore):

I own a Spectra Pro IV A Lightmeter (perfect for FILM cameras) and my wonderful XL1.

How can I combine them?

Is there some sort of ISO specification for the CCD or a way to calculate that from the camera specs? It would be perfect if I could use my meter and set it to ISO 100, 200, 400 or whatever the "speed" of the CCD is and set up my lights accordingly.. or am I technically totally off the track here?

Cheers, Peter

Ed Smith
February 15th, 2002, 02:03 PM
If you go to the XL1 watchdog there is a whole review on this topic, or try the search button on the top right hand corner. I'm sure this has been answered before.

Other people might like to have an input in this. I had wandered what the exact ISO level for the camera would be?

No question is stupid or dumb,

Hope these help,

Ed Smith

Chris Hurd
February 15th, 2002, 02:58 PM
Watchdog at > Articles Menu > Camera Head > Two-Part article on this topic. There are no dumb questions here. Many Thanks, Ed...