View Full Version : Cineform License: Only Medium Setting with Vegas?

PJ Gallagher
June 14th, 2007, 11:13 PM
I just noticed in another thread that if you use the Cineform codec that's included with Vegas 7, you only have access to Cineform's "Medium" setting. Is this correct? And if so, how much quality is lost compared to using the purchased version of Cineform? Does the "Medium" setting result in more artifacting?


David Newman
June 15th, 2007, 09:41 AM
Yes, medium does result is more loss then the three mode above it -- High, Filmscan and Filmscan 2. Sony's license only included the default setting. Medium was selected to keep the data rate down but still have a decent image quality. However most CineForm license holders would use High or Filmscan (Filmscan 2 is way overkill.) Download NEO HDV or NEO HD and try out the different quality controls for yourself, to switch back to the Sony license, uninstall NEO HDx and install NEO Player.