View Full Version : Best setting for a commercial

Edgar Dubrovskiy
June 14th, 2007, 12:41 PM
Hi! I have bought XL2 in March - still playing with settings.
Would like your professional advice:

What would be the best setting (shutter, app, gain etc.) for shooting a commercial for a college (high school). Shot both indors and outdors. Would be great to have a good contrast. I will shoot in 25i frame rate. However unsure about the shutter - 25 or 50? What do you think?

Tim Harjo
June 15th, 2007, 03:29 AM
I would have to say at least 50. At 25, your images will blur with hardly any movement. At 50, your shutter speed will closely resemble that of film shutter speed. If the light will allow, you can go for more than 50 if you want more of a "video" look rather than a "film" look. You can also go over 50 if you are going to play back the shot in slow motion.

You may not get a lot of responses here. Try using the search function. If you get creative, you will certainly find threads that contain presets others have used for various shootings.

David H. Castillo
June 15th, 2007, 03:17 PM

50i fps and 25p fps both have there unique looks with different pre sets. The link below is to footage that I shoot with a NTSC XL2 in 24p, 30p, & 60i, however the presets will yield the same look with your PAL XL2. Let me know which piece you gravitate to and I will post the settings


David H. Castillo
June 15th, 2007, 03:31 PM
I mean Edgar, sorry its been a long day

Peter Erfurt
June 15th, 2007, 04:36 PM

The link below is to footage that I shoot with a NTSC XL2 in 24p, 30p, & 60i, however the presets will yield the same look with your PAL XL2.

Allow me to chime in here - what settings did you use for the TV Drama piece - liked the mood a lot!

Peter in Denmark

David H. Castillo
June 19th, 2007, 12:43 PM
Allow me to chime in here - what settings did you use for the TV Drama piece - liked the mood a lot!

Peter in Denmark


Tv Drama Settings were as followed and of course alot of lights

24P 1/48 shutter PAL 25P 1/50 shutter
F 2.8 20x OIS lens

Black- Middle
Color matrix-normal
Color Gain-middle
Colour phase- middle
R gain-middle
G grain-middle
B grain-middle
V detail-Normal
Setup- -2
Master Ped- -2

Jasmine Marie Adams
June 19th, 2007, 05:32 PM
Thanks for the link, David! What are the stills from? The one with the woman looking over her shoulder is lovely. I was also quite struck by the richness of the first video

I'd be very interested in any more settings you have to offer, especially if you could link them to a still or video. (I'm keeping a journal of settings with notes. Hopefully this will help me tweak to create new ones that do what I want them to).

Peter Erfurt
June 19th, 2007, 06:23 PM

Tv Drama Settings were as followed and of course alot of lights

24P 1/48 shutter PAL 25P 1/50 shutter
F 2.8 20x OIS lens

Black- Middle
Color matrix-normal
Color Gain-middle
Colour phase- middle
R gain-middle
G grain-middle
B grain-middle
V detail-Normal
Setup- -2
Master Ped- -2

Thanks a million, David, I'll try them!

Kind regards
