View Full Version : Article on Charles Papert

Bryant Sentosa
May 14th, 2003, 01:20 PM
Hi All,

I'm new to this community and DV. But I saw something cool and interesting about one of members.

I've been reading a lot of the different topics that this forum has available, and saw a major contributor Charles Papert. As I reading one and looking at his name, I glanced over to my desk and looked at my copy of the magazine "Operating Cameraman - The Journal of the Society of CameraOpertators." I saw on the cover of this magazine the name Charles Papert. Then I looked over at my screen again, then the magazine. IT'S THE SAME PERSON!!!

So if anyone is interested in finding out more, go get the magazine the issue date is "Fall-Winter 2002" The article is called "Relationship between DP and Camera Operator."
He's on the set of the hit TV show "Scrubs” (one of my favorite shows).

I would post the article here, but I'm sure I'll be violation of some copyright law. So go buy the magazine. It’s excellent reading material.

The man, the myth, the Camera/Steadicam Operator

Bryant Sentosa

Brad Simmons
May 14th, 2003, 01:24 PM
Yes Charles is a very helpful member here.
Check out this thread for some of his work:

Hey, where can I get that magazine? I can't find it a Barnes and Noble or any bookstore.

Bryant Sentosa
May 14th, 2003, 02:27 PM
I got the magazine at Samuel French Bookstore in Hollywood. Samuel French is a bookstore that specializes in the entertainment industry.

I've seen it at magazine stands, and I do believe that B&N does carry it, but I might be mistaken. Also try the bookstore Borders if they have any in DC.

If you still can't find give me your address and I can send you my copy no charge.

Bryant Sentosa

Here are a couple of locations for Samuel French for those interested.

Samuel French, Inc.
45 West 25th Street - Dept.W
New York, NY 10010
Phone (212) 206-8990
Fax (212) 206-1429

Samuel French, Ltd.
52 Fitzroy Street -Dept.W
London W1P 6JR, England
Phone (44207) 387-9373
Fax (44207) 387-2161

Samuel French, Inc.
7623 Sunset Blvd. - Dept.W
Hollywood, CA 90046
Phone (323) 876-0570
Fax (323) 876-6822

Samuel French (Canada) Ltd.
100 Lombard Street - Dept.W
Toronto, Ont., Canada M5C 1M3
Phone (416) 363-3536
Fax (416) 363-1108

Ken Tanaka
May 14th, 2003, 02:43 PM
Well now you're going to make our Charles blush.

Thank you for passing that along! Many of us here want to be like Charles Papert when we grow up.

Charles Papert
May 14th, 2003, 06:27 PM
And there I was thinking I wanted to be like Ken Tanaka when I grow up!

Thanks, all, for the nods.

Here's the link ( to the SOC who publish that magazine. When the next issue comes out, they may put the article up on the web, not sure when that will be.

Bryant (and others in LA), you should check out the Cinegear expo ( which is partially sponsored by the SOC. It's an amazing opportunity to see and play with all the exotic film gear, cranes, remote heads etc. that you read about or see in behind-the-scenes DVD segments. Unfortunately I have to miss it this year but I highly recommend it.

Chris Hurd
May 14th, 2003, 06:33 PM
Yeah, Chas, aren't you going to be stuck in the Looziana swamps somewhere for a feature shoot at that time?

I'm going to have to find this issue, that mag is not carried by every Barnes & Noble, at least not around here. See it occasionally... it's excellent even without one of our forum moderators on the cover.

Thanks Bryant, congrats Charles...

Charles Papert
May 14th, 2003, 07:13 PM
Two weeks from today we start rolling on "Mr. 3000" ( in New Orleans, then onto Milwaukee. I'm wondering if, between these two cities, there's any possible way I can avoiding drinking myself into the ground.

Bryant Sentosa
May 14th, 2003, 08:52 PM
Thank Charles for the tip on Cinegear Expo. I'll be there.

I've been to both places, and to answer to your question is "Hell NO."

It may be possible that you make it without drinking yourself into the ground, and it may be possible that Hollywood switches to digital cameras when you get back, and purple elephants may dance up my driveway but it's highly unlikely.


Would you mind if I sent you some questions via email. My questions are off the subject of this forum. I would post them but I'm afraid that since it's off the subject, some may not appreciate it. My questions relate to the "Biz."

And no I'm going to ask to be your assistant or volunteer, as cool as that would be :) I'm sure you get that 101 times a day.


P.S. If anyone is interested in getting the journal, and don't have it immediately available in the area, I can mail you one. My copy is free, but Brad has first dibs if he's still interested. Everyone else will cost $9.00 ($7.00 for journal + $2.00 for postal).

Send me an email to if you want one.

Zac Stein
May 14th, 2003, 09:23 PM
Charles, you could meet Fonzie as well!!! :)


Chris Hurd
May 15th, 2003, 12:07 AM

<< My questions are off the subject of this forum. I would post them but I'm afraid that since it's off the subject, some may not appreciate it. My questions relate to the "Biz." >>

Actually the "Biz" is indeed on topic and we have a discussion forum for that, called Totally Off Topic, Everything Media near the bottom of the forum index list... I'd really prefer that we can all share in the discussion. Hope this helps,

Bryant Sentosa
May 15th, 2003, 12:21 AM
Oh excellent...!!!

Sorry, I didn't see it...

Let me browse through it so not to repeat my questions.

thank Chris....


Chris Hurd
May 15th, 2003, 12:23 AM
No sweat Bryant... either that forum or "Taking Care of Business" -- if it relates to Hollywood, just put it in the TOTEM Poll forum down near the bottom of the forum list.