View Full Version : FAM Drivers

Dan Brazda
June 13th, 2007, 10:18 AM
About to upgrade to 1.6 on my 350s and 70s. I see on this forum where it is recommended you upgrade FAM Drivers at the same time. Where are they and do they need to be updated on both camera and deck? What about XDCam Transfer- any updates needed there?

Greg Boston
June 13th, 2007, 12:54 PM
FAM drivers are what you load on your PC or Mac so that it can recognize the camera/deck when attached in FAM mode.

There was an upgrade for FAM back when version 1.52 came out to support long filenames and some bug fixes. To my knowledge, the FAM drivers haven't been updated since then, both Mac or PC. I have both computing platforms and I haven't updated either of them since firmware 1.52 last fall (the biggie that added all that functionality as well as bug fixes).


Dan Brazda
June 13th, 2007, 02:37 PM
Thanks Greg. I've got 1.52 so all is well. When they do upgrade the driver though isn't it just part of XDCam Transfer or do they do separate driver updates aside from the primary program itself?

Greg Boston
June 13th, 2007, 04:07 PM
Thanks Greg. I've got 1.52 so all is well. When they do upgrade the driver though isn't it just part of XDCam Transfer or do they do separate driver updates aside from the primary program itself?

IIRC, in the Mac version, it was integral to the Transfer tool distribution disc image.

Alister Chapman
June 14th, 2007, 02:10 AM
That's correct Greg. On a mac the FAM drivers are part of the XDCAM transfer software.