John L. Miller
June 11th, 2007, 11:29 PM
I am a proud owner of the XH A1 myself, I am not sure this is the place to post my thoughts on HD for DVD but I do not see another forum for this. I have been searching for the most affordable HD for DVD solution for a few weeks now. I have looked for the most affordable format, the most affordable Hi Def DVD players, software, and burners. After all the time I have spent, I am amazed that NO ONE offers an HD DVD burner. Why the heck do they sell the blank Discs? You would think, if toshiba really wanted to win this so called war, they would put out an affordable burner to match the reasonably affordable Players they have. I don't understand at all. I have read they are putting slim line HD DVD burners in laptops. Do they think people are going to buy up all the Laptops just to get the burners? I doubt it...that would put me well above the blu ray cost and turn me in that direction. I realize with Pinnacle authoring software, you can burn HD DVD format on your standard 4.7gb discs and dual layer also. About 1/2 hour HD on standard and twice that for double layer. So far that appears to be the most affordable route, but if someone would get busy on the HD DVD burners for desktops, I cannot see how there wouldn't be a huge shift towards HD DVD. Any thoughts or comments or can someone just educate me further. We could use a sticky on High Definition DVD discuss these things. J